Quite right. As tempting as it is for me to just sit and watch it right now (I still haven't had a chance to do so), we encourage people to obtain their entertainment legitimately.
No worries; as someone who doesn't have cable and typically has to mooch television off of generous friends, I can understand the compulsion; it's just not something I can allow on the site.
Before this episode I only had some Internet-infused knowledge of the show. My flatmate suddenly being a Dr Who fan, I thought I'd sit and watch it. And I liked it. Not a fan, mind, and Daleks are the stupidest looking villains of all time, but still quite good.
I used to watch Doctor Who all the time- back during its first run. I watched a lot of Chris Eccleston's episodes, and a few of Chris Tennant's, but it got harder to watch when my hours changed at work. And taking care of my Dad really put a kibosh on that.
Okay, if you're not in the UK, ABC Player in Oz has the episode and the 'Adventure in Space & Time' available to stream. It's not on BBC iPlayer Global yet but no doubt it'll make its way there. & of the new Docs, my favourite was Chris Ecclestone too. Being an 80s baby I grew up with Sylvester MacCoy, I loved his episodes.
Christmas speical! Today we say goodlbye to Matt Smith I'm going to miss him. I anticipate Peter Capaldi with much anxiety. His is my first regeneration while I've been watching the show, and I don't know how well lie handle it. We'll be going from a ~25 year old doctor to a ~50 year old doctor, so it's a drastic change. I have high hopes, however. Excitement!!
@meagloth I don't know about you, but I found that episode kinda... weird. I mean Dr Who has always been a bit weird, in a very British and quirky way. But that last episode just didn't quite feel right.
So many massive things happened in too short amount of time. Everything felt rather rushed and almost anti-climatic after the multi-season build up of "Silence will Fall" and "The Fields of Trenzalore". Also how the Time Lords managed to grant him a whole new regeneration cycle is not even explained... And I know it's a time travel show, but I wish they didn't break so many previously established rules about "fixed events in time and space" at a whim...
Don't get me wrong, it was fun and enjoyable. It was sad to see Matt Smith go... but let's just say that I preferred his first episode to the last.
I thought it was really good. It was a bit squished, and could have been better as a two hour special than an hour and a half. But it also made it very intense and intriguing all the way through. I don't think this is the end of the build-up Matt smiths Doctor has had. There should be more to come. Unfortunately, Steven moffat is also busy with Sherlock, and we will not see season 8 until fall 2014. Nine months! What will I do with my life?!
I think the thing with the extra regeneration is that it's a technology, and they had set rules for themselves, and Clara convinced them(the time lords) to break the rules for The Doctor, and grant him an extra regeneration. One thing I didn't get is why they had to be naked at the church. I guess it was just a gimmick, as they never explained it and they didn't take the holograms very seriously. (Clara had her hands in her pockets, there was some hugging that should have been weird)
I thought it was good and exciting, and you can tell because I'm still distraught about it, after watching it last night and sleeping on it. With Christmas break I don't really have anything else to think about.
I thought it was pretty good. Compared to the writing involved in say the regeneration of the eccleston to tennant at least. As for the fact that the time lords can extend their limitation on regeneration I think that was established with the master in one of the (much) older series. Though the circumstances were different. An explanation would have been nice however for newer viewers/as a refresher.
Never seen any Dr. Who (though many friends love it dearly) but funny story: My neighbor in medical school has the last name "Hoo". Everyone got a kick out of that. That wasn't even the weirdest part: my roommate my first year had the last name "Kevorkian". People were always surprised that I survived in the mornings
I'm not really a huge Who fan, but it's always been on while I was growing up, and I remember The Master getting a new regeneration cycle. I think the limit is imposed by the Time Lords, but it's their technology so they can bend the rules if they see fit. I think in the case of the Doctor, they need him alive to have any chance of getting back to reality.
Although I'm not really sure what the Doctor's plan was there. He must have known the Daleks would get through eventually, so why didn't he look for a way to either close the rift or do what Clara eventually did and try to talk to the Time Lords and let them know what was going on?
Also, what was all that stuff with one of James Bond's regenerations before? I'm still confused about that.
Hey, old thread but I made this a while ago, and was wondering if anyone would be interested. I'm also willing to debate some align repents, and I would like to make the cyberman lawful evil, but I can't think of a lawful neutral.
@Nonnahswriter i saw ths one, but I don't like it when they make the doctor different alignments. It's the same guy, though I haven't really seen any of the old ones. I remember this one the best But jack is definitely not lawful, but I haven't really been able to think of anyone. I saw one with that CIA agent as LN, but he's a very minor character
@meagloth Yep. Even posted a Meme in the meme thread
Awesome. It's gonna be a totally different show now. I think they're intentionally making it more serious, and along with the absence of Matt smith reducing the appeal to 12 year old girls by 90%, It's changing a lot. Like clara, I'm also have a lot of trouble seeing him. This is going to be interesting.
