Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition?

Sorry, but I had to ask the question: Is a Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition a feasible idea in the distant future?
For starters, Neverwinter Nights came out the same year as Icewind Dale 2, which is up for grabs as a possible Enhanced Edition project.
In contrast, I realize Neverwinter Nights was built on a newer (no longer isometric) engine, which some might view as modern enough and unfit for being "Enhanced".
So what are your thoughts? I have not seen any Dev commentary on the subject (though IWD and IWD2 were mentioned as being of "interest" to the Devs).
It is more of a curiosity of mine than anything, mainly because Neverwinter Nights is what got me back into the Infinity Engine games after almost a decade of not playing them.
I personally would welcome an Enhanced Neverwinter Nights, after Baldur's Gate 3, IWDEE, IWD2EE, and Planescape: Torment EE of course
Edit: Subtopic - I also remember thinking about how cool Neverwinter Nights could/would have been if the loading screens in Baldur's Gate were correct about transferring your characters to Neverwinter Nights and had come true. Neverwinter Nights on the Infinity Engine? Yes please
I get a kick out of the mods that have brought Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate to the NWN2 engine, because if I had more skill and knowledge (and time) with the Infinity Engine, I'd love to personally bring Neverwinter Nights to the Infinity Engine as an Icewind Dale 2 mod.
For starters, Neverwinter Nights came out the same year as Icewind Dale 2, which is up for grabs as a possible Enhanced Edition project.
In contrast, I realize Neverwinter Nights was built on a newer (no longer isometric) engine, which some might view as modern enough and unfit for being "Enhanced".
So what are your thoughts? I have not seen any Dev commentary on the subject (though IWD and IWD2 were mentioned as being of "interest" to the Devs).
It is more of a curiosity of mine than anything, mainly because Neverwinter Nights is what got me back into the Infinity Engine games after almost a decade of not playing them.
I personally would welcome an Enhanced Neverwinter Nights, after Baldur's Gate 3, IWDEE, IWD2EE, and Planescape: Torment EE of course

Edit: Subtopic - I also remember thinking about how cool Neverwinter Nights could/would have been if the loading screens in Baldur's Gate were correct about transferring your characters to Neverwinter Nights and had come true. Neverwinter Nights on the Infinity Engine? Yes please

