Uhm... BG2:EE

Is it just me... Or do the Multi-Classes appear as: Jaheria: Fighter/Druid and Fighter/Druid. How the heck am I supposed to know which is the Fighter Class and which is the Druid One...? O.o (I mean, I'm pretty sure I remember which class is which when you Multi-Class and or have Jaheira. But that's still really confusing!)
My Cleric/Thief also displays as the same. Which is super confusing.
Imoen's Dual Class is the way it used to be.
Is this a bug or just an inconvenient way to list Multi-Classes now? ._.
Also, I don't know if this is my PC being old and weird, but why are most of the buttons in the tool bar now greyed out instead of Goldish like they used to be...? I find that a tiny bit annoying, as well.
Items in Quick Slots (Weapons, Potions, Fists(Empty Slot) are coloured but everything else is grey)
My Cleric/Thief also displays as the same. Which is super confusing.

Imoen's Dual Class is the way it used to be.
Is this a bug or just an inconvenient way to list Multi-Classes now? ._.
Also, I don't know if this is my PC being old and weird, but why are most of the buttons in the tool bar now greyed out instead of Goldish like they used to be...? I find that a tiny bit annoying, as well.
Items in Quick Slots (Weapons, Potions, Fists(Empty Slot) are coloured but everything else is grey)
Well, it's just, for people who don't know where Aerie's and Jaheria's and any other combination of M-C's positions are from playing BG2, won't know which is which and will just have to wait and find out when they next level up. Which is obviously a really bad thing.
Well, call me a perfection, but the buttons being grayed out and not gold, is different and I don't like the change, so it's really game ruining for me. My PC making the game run slower is fine, Abusing Haste to make it normal speed woo! That I can deal with. These I cannot. XD
;-; These damn waits for patches gah. ;-; I guess I can... Get used to this... NOPENOPENOPE.
No offence to the Devs, cus I really, really support their hard, however... Are these games actually given any time to fish out bugs? I mean, how the heck do you miss Multi-Class bugs and button bugs... The same happened with BG1's release. I know things can't be perfect, but they can at least be standard...? ._.
I EEkeepered Korgan into a Fighter/Cleric yesterday and thought I'd borked it because it said he was a fighter/cleric in both classes. Half an hour of fiddling couldn't fix it, glad to see its not me.
Also, was worried that everything greyed out was a design decision, also good to hear it's not.
Still, these are the worst bugs I've had so far so, no complaints from me.
I s'pose... Doesn't make it any less worth it though. As it's been said a thousand times over, I'd rather have a game released, with minimal bugs, than a game I've been waiting for, to find out it doesn't /actually/ function at all. o.0
Well, that's what I mean, games can have bugs that happen under certain conditions. But Enhanced Edition seems to enhance the bugs themselves. >.<
It's just the inconvenience is a little upsetting at the same time.
EG: Exploiting the delicious selling item double gold back bug. :')
Bugs like that I can live with. Means if I'm bored of trying to get all my silvers together, I can get some gold.
Unlike the BG bugs, where the game doesn't even open anymore. :c
As for BG bugs, I haven't run into any bad ones...yet.
And yeah I stopped Origins on my Xbox a few weeks ago when I got back onto my pc xD
Look at the fighter experience table. Look at the druid experience table. Look at the levels, and figure out which level matches which table.
Thanks! Again though, my main concern is the newbies who will be majorly confused. ._.