Your Opinion about ToB

I'll just quote what I said in the original thread.
Some other reasons here: said:Generally speaking this is how I can envision the whole BG saga:
- BG1 (TotSC): You don't know what's going on, then you find out you're a Bhaalspawn and your brother is hunting you because of this. Long play.
- BG2 SoA: A dude kidnapped you because you're a Bhaalspawn, then you find out the guy was merely some 'outsider' that has nothing to do with Bhaal, that was interested in your power because he's seeking revenge. Long play.
- BG2 ToB: Finally it's all about the Bhaalspawns. All of it. Short play. Wait... what???
I think that's what made ToB a bit poorer compared to the other predecessors. Granted, I like them all, but while SoA, that has little to do with the Bhaalspawn business which is a long standalone game, ToB is all about the whole issue, but came out as a short EP (and does feel like one) with a grand finale bundled with it.
Summing it up, that's how I see ToB (just my opinion):
I enjoyed Chapter 8. I liked there are some other guys out there that, like Sarevok, were after you. The story that brought you to *try* your best (because let's face it: you're powerful, but you're not almighty) to save Saradush ended up being surprising and tragic, and that gave more value to the story (especially if you're a good-aligned character). Also, the Yaga-Shura battle was simply epic to me. Some mindless hack-n-slash in Saradush (kill guards, kill more guards, kill even more guards), but other than that it was pretty good.
Chapter 9 was downright boring and redundant at best. There are some other evil Bhaalspawns here and here. Yeah, no problem. You storm their lairs like piece of cake. Slash and cut here and there. Everyone falls before your might. Finally you battle with the Bhaalspawn on duty, which is probably the only challenging part, but as for the rest... meh.
Chapter 10, logically, was the final battle, but unlike the Temple of Bhaal under Baldur's Gate and Hell in BG2, it didn't feel that scary or dangerous, but that's just me. The Ascension mod helped a little, but whatever. The finale was great, though.
The whole lot, bundled with some conveniently placed items that you could find even in a small village in the middle of nowhere. Heck, Amkethran had the most powerful items in all of Faerun, while in big cities like Baldur's Gate and Athkatla you find toys and trinkets compared. This is the recipe of what an EP is made of, and it's all over it. Watcher's Keep was OK, but I enjoyed more the dark, Diablo-like atmosphere of Durlag's Tower.
- Your Opinion about ToB175 votes
- I like it the way it is. Doesn't need any changes.  9.14%
- I like it, but wouldn't mind some minor changes (new side quests, Ascension mod, David Gaider's tougher Bhaalspawns, etc.).46.29%
- I kinda like it, but I think it needs some overhauls (balancing, plot holes, longer story, improved dialogs, etc.).36.00%
- I didn't enjoy much of it. I would like some radical overhauls.  8.57%
I think the ascension mod is a great tool to bring the game together.
The only time when ToB seems plausible is when I took a solo kensai/thief through the entire series from level 1 and power gamed to the end. (Thief's "Use Any Item" works pretty well on Kensai restrictions.)
If I had full creative power, I'd Shift-Delete Mellissan and get something interesting in there. Anything but Mellissan.
However, I'm also happy with the addition of Ascension and Wheels of Prophecy, leading to a more climactic end fight and more freedom in Chapter 9.
I do fully understand that ToB can not ever be like BG1/2, considering that it's the final chapter, everything is going to hell, you can't just wander off into the Underdark for a month like in the original game and there are certainly no random quests to be gathered for level 20+ characters who can vaporise cities if they felt like it.
Overall it's a pretty good game
Because even if you like ToB.. Im pretty damn sure that most people would like more content
I disagree with the idea of a significant rewrite of the plot; even with its "plot holes" (what are they anyway?), it is what it is and it's too late to alter the main plot now.
Honestly, I thought it was just me at first before coming here, but it seems I'm not alone. I do understand that we have to accept the game as it is, and because of that I'm not asking for a total overhaul. I didn't even include this option in the first place because I know it's downright impossible. But expanding it further, adding more dialog options and correcting inconsistencies would certainly help a lot IMHO.
