What Deity does/would your PC worship?

I know its not important to the game but imagine if it was. It would have been awesome if your Deity of choice was to talk to your for a second or help you at some random time.
I think my main PC would worship Tymora as she goes well with my chaotic good thief's attitude.
Who would you PC worship? Or would they be faithless
I think my main PC would worship Tymora as she goes well with my chaotic good thief's attitude.
Who would you PC worship? Or would they be faithless
My Berserker run through BGTutu worshiped Tempus.
Edit : yeah or Loviatar for evil.
I guess it would also depend on your alignment
Bane: Lawful Evil
Shar: Neutral Evil
Tiamat: Lawful Evil, but she values reptilian life more than human, so I'd go with Bane instead.
Hope this helps.
Still, though, I'm curious, why would that make them less appealing? They're ambitious men who began as mortals and achieved penultimate power through force of will, courage, cunning, and strength. Is that not the Evil ideal?
I've always liked the minor gods like The Red Knight and Hoar. Their domains are rather small, but that's part of the appeal, I think.
Cyric (who she sees as weak and cowardly)
I could not agree more he just seems like such a twerp in the game anyway. When he pops up I'm just like so how did you gain any power.
I've always played a Mage of some sort (Fighter/Mage or Cleric/Mage) I love secrets and gaining knowledge and wisdom. "Knowing is half the battle"
You could just become a Exarch of your chosen god i think Oghma has a few already
Just can't get myself to bow down to deity's even if I would know they where real.