Possible Fallout 4 Teaser

Over on the video game subset of ICHC there is a posting of a possible F4 teaser site. The ICHC link is http://cheezburger.com/7905370112 and the teaser itself is http://www.thesurvivor2299.com/. Be aware that the teaser site has a Morse Code beep on it; one person in the comments correctly translated the signal as "11, 12, 13" but the code loop is played twice and the second part might be "12, 11, 13" (my Morse ear isn't what it used to be). Suspicion is that this means that we will get some sort of announcement on 11 Dec this year. We'll just have to see.
I also think Dishonored is a decent stealth game if you choose a proper difficulty setting so that enemies don't just stare at you.
I know it was "popular" or at least nominated for game of the year, but trash games make it through all the time Batman arkham asylum was a series of square rooms where you would do the same thing over and over, but it was my lil cuz favorite game. We have diff play styles though I play most games maxed out unless I am trying to rush through the story to play a sequel where as he plays in baby mode and uses cheats.
yeah I didn't like the look of the new Batman games either, though I don't really like a lot of games like that. It really looked easy and repetitive. you just punch people some and then see they are attacking and get an icon to counter it. could possibly be won without taking a scratch.
Fallout 4!
Fallout 4!
Fallout 4!
Fallout 4!
Fallout 4!
Fallout 4!
I much prefer FO3 and New Vegas.
Fallout 4 ftw!
Hard to hit and kill those man-eating plants? Welcome in the world of Fallout, which was quite unforgiving in the two first games.
You get your first gun in the third town so you'd better hope you don't run into any random encounters before that (like a press gang, which has 5 guys with machine guns).
Also, F:NV>>>>>>>>F3>>>>>>>F2 = F1
When Fallout 4 is officially announced at Bethesda, my time here will greatly diminish. I love the Fallout games and settings.