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Is cloud-saving still a development priority?

There was some talk a while back about allowing saves to sync across multiple devices. I know that's probably quite difficult to implement when you're talking about syncing games between a PC and an iPad, but has anyone found some good solutions for saves between PCs?

I travel a lot for my work and have been using Google Drive (as well as a thumb drive because I don't always have internet on both machines) to transfer saves between my desktop PC and my notebook. It works, but it hasn't exactly been convenient - are there any plans to implement a cloud save/syncing feature within the game itself?


  • inweinwe Member Posts: 79
    Hi there,

    I bought BGEE & BG2EE for Mac & iPad and I'm missing a promise feature introduced the first day BGEE was announced, Cloud Saves. I don't know why this feature is not ready yet. Cloud Saves, for multiplatform users, is very important and convenient... I don't want to use 3rd party apps everytime I want to play BG.

    Please take care of your promises seriously.

    Thank you
  • inweinwe Member Posts: 79
    Oh man, still no news about that... As far as I'm concerned, I won't buy any game from you until you don't fulfill your promises. I bought BGEE and BG22 for Mac and iPad, just because I love the games and I wanted to support you, but not any more.
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    inwe said:

    I won't buy any game from you until you don't fulfill your promises.

    You keep making threats. I do not think threats work how you think they work.
  • inweinwe Member Posts: 79
    It's not a threat, it's a reality. I won't buy any game until they make cloud saves. I spent my money twice (BGEE & BGEE2) because I wanted to support them and also expecting that they delivered (in any of the 3 big updates) one of the main features announced with that games.

    Anyway, I really appreciate the effort and pasion from Beamdog to upgrade this games and I still do. But my complaint is because I posted several times (and other people) about this missed feature and we didn't get any answer (or at least a real one), about whats going on with cloud saves. I guess it is still "on development" when it should be done from day one.
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    1 - look up the definition of threat
    2 - reread what you wrote
    3 - laugh

    Being told that it is still in development is an answer; however, I agree that as a much publicized feature it would be nice to have it sooner rather than later. Indeed it would have been great to have it launch with the product, but they have made good progress on other outstanding issues.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    His typo implies that he will not buy any games if they are fixed. More than a little ironic ;-)
  • inweinwe Member Posts: 79
    RAM021 said:

    1 - look up the definition of threat
    2 - reread what you wrote
    3 - laugh

    First of all, excuse me, english is not my mother tongue so perhaps I misunderstood a possible meaning of the word threat... let's see what it means:

    1. An expression of an intention to inflict pain, injury, evil, or punishment.
    2. An indication of impending danger or harm.
    3. One that is regarded as a possible danger; a menace.
    tr.v. threat·ed, threat·ing, threats Archaic
    To threaten.

    So, what I said, I think, is not painful, harmful, dangerous or whatever. I just said that, I won't buy any game until this feature, for me important because normally I play on my iPad, but short periods of time, and also I play in my iMac. So, for me that feature is a must-have.

    On the other side, I agree with you. Outstanding issues must be fixed first, you cannot play a buggy game. But come on, it's been 3 big upgrades since release and this big feature is still missing. I know that for business point of view, is better to increase your target markets but, please, don't forget your early supporters and your promised features.

    Thank you
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    threat [ THret ]


    noun: threat · plural noun: threats

    1.a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done

    Not purchasing the game in recompense for the game(s) not being fixed/functioning as you desire qualifies as a hostile action.
    inwe said:

    I just said that, I won't buy any game until this feature, for me important because normally I play on my iPad, but short periods of time, and also I play in my iMac.

    Except that is not what you said:
    inwe said:

    I won't buy any game from you until you don't fulfill your promises.

    Your statement actually says the opposite of what you want it to ;-)
  • inweinwe Member Posts: 79
    Really, I still don't see your point. For me is clear:

    I won't buy any game from you until you don't fulfill your promises (where, promises = this feature = cloud saves). Anyway, if I typed wrong or my english is not good enough to express myself, please excuse me.

    And about your sentence of threat:

    I bought 4 times both games (probably more than you did), and I'm in my right not to buy future games if I consider that products really don't worthy it. This is not a hostile action, because I don't cause any trouble to the company because they don't offer me what they promised long time ago. And, I asked several times about it and unfortunately I didn't received a clear answer (from my point of view) on what's going on.

    What I hope is really a statement from a developer or community manager to clarify the real state of cloud saves. When it become ready, don't worry I'll buy my two copies as usual.

    Thank you
  • RepelstaleRepelstale Member Posts: 27
    Hi there,

    I've been eyeballing BG for IOS for quite some time, but now that it's available on iPhone (and I just upgraded to iPhone 6) I've finally made the jump.

    I have both an iPad and an iPhone, but I really want to be able to play on iPhone, since that is the device that's always with me. I'm gonna get a stylus for the more precise work. I'm not really sure how well it will work out though (especially with SidebarGate as yet unsolved), so I'd like to be able to continue my game on my iPad. Being able to use both devices on the same game, back and forth, would be great anyway. But Stephen from the help desk tells me that cloud saves are not on the radar yet.

    I've read some stuff on apps like iFunbox, mainly by people who want to transfer save files from Mac and PC. Just to be clear: I'm only interested in transferring these files between my iPhone and iPad.

    Is there anything you folks could recommend?
  • RepelstaleRepelstale Member Posts: 27
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    WARNING: The text below is all about iFunBox - A NON AUTOMATED way of transferring saved game files. If your question is "how do I do this in an automated fashion" the answer is "you can't" and there are no tools that will do it for you. Skip the rest of the text below.