I get a kick out of the mods that have brought Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate to the NWN2 engine, because if I had more skill and knowledge (and time) with the Infinity Engine, I'd love to personally bring Neverwinter Nights to the Infinity Engine as an Icewind Dale 2 mod.
I am sorry that you feel that way. I personally liked the story and the adventure of it.
It left something to be desired, but I wouldn't say it was the worst RPG engine ever created. If that was the case I'd never have finished it (multiple times).
As I said in my post, I'd have loved if it came to the Infinity Engine instead.
Despite a few bugs here and there, the devs really proved with BG2:EE that they knew their way around the engine and could deliver writing on par with the original series. I'd like to see what more they can give us in that direction
You and I think a lot alike it would seem
I can't argue with that, I always said (of the Infinity Engine games and the Fallout 1/2 games) that if they had continued making games on those engines, I'd still be buying them. This is largely why I am 150% behind these projects that Beamdog is undertaking. I'd love to see more DLC and content for these games well into the future.
Its engine was much better than Infinity.
I do need to still dust off my old GOG copy and give that a try some day
But it doesn't have the emotional attachment that Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 do to many people, plus it's a completely new engine. So, no, I don't think it will be done.
Also guys, we aren't the ones who saw the sales figures for Icewind Dale II vs Neverwinter Nights...the people who did see those sales figures decided to never make a 2d RPG ever again. 2d has a charm, especially if the artwork is brilliantly done, but 3d is where the future is/is going. Neverwinter Nights 2 had a *brilliant* engine, honestly I'm more dissapointed in the lack of games of that style, rather than the more action-y approach of Mass Effect.
I don't get why people refer to it as modern either. Morrowind was older, and vastly superior in terms of the engine, movement and actually playing the game.
HotU is one of the best expansions for any game ever and easily gave the game the improvements it needed imo. If only Witch's Wake had been finished too. Ah well.
OH MY GOD, YES about Witch's Wake! I remember playing through that and saying to myself: OKAY, when the next part hits the store, buy it immediately!
Then as time went on and it never happened, a huge empty void was left in my heart
That was such an engaging, yet short story that I would very much love to see brought to completion...
(a) the 'Worst' DnD engine/implementation to come out is hands down "Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Dranor". About a billion times worse than anything else.
(b) For everyone that says NWN was 'The worst', did you know that NWN2 was basically the same engine, but with an overhaul?
(c) There is still a (if not necessarily) thriving NWN community (at least persistent) out there that still plays NWN1 and 2. Not bad for a "Bad" engine.
(d) There is a whole boatload of content for both NWN1 & 2 far and above anything that currently exists for BG. Just sayin.
I am not saying that it was great or anything. I am not even saying that I prefer it to BG. merely that it wasn't as bad as all that.
You see, the point of NWN wasn't the story of the OC, SoU, or HotU. It doesn't have a compelling tale to tell every time you play (except HotU); it was the Aurora Toolset which allowed people to create their own stories and game modes. That is what makes Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights fundamentally different.
NWN allows infinite possibilities in the way of creation and modding, and it allows you to share these custom modules with multiplayer. Good modules become highly populated and many are still played today despite Gamespy pulling the plug, like LaLa Land's Nordock, Antiworld's Capture the Flag, or Higher Ground's "Path of Ascension" server series. Neverwinter Nights had a strong online community and that is what draws me to it. When you frequented a server you would make friends and connections and memories. Camaraderie and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! (Right, Boo?)
Baldur's Gate doesn't have this multiplayer aspect but that's not a bad thing. BG's strengths are it's story and tactical gameplay. Both of these things are compelling enough that even after 15 years people still love to play it and experiment with new characters. You have to be one hardcore motherhumper to beat Ascension on Insane with SCS, for example.
It's game mechanics aren't like Baldur's Gate but that's no reason to hate it. Different people have different tastes. I like BG and NWN but for different reasons. And as an aside, @TrentOster was NWN's project lead. That should tell you a few things about its quality.
I'd be all for an enhancement of NWN1, although I think that really NWN2 pretty much fits that bill. I would definitely play a NWN2:EE. Although I am not sure what could be "Enhanced" about it beyond what TonyK and Kaedrin and others have already done.
Certainly i never played or heard of anything substantial. And i tried out the multiplayer community once, it was just a bunch of dickheads talking like they thought they were in the lord of the rings. If that's what roleplaying is, you can leave that at home.
There are loads of modules that are significantly better than the official campaign out there, and some quite intuitive stuff.
Edit: I actually used EEKeeper to make a "Deekin" party for a friend of mine (Multiplayer save), sent it to him for laughs and he got an absolute kick out of it.
Would love for custom voice sets to be a little easier/less buggy to work with though :P
dont get me wrong i love both BG (and BG2) and NWN neverwinter nights first got me into roleplaying, and because of that game it taught me about character development and how to progress a story, roleplaying online and DMing online gave me the confidence to DM in pen and paper.
of course the entire point of an enhanced edition is to bring back and -improve- upon the aurora engine, and the Devs clearly know their stuff.
Do i have confidence in them? Yes
would i like the devs to make a NWN EE? hell yes
should they? depends, if they aren't confident they could do it or it would be too big of a challenge i understand. it also depends if they can get a hold of rights to who ever owns the engine. which i believe is either obsidian or atari and then you have to think about NWN main focus which was its online community. you have to either charge for it or get a third party to host the servers.
in short, i want it but i think its too big of a task FOR NOW. maybe when the devs make a few of their own games, get their names out there then maybe they could give it a shot, for now im happy to wait, i have stuff to keep me occupied until then