Hey ppl, drow has their glamour, we can't deny that, we could ask why mustard jellies don't get all this cheer too but we already know the answer.
Well, some ppl maybe remember me as one of the most fiere defenders of NO DROW IN BHAALSPAWN SAGA, but here, with the present idea, i have to say that i agree.
Don't need even to be a new game, or Baldur's Gate 3 as some ppl said, just a plot apart DLC as "the black pits". I say even more, this new DLC/Game could comprise a variety of races of Underdark, as sahuagin, mind flayers, drows, deep gnomes, beholders (Yes!!! Please!!! XD) and drows, among other possible races (maybe some tieflings, or even a real demon/devil).
A system of origins as the one used on Dragon Age: Origins would be awersome and well applied. As some ppl already told, the reverse of good/evil on underdark, where the common and expected b behavior is evil and good is an exception would make immensely interesting this new saga from the roleplay aspect.
The game would take some of the white wolf charm of roleplay monsters beings (werewolf, vampires, feys and etc...), with the plus of the rich lore of forgotten realms.
So to finsh i say, main char drow in bhaalspawn saga? No. But Drow main char (among other races) into a specific adventure on underdark? Yes(oh god, i hope so)!!! Don't even need to be in underdark or in underdark all the times, just a coherent plot for those races.
Icewind dale 1-2 is mostly about drows (in some ways) and bg2 have is own 'underdark aventure'. I dont thing that an entire drow campaign in a good idea, but there are no reasons to not include some drow content in bg3.
Can I just say, I totally HATED the way they killed off Regis, Cattie-Brie, Cadderly and the whole Library of Deneir thing/ I loathed those books *so* hard. I know they were gearing up to 4e, but Gods above, that was foul (and not Fzoul, either).
@Schneidend As they should have instead of getting offed like they did.
@LadyRhian I absolutely hated how he decided to kill them all off. Cadderly especially, he basically condemned Cadderly to something close to eternal torment the way he has to be there to keep the GK away. He should have just left him alone.
I actually hope that Mystra comes back in 5E, that way there might be an excuse to get Deneir back and have Cadderly get out of that thing.
@Tanthalas I think the line I hated the most was Regis and Cattie Brie in Mielikki's Realm and how they were happy there, but "Waiting for friends that would never come." That made me sad and unhappy at the same time.
@Tanthalas, if Mystra comes back in 5°ed probally the weaver and shadow weaver foces gonna be back on FR too, just don't know if that would be a good or a bad thing.
@LadyRhian I really hate that Catti-Brie is still insane there.
I also think its pretty annoying that Drizzt's friends are all ending up there. I mean, you could argue Bruenor ending up there since he doesn't really have a family, just his clan. But Wulfgar?
And now we all know that when Salvatore finally gets fed up of writing Drizzt books, he'll just kill him off and send him there.
@Tanthalas They're adventurers. Even the best of them rarely die old and in bed. Besides, Salvatore is not known for his peaceful deaths. Nobody is safe, either. Elbryan Wyndon, the initial protagonist in his Corona series, got eviscerated by a monk shapeshifted into a tiger.
For bg3, or as a spinoff, I would love to play a game set entirely in the underdark in one of the drow cities, where your entire party would be drow or slaves.
They actually already did that once, more or less. The game was called Menzoberranzan and it featured Drizzt as a playable character, so it was probably a drow fanboy's dream come true.
Anyone else wish Artemis had killed Drizzt about four novels ago? It would've saved us all from a grown man acting like an emo highschool kid in recent books.
True enough. I guess I just didn't like how they actually died. Cadderly at least went down fighting (though I'm not sure if he's even technically dead or not). Catti-Brie and Regis? /sigh
I think it could work really for there to be a expansion pack or a large dlc set in the underdark playing as a new exclusively drow character. Drow seem to be very popular so it would cater for a large fan base and the lore of the under dark is always fascinating.
