Multiplayer matchmaking

Looked around but couldn't seem to find something about this, but this PcGamer news says there will be matchmaking multiplayer available that will matchmake players based on level.
Anyone can confirm this ?
Anyone can confirm this ?
"Online multiplayer has been upgraded to include matchmaking functionality.."
I'm not sure about the matchmaking players based on level part. We'll have to wait and see how this matchmaking will function.
I agree.
@TrentOster @PhillipDaigle please consider.
Some [Casual] & [RP] flags
The Dueling fad in BG/BG2 was kinda big for a while... and some of those people would sneak into normal multiplayer games and kill everyone. Not very fun for Casual or RPG players. Just fyi, the way it worked was based on who had the best scripts and best tweaks on their characters. I have nothing against that, but they should have their own place to test their prowess and kill eachother, imho.
If possible, I'd like to be able to play with friends but fill the party afterwards with other unknown persons, and still be able to kick someone if extra seem fishy.
In that regard, having access to one char sheet and/or inventory may prove useful. Think of me as a paranoid, but if I play with strangers, I'd like to certify I'm not playing with a cheater before launching the game.
As for the flags, I gave @Anton and @Cuv my full support