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Has there been any recent official mod/dev comments in regards to BG III?

bman86bman86 Member Posts: 115
I've trawled through a few topics related to BG III (there are a few out there now lol), but I don't think I've ever noticed any recent official comment in regards to a 3rd Overhaul/Beamdog game (BG or otherwise). Has anyone seen anything? Or heard any juicy rumours?
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • TvrtkoSvrdlarTvrtkoSvrdlar Member Posts: 353
    Don't get your hopes up. BG3 is years away, if even that. All signs point to Overhaul going after one of the Icewind Dale games next (probably the 1st one, since the 2nd uses a different ruleset).
  • ChinookUTChinookUT Member Posts: 32
    @TvrtkoSvrdlar I haven't seen any signs pointing towards Icewind Dale, either.
  • TvrtkoSvrdlarTvrtkoSvrdlar Member Posts: 353

    Trent mentioned it in one of his tweets. And IWD1 is, engine-wise, the easiest for them to do, since it's the most similar to the BG series.
  • ChinookUTChinookUT Member Posts: 32


    Trent mentioned it in one of his tweets. And IWD1 is, engine-wise, the easiest for them to do, since it's the most similar to the BG series.

    Exactly one Trent Oster tweet favors IWD: "Icewind Dale II is a little scary due to the rules changes and other things, but #IWD might make good sense"

    Exactly one tweet favors BG3: "#BG3 is always on our minds."

    All other references to either game in his tweet history are completely hypothetical. My opinion is that no signs point to anything in particular right now.
  • bman86bman86 Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2013

    I'd love to take a crack at BG3. I feel not enough people totally hate me yet.

    (that was a joke)

    (sort of.)

    Aaaawww yeah!
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Well, since the devs were obviously working on something during the time that development on both games was halted due to legal issues, my guess would be that they already have something in the works that isn't baldur's gate related.
  • bman86bman86 Member Posts: 115
    ajwz said:

    Well, since the devs were obviously working on something during the time that development on both games was halted due to legal issues, my guess would be that they already have something in the works that isn't baldur's gate related.

    what makes you say it wasn't BG related?
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited November 2013
    bman86 said:

    ajwz said:

    Well, since the devs were obviously working on something during the time that development on both games was halted due to legal issues, my guess would be that they already have something in the works that isn't baldur's gate related.

    what makes you say it wasn't BG related?
    They stopped working on BG1/BG2 because of the legal issues with Atari, If BG3 was in the works ( hypothetically ) It would have been halted too.. In other words they didn't work on something related to Atari, hence it is also not related to BG.

  • LordRumfishLordRumfish Member Posts: 937
    I would like to remind everyone that we did get @TrentOster 's attention with this thread:

    And the idea was revisited here:

    Now, grabbing a developer's (or even owner's) attention is not the same as an official announcement, but I want to remind everyone (Trent included) that we, as the player base, think this is a super-cool idea and it needs expansion.
  • Google_CalasadeGoogle_Calasade Member Posts: 80
    edited September 2014
    Unfortunate no official statement has been made in regards to BG III. The fact of the matter is I purchased the EEs of BG in the hopes that there would (finally) be a BG III, as Overhaul hinted might happen. Yeah, a bit miffed to return here and learn that there will be an EE of IWD I developed instead.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    bengoshi said:
    So much yes.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2014
    WotC has advanced BG's Bhaalspawn plotline in Murder in Baldur's Gate, the Sundering's Adventure I. I wonder if there is more to come about this plotline as the Sundering unfolds. And if so, what impact that might have on the type of game Wizard's wishes to make for BG3.

    And who knows? WotC may even be leaning toward a lush 3D game for that, versus the revival of the 2D isometric platform that we're seeing such as with Pillars of Eternity and the EEs.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2014
    I think it also depends on what demographic Wizards decides to target.

    If WotC decides BG3's customers will be older gamers who have roots in tabletop D&D and D&D based CRPGs, then I think they would be wise to build upon what has worked with such brilliant success already. And by that I mean: imagine what the gaming experience offered by the Infinity engine would look like if it was built from the ground up using today's tools! It would be 2D isometric but much more refined. For example, we would have definition to characters' faces versus the 'suggestion of a face' from a blob of pixels. Characters would of course move in a far more fluid and lifelike manner than the original game or EEs. It might look a bit like Pillars of Eternity, I suppose. But there was also a very distinctive graphical charm to the BG series, particularly with BG's 2D painted backgrounds. I would love to see that done again except with the superior technology available today. That painterly style gave the gameworld a kind of charm and warmth (even in the darker and more sinister setting of Amn). In other words, graphically speaking the game would offer a similar blend of realism and painterly stylization; although obviously in HD.

    And I would very much like to see Edition Next bent (via its modular and customizable framework) every bit as much as possible to resemble the gameplay that we have from BG1 and BG2.

    If however the target demographic is a younger crowd that games via console systems, and plays MMORPGs, then Wizards will go with a 3D engine. My guess is that BG3 would then probably bear no resemblance to the game we know and love.
    Post edited by Lemernis on
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