Why does Athkalta have a graveyard?

If I lived in a fantasy world populated with undead monsters and necrotic magics I would institute a law saying all bodies must be cremated outside city limits. Seriously, every friggin tomb in that graveyard is occupied by the walking damned.
The city government cares so much about people casting haste or sleeping in the streets, but they don't realize the bastion of doom in the center of the city? The only thing in this game that isn't fiction is the incompetence of the elected officials, amirite?
The city government cares so much about people casting haste or sleeping in the streets, but they don't realize the bastion of doom in the center of the city? The only thing in this game that isn't fiction is the incompetence of the elected officials, amirite?
The location of the cemetery itself is merely a function of people wanting to 'Visit' their relatives (with as messed up as that may or may not be) but don't want to walk a LONG distance to do it. Remember, you can't just jump in your car to drive out to the grave site.
As for the cremation policy, while that sounds good in paper, the Deities themselves (or the church and clergy) may forbid this from happening. After all, not only is this a world of the walking dead, but it is also a world of resurrection. Plus, there has to be a realm for gods of the dead to rule over. Also, there is a reason why IRL, we don't cremate every body. it is painful (in certain societies) to watch your loved ones go up in flames.
As a side note, the original concept of 'The dead rising' comes in part from the medical profession not understanding about comas. It was an actual fact of life that people who were merely in a coma were thought to be dead. Some of them, and apparently this happened often enough for it to become legend, would 'Wake up' either during there ceremony or even having to claw their way out of their own coffin.
Preacher: "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to wish a fond farewell to Cousin Mildred. She will be Missed."
Mildred: "No I bloody well won't. I'm not DEAD yet!"
Hence the myth of Vampires was created.
Real answers to that question will touch upon sociology, psychology, and theology. How in-depth will *that* discussion be, I wonder?
Most people are not very rational.
Of course, Athkatla as a whole is hilariously dangerous for anybody who isn't a demigod with five badass friends. Brazen slavers and bandits will waylay you in broad daylight, shadow thieves openly patrol the streets, insane clerics will attempt to convert you by force, there are at least five liches off the top of my head in random buildings that could be found by a commoner, egomaniacs can easily make deals with djinns for massive power... I could go on.
Of course there could be the whole fact that the entire under-city is riddled with catacombs and warrens and Beholder lairs.
Hey he only does crack when he drinks!
As for @the_spyder pointing out the living did just that and wake up. Absolutely true. Even happened to famous and important people.
Please think about the poor Emperor Zeno who ruled over the final death throws of the Roman Empire in 475AD, who was buried alive after becoming insensible out of drinking or of an illness; he called for help, "Please pity me..." causing the many thousands in the congregation filling the Hagia Sophia to flee, but Ariadne, his wife, did not allow anyone to open the sarcophagus (his voice sounded strange and echoey surely Zeno's soul had fled... They really did not understand the acoustics of stone coffins did they...)