@Zeckul For info about BG plot holes, see the OP link.
It would be nice if the super sword was rare and having it made a big difference but when you can wait until the next fight and get something just as good you might as well just drop it on the streets.
I think people have a tendency to forget that ToB is an expansion pack, not a full game in itself - it's chapters 8, 9 and 10 of the overall saga, and was designed as such. Of course it's shorter, it's meant to be a continuation of events immediately after you defeat Irenicus.
The Five represent a new kind of threat in that it's the first time you're going up against a group of people who are exactly like yourself: Sarevok had underlings, Irenicus had his tricks, but you've never faced a "united" front of Bhaalspawn who want you dead.
And Melissan was, in my opinion, an excellent antagonist. Setting aside the fact that for the first time in the entire trilogy you were facing off against a female Big Bad - which, let's face it, isn't D&D's strong suit (Bodhi, anyone?) - she's also the most logical choice for the enemy you'd face at the very end, short of Bhaal himself. She was his High Priestess, she was the key to completing the plan you've known about since Candlekeep, and she manipulates you throughout the entire game.
I think Mellissan is a good antagonist it was just far to obvious that she was evil when you first met her when she was supposed to be acting good. I had one conversation with her and was like, well she is defiantly a bad guy can i stab her now get it over with?
I think, that what they should do, is allow you some more allies. The five can band together, but why can't you get your OWN bhaalspawn friends to help out as well, they, in some part, know what's going on, why can't they be saved (or destroyed later) so that you can further your own goals? I would LOVE to see a few Bhaalspawn rally with ME to beat up Melissan (Gromnir, Balthazar, and Viekang could be great components for this). Not only would this rid you of some of the linearity, but it wouldn't change the feeling of being rushed either.
Another thing that needs fixing is certain plot holes... Viekang, again... if you save him in Saradush, does that mean that he just dies somewhere else? What about the truth about your mother? Does Gorion know her or not? Does he LOVE her or not? and Imoen? Is it a little odd that she just happened to show up in candlekeep with you and Gorion? Doesn't he know about her from the get go? How come Sarevok knew about you and not her, when Irenicus (both of whom are pretty astute) could figure it out from the beginning of the second game? Although the last few bits weren't part of ToB sorry i just got a little carried away... but SERIOUSLY!!!
SOOOOO yes... sorry for my ramblings, but the main point i was getting at was just fix plot holes and take away the linearity. Yes, we have to get to the same results, but the way we roleplay it shouldn't be the same.
When BGII rolled out, the effects of WotC's purchase of TSR became most apparent in the art and aesthetics. I speak so much of aesthetics because they go hand-in-hand with the narrative and storyline. Despite its more polished gameplay, the feel of BGII & ToB did a lot to remove me from my personal investment in the story which is probably why I don't remember much of it. But I can spin a yarn or two about BG1's story for sure.
Everything in BGII/ToB, in my opinion, looked like it had been ripped straight out of Magic The Gathering. Despite being labeled as a "2.5 Edition" ruleset because of additions of things from the then-new 3rd Edition rules, it was still more TSR's AD&D but the look and feel of that was gone. That's not to say I still didn't manage to have fun with it, I just didn't have as much fun as with the first one.
I don't know, maybe it was me. Even today, I have a preference to the much older D&D rules and the art styles that were frequently employed in the 80s and early-90s. I'm so very much looking forward to this Enhanced Edition... a lot of which has to do with not having to install the original and expansion pack from SIX bloody CD's ever again.
After that, there's the "Turnabout" mod: as you sever Melissan's connections to the Bhaalspawn essences, you gain the ability to resurrect some of your old comrades such as Dynaheir, Khalid and even Gorion to help you. One of the options is to resurrect your mother Alianna, a Deathstalker cleric who has some (voiced!) dialogue with you about what really happened.
So I had fun with it, and I was always pleasantly surprised with how long it was; especially compared to ToTSC. They called it an expansion, I've almost always considered it like a BG2.5 to be honest. And like I said, fun to be had, but it's ridiculous and non-strategic and very silly. You have to be in the right mood, haha.