Any good reasons to use Neera over Edwin?

I sure would like to go through the game with Neera just for the newness but Edwin is like 10x the mage she is and makes it very difficult to take her past her quest.
Anyone come across anything major I might miss if I stick with Edwin?
I would have liked to think that the new NPCS would atleast be comparable to the better older NPCS. Unfortunately Neera is a far cry from our boy Edwin. He gets a lot more spells and memorizes a lot more as well. Then you don't have to worry about your party getting put to sleep in the middle of an intense battle because of the wild surges.
Anyone come across anything major I might miss if I stick with Edwin?
I would have liked to think that the new NPCS would atleast be comparable to the better older NPCS. Unfortunately Neera is a far cry from our boy Edwin. He gets a lot more spells and memorizes a lot more as well. Then you don't have to worry about your party getting put to sleep in the middle of an intense battle because of the wild surges.
...well, the one is self-centered, arrogant, annoying mage...and the other one is Edwin.
roleplay, that's why! if you and edwin wouldn't get along, you can choose neera instead. not everything need to be powergamy. i use the party i want and get the most out of them as I can.
Plus, if you're doing the romance, her character grows and becomes a lot less superficial.
Standing near an Umber Hulk in De'Arnise keep.
"Iiiii'm reaaaaaaadyyyyyyy" SPLAT! ;P
Luckily there's a level 2 spell you can prep ahead of time that helps offset the negative surges, but yeah, her wild surges can be devastating if you get a bad roll... or just plain weird.
Edwin on the otherhand, gets more spells than anyone else in the entire game (on your side, anyway), and besides being evil and coming to blows with a few party members (which can be nullified with a "friendly NPC" tweak), he's pretty much the best mage in the game. That said you don't *need* him in your group, but he definitely helps your group.
wild surge: no save
Neera's pretty awesome