    If, however, you're just looking for a way to transfer your saved games back and forth periodically between your iPhone and iPad (or you want to switch from playing on the iPhone to playing on the iPad permanently) the steps below should get you going.


    iFunBox is still the most recommended method of transferring saves, regardless of whether it's from or too an iPhone, iPad or other iDevice.

    If you want to go from iDevice to iDevice, you'll first have to go to a desktop of some sort (wherever you plug in/backup your device to iTunes) and then from there to the other iDevice.

    In your case you're trying to get from iPhone -> iPad, so you'll get iFunBox for whatever OS your iTunes is running under.

    Once Installed, you'll plug in your iPhone and open iFunBox. It may take a little playing with it to find it, but you're looking for an area that allows you to see the files on your device (may be under a "classic view"). Scroll through your apps, find Icewind Dale (or BG or BGII or whatever) and open the Library folder and drill down till you find "save", under which you'll see all of your saved games.

    Drag the ENTIRE NAMED FOLDER (not just individual files under the saved game directory) to your desktop or another directory (a saved game folder will be named something like "0000008 - My Saved Game Name" Do not just drag the entire "save" folder to your desktop unless you want to transfer ALL of your save game files). iFunBox uses drag/drop to transfer files, so drag the folder from the iFunBox interface to a file window or the desktop on your Desktop OS.

    Once there, disconnect your iPhone from iFunBox...then connect your iPad to iFunBox.

    You're pretty much going to do the exact same thing now: Find the installed apps on your iPad and then find the corresponding game (IWD, BG or BG2), and drill down into the save directory.

    Take the folder from your desktop and drag it into the iFunBox interface so that it drops on top of the "save" directory (and lands in the same location as your other saved games). If you downloaded the entire "save" directory to your desktop DO NOT just copy that into your save folder on your iPad. Take individual games by drilling into the "save" directory and select all of the folders there and drag THEM to the save directory in iFunBox.

    A best practice is to rename the saved game FOLDER so that the beginning 8 numeric characters are unique in the "save" folder of where you're dragging it to.

    For instance if you have a saved game "00000008 - My Saved Game" on your desktop, but on your iPad you have a saved game called "00000008 - Another Saved Game", rename the desktop folder to "00000009 - My Saved Game" before you drop it into your iPad.

    Also, don't use 00000000 - 00000002...these are reserved for: Auto Save, Quick Save and "End of Game Export Save" respectively.

    Once the folder is showing up in your iPad's interface, your game is transferred and should be available under your saved game interface on your iDevice.

    You can copy this back and forth as many times as you need to keep the devices in sync, or (as I do periodically) to back up your saved games in case of the loss of your device.
  • RepelstaleRepelstale Member Posts: 27
    Thanks, Illydth! That's just the info I was looking for.

    A shame there's no easy cloud save function, or even a direct iDevice-to-iDevice-transfer. All of this isn't exactly pick up & go. Like you said though, it has its use as a backup-system.

    Let's hope Beamdog picks up on Cloud syncing soon.
  • EnilwynEnilwyn Member Posts: 140
    Dee, please help a BGer out. I just spent 3 fruitless hours going through the forums trying to figure out how to get my iPad toon from bgee to bgee2. I hate ifunbox. Think of how many Xvarts were allowed to live during that time!!
  • facelegfaceleg Member Posts: 6
    Any progress on this?
  • facelegfaceleg Member Posts: 6
    Anyone know if there has been any progress on this?
  • facelegfaceleg Member Posts: 6
    Does anyone know if this is still in development? An ETA?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Threads merged.

    @faceleg There's no need to ask the same question several times in different threads.

    As for the ETA in terms of cloud saving, there hasn't been any yet.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Powerful moderatormancy at work here :)
  • facelegfaceleg Member Posts: 6
    bengoshi said:

    Threads merged.

    @faceleg There's no need to ask the same question several times in different threads.

    As for the ETA in terms of cloud saving, there hasn't been any yet.

    Is it in planning at least?
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    I'm inclined to say...


    But I really hate the idea of being hunted down and shot. So I didn't say it. Right?
  • facelegfaceleg Member Posts: 6
    Illydth said:

    WARNING: The text below is all about iFunBox - A NON AUTOMATED way of transferring saved game files. If your question is "how do I do this in an automated fashion" the answer is "you can't" and there are no tools that will do it for you. Skip the rest of the text below.

    If, however, you're just looking for a way to transfer your saved games back and forth periodically between your iPhone and iPad (or you want to switch from playing on the iPhone to playing on the iPad permanently) the steps below should get you going.


    iFunBox is still the most recommended method of transferring saves, regardless of whether it's from or too an iPhone, iPad or other iDevice.

    Since the recent 8.3 iOS update, this no longer works.

    Is there another workaround?
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Maybe Adventure Y will allow cloud saves.
    And than it can be back ported in notime
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207

    Maybe Adventure Y will allow cloud saves.

    Cloud saving would be a more exciting feature to me than the new content :P
  • RepelstaleRepelstale Member Posts: 27

    Thanks, Illydth! That's just the info I was looking for.

    A shame there's no easy cloud save function, or even a direct iDevice-to-iDevice-transfer. All of this isn't exactly pick up & go. Like you said though, it has its use as a backup-system.

    Let's hope Beamdog picks up on Cloud syncing soon.

    Am I missing something, or is it still not possible to sync save files between devices? I've left BG alone for some time until decent iPhone gaming was possible. It seems that now it is possible but I don't know how to exchange save files.
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