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Bird in a Cage - Temple of Sune

So, I've never seen this area in the game before, either I've been very blind in my 10+ years of playing the original or this is a new area with the Enhanced edition.

There's a Temple of Sune in Waukeen's Promenade and the priest there sells a Bird in a Cage. Other than the amusing dialogue, does this serve any purpose or is it just there for flavour?



  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    It's added by a mod, one of @LavaDelVortel's I believe. And if I remember correctly the bird does indeed serve a small kind of purpose, or at least can be used to a certain effect.
  • CheryChocieCheryChocie Member Posts: 47
    I don't know if you post a spoiler. I'm somewhat curious now. I already found the Bust of Sune or whatever it was and returned it, I didn't know it was part of a mod.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Well iirc it's nothing game changing and goes like this.. if you'd rather find out yourself, don't read below:

    If you set the bird free, a couple of days later a man will come and thank/reward you, and it turns out that he had been transformed into the bird. If you hold on to the bird to my knowledge it's not used for anything else.
  • CheryChocieCheryChocie Member Posts: 47
    I see, thank you.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    edited November 2013
    Yep, it's from my I Shall Never Forget mod. The bird plot is just a tiny thing that's supposed to add flavour. It has nothing to do with the main ISNF plot :)

    i hope you'll enjoy the mod along with new areas :) Cheers!
  • CheryChocieCheryChocie Member Posts: 47
    Hey, I'm embarrassed to say I actually forgot I installed this mod when I was going through all the mods in the compatibility list but when I came across the temple of Sune and heard the music and decorations I was thinking to myself "This is beautiful" so yea I am enjoying it, thanks ^^
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Thanks :) If you want to start the actual quest, visit the Goverment District and search for Orion's observatory.

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