But seriously we need to start talking about a exclusive illithid campaign, my tentacles are all itchy waiting for one :P
The drow are boring to me. Because they are so "exotic", people flock to them and they become the highlight of attention, and subsequently commonplace, thus losing their mysterious appeal. Whenever someone mentions "drow" I cringe and bite my lip. They are, to me, what the elves of Tolkien's Middle-earth represent in mysticism, and why everyone wants to play one. People become all googly eyed at their mere mention, and it reminds me of the way a young person might over-hype a new pop music idol (Justin Bieber?) because everyone else is doing it too. Frankly, I don't find the appeal. If you want evil then there's a whole host of other cultures and gods to appease you. If you want slaves then come join us in Calimshan and we'll get you what you want. If it's the whole "scantily clad women" element, I hear that nymphs and dryads wear even less clothing. But maybe I'm just a sucker for the great wild. I leave the dark, dank caverns for Minecraft.
Believe it or not, it's possible to like drow and other evil stuff, too. I've never even made a pen and paper drow character or a video game drow protagonist, myself. I usually make a human Blackguard type of character, although my genasi Warden cannibal in Dark Sun is fun.
Hell, I was IN an evil-aligned, Underdark campaign once, and instead of rolling a drow I made a human Fighter loosely inspired by Bankotsu from the anime Inuyasha. I just happen to like the drow because they've interested me ever since I first encountered them in BG2 (never read any books prior or found Viconia in BG1). How does that fit into your cynical generalization?
It fits quite well actually, since you avoided playing a drow even in a drow heavy campaign, instead creating a character that was unique and original. The great thing about playing a human is that they are very diverse, which allows the player to create just about any archetype or role they wish and role play that character accordingly. While the drow are diverse in their own way, I often hear the same story from other players: either (a) they are dark and brooding with a bloodlust fetish, or (b) they are dark and brooding with an anarchistic streak that has caused them to rebel against their own people. While these are interesting concepts for characters, they lose their appeal when overused. Now yes, this is a generalization, and I am sure there are people out there who don't play their drow this way. If so, good for them for having a different mindset. But this is the vibe I have often received, which is why I don't particularly like the drow anymore. For being exotic and secretive, it seems as though many people want to be a part of them, which destroys the point of being exotic and secretive. I suppose that is the price of forbidden fruit -- everyone wants a piece.
I think the idea is interesting not because I am particularly fond of Drow. (I don't care much either way) But because it is DIFFERENT. In most games, (nwn1, nwn2, bg1, iwd1, iwd2, dao...) You essentially start as a group of adventurers in a fairly "normal Human-ish city/town" And proceed into a Western European Medieval/magical world. The idea of starting a world that has completely different norms and policies, where the characters are not "adventurers" has appeal to me. (Makes me think back to waking up on a mortuary slab tended by zombies, and the first thing you see is a talking skull "Hello Chief, whats up?)
@Tanthalas Yeah, that's horrible. And there was no clue when I first read those words that Bruenor would ever end up there. And yeah, Drizzt is kinda acting Emo these days. And an evil lover? Really? :P
@Karpasz Drizzt isn't necessarily the problem (although he does lead an unnecessarily charmed life). It's the ten thousand fanboys who want to play him and be just as awesome as him who end up engendering so much hatred for the character. Because they are everywhere, and they won't (and don't) shut up. I can live with a main Drow character or without one. But I have a feeling, it's going to be another 10,000 Drizzt clones marching in lockstep.
Drizzt is like Slash from the Guns n roses, but the fansub he has is so squeamish that he ends with a Justin Bieber reputation. I prefer a thousant times an special role for Artemis Enteri on BG (what would fit very well on the game cos both Jaerlaxe, the only person that Artemis consider as a friend, and Drizzt, his sword enemy, are on BG2).
So wait, to be a drow fanboy you have to be obsessed with drizzit? lol...I love drow, I hate drizzit, would love a drow campaign, and when I say that I mean a "True" drow campaign, with houses, matron mother, etc, non of this I'm a rebel BS.....