@meagloth Yep. Even posted a Meme in the meme thread
Awesome. It's gonna be a totally different show now. I think they're intentionally making it more serious, and along with the absence of Matt smith reducing the appeal to 12 year old girls by 90%, It's changing a lot. Like clara, I'm also have a lot of trouble seeing him. This is going to be interesting.
I'm also looking forward to Capaldi as I always found Matt Smith too clownish for my taste.
So far, Smith is my least favourite doctor and the ones I've liked the most are Baker (for the old series) and Tennant (for the new).
@meagloth Yep. Even posted a Meme in the meme thread
Awesome. It's gonna be a totally different show now. I think they're intentionally making it more serious, and along with the absence of Matt smith reducing the appeal to 12 year old girls by 90%, It's changing a lot. Like clara, I'm also have a lot of trouble seeing him. This is going to be interesting.
I'm also looking forward to Capaldi as I always found Matt Smith too clownish for my taste.
So far, Smith is my least favourite doctor and the ones I've liked the most are Baker (for the old series) and Tennant (for the new).
Anyone have any comments on the season finally? I'm not really sure what to think...
This season had some big ups and downs. The science has gotten a lot worse- I didn't think that was possible for this show. I like Capaldi though, despite the questionable writing. Any problems are certainly not his fault.
@meagloth I was kinda disappointed to be honest, both with the season as a whole, and with the finale. Because it's a new Doctor, they tried to make it more beginner friendly by making most of the episodes stand-alone adventures, but one of the big things I liked about Doctor Who was how everything all tied together in huge and unpredictable plots.
I won't spoil the finale for those who haven't seen it yet, but I thought it was a bit of a let down after all the hype. I think part of the reason is that ...
Matt Smith apparently left the show a year earlier than Moffat intended, which threw a spanner in works. It's really weird having Clara built up into somebody really important, but only have her hang around the end of the Matt Smith Doctor and the beginning of Peter Capaldi. I think she was suppose to be Matt Smith's companion until he left the show.
Oh... sorry, didn't know
I don't know about you, but I found that episode kinda... weird. I mean Dr Who has always been a bit weird, in a very British and quirky way. But that last episode just didn't quite feel right.
So many massive things happened in too short amount of time. Everything felt rather rushed and almost anti-climatic after the multi-season build up of "Silence will Fall" and "The Fields of Trenzalore". Also how the Time Lords managed to grant him a whole new regeneration cycle is not even explained... And I know it's a time travel show, but I wish they didn't break so many previously established rules about "fixed events in time and space" at a whim...
Don't get me wrong, it was fun and enjoyable. It was sad to see Matt Smith go... but let's just say that I preferred his first episode to the last.
What will I do with my life?!
One thing I didn't get is why they had to be naked at the church. I guess it was just a gimmick, as they never explained it and they didn't take the holograms very seriously. (Clara had her hands in her pockets, there was some hugging that should have been weird)
I thought it was good and exciting, and you can tell because I'm still distraught about it, after watching it last night and sleeping on it. With Christmas break I don't really have anything else to think about.
Although I'm not really sure what the Doctor's plan was there. He must have known the Daleks would get through eventually, so why didn't he look for a way to either close the rift or do what Clara eventually did and try to talk to the Time Lords and let them know what was going on?
Also, what was all that stuff with one of James Bond's regenerations before? I'm still confused about that.
It gets bonus points from me for casting David Tennant as Chaotic Evil. Because seriously, the tenth doctor...can be preeeeetty scary sometimes...
But jack is definitely not lawful, but I haven't really been able to think of anyone. I saw one with that CIA agent as LN,
but he's a very minor character
It's changing a lot. Like clara, I'm also have a lot of trouble seeing him. This is going to be interesting.
So far, Smith is my least favourite doctor and the ones I've liked the most are Baker (for the old series) and Tennant (for the new).
I'm not really sure what to think...
This season had some big ups and downs. The science has gotten a lot worse- I didn't think that was possible for this show. I like Capaldi though, despite the questionable writing. Any problems are certainly not his fault.
I was kinda disappointed to be honest, both with the season as a whole, and with the finale. Because it's a new Doctor, they tried to make it more beginner friendly by making most of the episodes stand-alone adventures, but one of the big things I liked about Doctor Who was how everything all tied together in huge and unpredictable plots.
I won't spoil the finale for those who haven't seen it yet, but I thought it was a bit of a let down after all the hype. I think part of the reason is that ...
Matt Smith apparently left the show a year earlier than Moffat intended, which threw a spanner in works. It's really weird having Clara built up into somebody really important, but only have her hang around the end of the Matt Smith Doctor and the beginning of Peter Capaldi. I think she was suppose to be Matt Smith's companion until he left the show.