I just picked up the Big Metal Unit, and for giggles thought I'd check if Rasaad could wear it. Indeed he can...and he wound up with a -23 AC. Not sure if that was intended...
It just seems a bit overpowered, I almost feel guilty using it. He doesn't lose anything at all (other than his ability to fit through narrow spaces...) and gains crazy AC. He can still use all his HLAs, his monk abilities, still gets his 4 unarmed attacks per round. I just had him tank the green dragon in Abazigal's lair and he took one hit the whole fight.
This thread is not what I thought it would be about.
you mean poorly-written homoerotic fanfic (with a wicked BDSM twist) about a well-endowed monk wrestling with older brother issues? .. alas that's what I thought too
Hey, I didn't name the thing. It was probably the same guy/gal that named the 'SOLAMNICBUTTPLUG' variable that I found one day while browsing about EEKeeper. I can't even find out what it does, because forum mods on various sites seem to take exception to its nomenclature. :P
Just cast Barkskin on him and watched his AC go through the ceiling as well. Lets him keep his +4 to hit and damage from his gauntlets. Why did I only think of this in TOB when the game is practically over...? >.<
with bracers of defense AC3 Rasaad gets a similiar result.
Why did I only think of this in TOB when the game is practically over...? >.<