So, Viconia romance.

Late to the party here. I've never romanced Viconia, for various reasons. Her romance bugged out for me once, and I usually don't play evil anyway. I didn't intend to this time either, but upon realizing that Hexxat doesn't bat for that team, I changed course.
First impression: And people call AERIE whiny?
Holy crap, Viconia is the most immature, emotionally manipulative, emotionally scarred, whiny wreck I've ever had the displeasure of talking to, and I'm surprised I hadn't heard about it before experiencing it for myself. Every talk is her trying to manipulate the PC into... I don't even know. It's like she can't NOT mess with a male's head. It's really annoying.
What's worse, is my own dialogue options are extremely narrow. I can either call her a bitch or be some stoic punching bag for her to work her issues out into. It's like high school all over again.
I always play as straight men in these games, but I think I need to roll an evil female PC to see if Hexxat can carry on a conversation without telling me about burning a farmer's family alive and then nailing half of Amn just to try to get a reaction.
First impression: And people call AERIE whiny?
Holy crap, Viconia is the most immature, emotionally manipulative, emotionally scarred, whiny wreck I've ever had the displeasure of talking to, and I'm surprised I hadn't heard about it before experiencing it for myself. Every talk is her trying to manipulate the PC into... I don't even know. It's like she can't NOT mess with a male's head. It's really annoying.
What's worse, is my own dialogue options are extremely narrow. I can either call her a bitch or be some stoic punching bag for her to work her issues out into. It's like high school all over again.
I always play as straight men in these games, but I think I need to roll an evil female PC to see if Hexxat can carry on a conversation without telling me about burning a farmer's family alive and then nailing half of Amn just to try to get a reaction.
Viconia is a manipulative wench
Jaheira is a snarky abusive mature woman
Neera ... is... Eh. heh... HEH. You'll find out.
They at least got that part right.
Also, you can pick a few of the options to call her a bitch without breaking things off. Just don't pick the ones that tell her to get lost or that you can't handle it.
Let's cut a few limbs off of you, and see if you don't lament their absence.
Since she came to surface all she had going for her was hatred from all around, judgement and in some cases taking advantage and rape (farmer thing), and reason she had to leave to surface was cause she showed some affection and protection to those who were unworthy in the eyes of other drow.
So after that, and knowing that, yes I will cut her a lot of slack, as a good party I will teach her how and what to do, show affection, understanding and I do believe she will come through in the end, cause like I said many times before, she is not evil, she just doesn't know any better.
Unlike Aerie who had affection, had protection, yes she lost her wings... YEARS ago and she still cries about it after she was guarded and protected in circus under her "uncle". Every conversation with Aerie is her crying like a little whelp, Vico on the other hand is testing you, trying to poke a nerve as you are a compleate mystery to her. Remember, she never experienced affection, EVER before in her life and someone going out of their way to do that is incredibly strange to her.
So in the end, I'll take fucked up defensive Vico over whiny crybaby Aerie any day of the week.
And I think she is evil, at least until charname comes along. She's done her own share of evil deeds without any remorse, and one baby isn't enough to turn that around. "It's my culture and I didn't know better" isn't an excuse in Faerun where entire cultures can be good or evil, and if your culture is evil and you go along with it then too bad, you're evil too.
She has a legitimate handicap, she is missing something integral to her racial identity, and she isn't happy about it. She was also kidnapped, imprisoned, tortured, and more than likely touched inappropriately. What's worse, that treatment, by the "community where everyone has the same missing limbs," is what LEAD to her having her wings sawed off. But, yeah, I guess it would make sense for her to just get over it, because the rest of us can't fly. Oh, wait, we never COULD fly, so we don't know what it's like to have that taken away.
Unlike Aerie however, she doesn't immediately jammer about her issues even before you take her in your party. She tells you about her wings while she is still in oger form. You could say the writer of BG2
In BG2 she opened up, and when it comes down to it, you can see how fucked up she really is, IMO she is most fucked up of the original 3 romances, even more than Jaheira and that is hard to catch up with. I still believe she is not evil she just doesn't know better, and as proof there is the conversation in which she asks you do you want her to change? If you say yes, her allignment changes from evil to good as she finallly understands your reasoning and love.
If you were raised in an evil cannibalistic society and you felt no remorse for being a part of cannibalism, that would make you evil. Remember that this is Faerun, and moral relativism holds no sway here. Being a cannibal in that society is understandable, but that doesn't mean it's good.
This is not meant as an attack on Viconia. I actually like her character. But I like her character because she's evil. It seems people are uncomfortable with feeling sympathy for an evil person, so they try and justify her actions and say that "oh but she's not so bad a person really". But that's wishful thinking. She is that bad of a person, which is why she's interesting and what makes her eventual change meaningful. She's not like Solaufein who's secretly not evil and all it takes is the realization that he can no longer keep up the act. Viconia is really and truly evil which makes her story one of redemption, not the mere discarding of a mask.
This is the kind of thing you might encounter in real life. Maybe you had a rough childhood with bad influences and turned to a life of heinous crime because of that. That's understandable. And sure, if anyone else was in your shoes they'd probably have ended up the same way, following the evil path you are on now. But that doesn't make it okay to keep following that path. Fine, it's not really your fault and maybe if you had a better upbringing you'd be a good person. But the fact is, right now you are not a good person. In fact, you are kind of a shitty person, and the first step to not being a shitty person and being a good person is to acknowledge it instead of making excuses.
Regardless, back to the subject since this thread is getting DERAILED.
Aerie is extremely whiny. Compare her loosing her wings, to you loosing your legs. You would eventually get used to it. Whereas Aerie continues to cry and complain about loosing them many years after the fact.
Viconia has been being hunted for longer than Drizzt has been alive at this point in the game(House De'Vir was annihilated by House Do'Urden the exact moment that Drizzt was born, spell caused their destruction). She has some serious baggage due to that.
Jaheira... yuck.
And as for Vic, who is a bitch whether you romance her or not, I like her character as well. I think others have already said how I feel; I like her as character because she is so evil. Wouldn't take her home to meet mum and dad though.
Did you have a point? Oh no... I get it; yes, you ask her what she is and she says she's an avariel who lost her wings. That's it. She's not whining about anything, she's just giving an honest answer to your question.
Might as well say that there are other times too when another NPC might ask her about her wings, and she'll give some short answer but not go much deeper than that. She doesn't start conversations with other NPC's about them, so it's not until the romance that she really gets anything off her chest.