I though I'd make this because of all the love drow seem to be getting at the moment on these forums. They drow segment of bg2 was for me one of the highlights of the game, and beyond this generally, I have always felt that the underdark and drow mythology in particular is one of my favourite parts of d&d
For bg3, or as a spinoff, I would love to play a game set entirely in the underdark in one of the drow cities, where your entire party would be drow or slaves. This has always seemed really exciting to me, and it would make a change from the normal adventuring party roleplaying settings. NWN hordes of the underdark and IWD2 are other good examples, but they only cover a small part of the game. I want to experience a whole story starting at level 1 and ending at level 20 or so.
...well maybe I'll have to continue dreaming for now.
I kind of feel like a game based entirely in a drow city would be really depressing. I kind of feel like the Underdark is too established to really offer enough interesting things for an entire campaign.
Drizzt is like Slash from the Guns n roses, but the fansub he has is so squeamish that he ends with a Justin Bieber reputation. I prefer a thousant times an special role for Artemis Enteri on BG (what would fit very well on the game cos both Jaerlaxe, the only person that Artemis consider as a friend, and Drizzt, his sword enemy, are on BG2).
Does Jarlaxe was at the surface at the time of Baldur's Gate serie? edit / that probably it was a while after the time of trouble, he started expending his operation at surface shortelly after the time of trouble
I like Drow, I'm just saturated on them. Viconia was an excellent Drow. One of her great appeals in BG2 was that she was so much a product of how she was treated and what society expected of her, both in the Underdark and on the surface. A lot of her uniqueness is the fact that she is of a unique race that isn't playable or accessible. So... I have to ask... Why does everybody want to play a Drow? It's exotic and different? I doubt it's going to be when you find the D&D RP universe populated with more Drow than Dwarves.
If they would make a drow game, make a new title, not BG3. Then set it entirely in the underdark and then portray drows as they really are, evil, wicked murderers that won't hesitate to slit the throat of a 4 year old elven child.
I'd spit on the game that tries to create a goodhearted drow character that wants to flee the underdark to live a happy life in the surface. I've read the drizzt books and I love them but just let Drizzt be like... the one that does that, he was a very rare occurance and he even had a damn hard time surviving on his own even if he is mr.AwesomeWithABlade.'
Other than that, don't make the game as a classic pnp, do fast paced combat, think Star Wars Jedi Outcast/Academy but in first person. Also make it as dark as it should be, not like the mmo's... an entire game in the underdark should be about the feeling not classic bg isometric views and rule set dice-combat, just make good bg games if that's what you want.
It fits quite well actually, since you avoided playing a drow even in a drow heavy campaign, instead creating a character that was unique and original. The great thing about playing a human is that they are very diverse, which allows the player to create just about any archetype or role they wish and role play that character accordingly. While the drow are diverse in their own way, I often hear the same story from other players: either (a) they are dark and brooding with a bloodlust fetish, or (b) they are dark and brooding with an anarchistic streak that has caused them to rebel against their own people. While these are interesting concepts for characters, they lose their appeal when overused. Now yes, this is a generalization, and I am sure there are people out there who don't play their drow this way. If so, good for them for having a different mindset. But this is the vibe I have often received, which is why I don't particularly like the drow anymore. For being exotic and secretive, it seems as though many people want to be a part of them, which destroys the point of being exotic and secretive. I suppose that is the price of forbidden fruit -- everyone wants a piece.
I didn't so much "avoid" playing a drow on purpose. I had a character concept in mind before I knew the campaign would take place in the Underdark. My point was that not all drow fans are the player wanting to be an ultra-handsome grimdark psycho-elf. That's not even what the drow in general are like. They don't just impale each other in the street, and they don't get all sentimental and brooding. The former is a good way for your mother to sell you to the House of the guy you killed to repay the debt, and the latter is a good way to get one of your siblings to throw you off the balcony you're ruminating upon. What you're describing is not exclusively a symptom of drow fans, but of bad roleplayers in general. Had I made a drow character, he would likely be a proud warrior of his House, eager to prove his strength and earn esteem, wealth, and the attention of highborn females. He wouldn't mope around or fly into some kind of blood rage.
