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katanas and other weapons not present in BG.



  • SallparadiseSallparadise Member Posts: 94
    I honestly think it would be to far fetched to try and impliment that as the reasoning behind why the break down.

    You basically would only have to options: either make them so rare and or magical that they follow the normal rules for magic weapons or smiths such as the one in Beregost are making "inferior" ones that are corruptible by the iron.

    I couldn't see the swords "breaking down" from simply fighting. Under that theory, then metal armor would also break down.
    Tanthalas said:


    Just by fighting people using weapons that are corrupted would be my theory.

  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    I was always of the opinion that it made no sense for metalic helmets, armor and shields to not suffer from the iron plague (I actually mod my games so that stuff breaks too).
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    edited August 2012

    That would drive me nuts if I had finally gotten a set of plate male or full plate and suddenly it just disintegrated. You are a much braver soul than I.
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