to me no god in FR setting seems sane enough to deserve worshiping... would go for selune i guess...
That made me laugh because you worry about picking a god because none some sane enough, but then you pick the god that actually has a truly nutty sect of worshipers -- the lunatics.
My PC would be an atheist technically. He acknowledges that the gods exist, but doesn't see them as superior beings. They are just powerful entities, that are every bit as fallible as a mortal is, and therefore not worth worshiping.
My PC would be an atheist technically. He acknowledges that the gods exist, but doesn't see them as superior beings. They are just powerful entities, that are every bit as fallible as a mortal is, and therefore not worth worshiping.
"Worshiping gods is too mainstream. I'd rather suffer for decades in the Wall of the Faithless. You've probably never heard of it." -Hipster Bhaalspawn
They're not meant to be perceived as superior beings. Ao even changed the way godhood worked so that without worshipers gods would wither away and die to create a more symbiotic relationship.
My PC would be an atheist technically. He acknowledges that the gods exist, but doesn't see them as superior beings. They are just powerful entities, that are every bit as fallible as a mortal is, and therefore not worth worshiping.
"Worshiping gods is too mainstream. I'd rather suffer for decades in the Wall of the Faithless. You've probably never heard of it." -Hipster Bhaalspawn
They're not meant to be perceived as superior beings. Ao even changed the way godhood worked so that without worshipers gods would wither away and die to create a more symbiotic relationship.
Yes, I do know about the wall of the faithless. But I plan to live forever. Immortality, look into it. Actually, if my PC were to worship anyone it would probably be Ao, since he is an actual superior being. Just too bad he doesn't care about worshipers.
Depending on what char I end up playing.. Its either gonna be Moradin (dwarf warrior), Torm (paladin) or Mystra (mage)..
And when it comes to faith in the forgotten realms.. well its not really a matter of believing.. because they can just go to a temple and see "evidence" of the gods.. So actually.. the gods in forgotten realms dont have belivers.. they have "knowers".. and yes.. thats not a real word
Lathander seems pretty benign except for that monstrosity of a temple they have in Shadowdale.
Benign... You don't know about the Dawn Cataclysm then (an ill-fated attempt by the Morninglord to reshape the Faerunian pantheon in his own image), or his plans for a second attempt. (Probably not going to happen now since after the spellplague he rebecame Amanuator)
Benign... You don't know about the Dawn Cataclysm then (an ill-fated attempt by the Morninglord to reshape the Faerunian pantheon in his own image), or his plans for a second attempt. (Probably not going to happen now since after the spellplague he rebecame Amanuator)
I think that WAS his second attempt. When changing the universe didn't work to make things better, he instead changed himself.
If there will be a specialist priest of Kelemvor kit for BG2 available (or for EE as if I understood correctly it will support kits) I'd love to pick it for my half-elven cleric.
My Paladin worsips Red Knight.
My Sorceror worships Mystra.
They're not meant to be perceived as superior beings. Ao even changed the way godhood worked so that without worshipers gods would wither away and die to create a more symbiotic relationship.
Actually, if my PC were to worship anyone it would probably be Ao, since he is an actual superior being. Just too bad he doesn't care about worshipers.
And when it comes to faith in the forgotten realms.. well its not really a matter of believing.. because they can just go to a temple and see "evidence" of the gods.. So actually.. the gods in forgotten realms dont have belivers.. they have "knowers".. and yes.. thats not a real word
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If there will be a specialist priest of Kelemvor kit for BG2 available (or for EE as if I understood correctly it will support kits) I'd love to pick it for my half-elven cleric.