Well, some ppl maybe remember me as one of the most fiere defenders of NO DROW IN BHAALSPAWN SAGA, but here, with the present idea, i have to say that i agree.
Don't need even to be a new game, or Baldur's Gate 3 as some ppl said, just a plot apart DLC as "the black pits". I say even more, this new DLC/Game could comprise a variety of races of Underdark, as sahuagin, mind flayers, drows, deep gnomes, beholders (Yes!!! Please!!! XD) and drows, among other possible races (maybe some tieflings, or even a real demon/devil).
A system of origins as the one used on Dragon Age: Origins would be awersome and well applied. As some ppl already told, the reverse of good/evil on underdark, where the common and expected b behavior is evil and good is an exception would make immensely interesting this new saga from the roleplay aspect.
The game would take some of the white wolf charm of roleplay monsters beings (werewolf, vampires, feys and etc...), with the plus of the rich lore of forgotten realms.
So to finsh i say, main char drow in bhaalspawn saga? No. But Drow main char (among other races) into a specific adventure on underdark? Yes(oh god, i hope so)!!! Don't even need to be in underdark or in underdark all the times, just a coherent plot for those races.
As they should have instead of getting offed like they did.
I absolutely hated how he decided to kill them all off. Cadderly especially, he basically condemned Cadderly to something close to eternal torment the way he has to be there to keep the GK away. He should have just left him alone.
I actually hope that Mystra comes back in 5E, that way there might be an excuse to get Deneir back and have Cadderly get out of that thing.
I really hate that Catti-Brie is still insane there.
I also think its pretty annoying that Drizzt's friends are all ending up there. I mean, you could argue Bruenor ending up there since he doesn't really have a family, just his clan. But Wulfgar?
And now we all know that when Salvatore finally gets fed up of writing Drizzt books, he'll just kill him off and send him there.
Yeah, I think Mielikki made that pocket realm especially for Drizzt, because he's the chosen one. >_>
They're adventurers. Even the best of them rarely die old and in bed. Besides, Salvatore is not known for his peaceful deaths. Nobody is safe, either. Elbryan Wyndon, the initial protagonist in his Corona series, got eviscerated by a monk shapeshifted into a tiger.
Anyone else wish Artemis had killed Drizzt about four novels ago? It would've saved us all from a grown man acting like an emo highschool kid in recent books.
True enough. I guess I just didn't like how they actually died. Cadderly at least went down fighting (though I'm not sure if he's even technically dead or not). Catti-Brie and Regis? /sigh
But seriously we need to start talking about a exclusive illithid campaign, my tentacles are all itchy waiting for one :P
... oh wait ...
edit / that probably it was a while after the time of trouble, he started expending his operation at surface shortelly after the time of trouble
Viconia was an excellent Drow. One of her great appeals in BG2 was that she was so much a product of how she was treated and what society expected of her, both in the Underdark and on the surface. A lot of her uniqueness is the fact that she is of a unique race that isn't playable or accessible.
So... I have to ask... Why does everybody want to play a Drow? It's exotic and different? I doubt it's going to be when you find the D&D RP universe populated with more Drow than Dwarves.
I'd spit on the game that tries to create a goodhearted drow character that wants to flee the underdark to live a happy life in the surface. I've read the drizzt books and I love them but just let Drizzt be like... the one that does that, he was a very rare occurance and he even had a damn hard time surviving on his own even if he is mr.AwesomeWithABlade.'
Other than that, don't make the game as a classic pnp, do fast paced combat, think Star Wars Jedi Outcast/Academy but in first person. Also make it as dark as it should be, not like the mmo's... an entire game in the underdark should be about the feeling not classic bg isometric views and rule set dice-combat, just make good bg games if that's what you want.