Use Any NPC Item - Add-on for Use Any Item HLA.

Attached is a zip file containing the following modified items:
Use Any NPC Item - Primary component.
I did not bother to make a WeiDU install script, but can do so if people would prefer. Just copy the files to the override folder. As standard, I have not removed the "Usable by [NPC Name]", but an optional blank item_use.2da is also attached if seeing the alignment and class restrictions is preferable.
Blank item_use.2da - optional, displays Usable/Unusable list instead of just the character name the item is intended for.
Please note that other restrictions such as class and alignment still apply to characters without the Use Any Item ability, but can still be used if they meet the requirements. I have left some items, such as Boo, as they currently are.
Likewise for Hexxat's amulet. Hexxat, from a lore point of view, should not be able to use certain items (for what should be an obvious reason). I will, however, make an optional component if it is desirable.
Flasher Launcher
Jansen AdventureWear
Bow of Arvoreen +2
Corthala Family Armor
Cloak of the High Forest +1
Jansen Spectroscopes
Jansen Techno-Gloves
Firecam Full-Plate Armor
de'Arnise Signet Ring (also allowed item to be moved/dropped)
Delryn Family Shield
Staff of the High Forest +2
Sword of Arvoreen +2
Yoshimo's Katana +1
Hallowed Redeemer +2
Corthala Family Blade
Entropy +2
Chaos Blade
Moonlight Walkers
Glimmering Bands
Neera's Staff +1
I think that's all of them. If I have missed anything, do let me know.
Jansen AdventureWear
Bow of Arvoreen +2
Corthala Family Armor
Cloak of the High Forest +1
Jansen Spectroscopes
Jansen Techno-Gloves
Firecam Full-Plate Armor
de'Arnise Signet Ring (also allowed item to be moved/dropped)
Delryn Family Shield
Staff of the High Forest +2
Sword of Arvoreen +2
Yoshimo's Katana +1
Hallowed Redeemer +2
Corthala Family Blade
Entropy +2
Chaos Blade
Moonlight Walkers
Glimmering Bands
Neera's Staff +1
I think that's all of them. If I have missed anything, do let me know.
Use Any NPC Item - Primary component.
I did not bother to make a WeiDU install script, but can do so if people would prefer. Just copy the files to the override folder. As standard, I have not removed the "Usable by [NPC Name]", but an optional blank item_use.2da is also attached if seeing the alignment and class restrictions is preferable.
Blank item_use.2da - optional, displays Usable/Unusable list instead of just the character name the item is intended for.
Please note that other restrictions such as class and alignment still apply to characters without the Use Any Item ability, but can still be used if they meet the requirements. I have left some items, such as Boo, as they currently are.
Likewise for Hexxat's amulet. Hexxat, from a lore point of view, should not be able to use certain items (for what should be an obvious reason). I will, however, make an optional component if it is desirable.
Post edited by Troodon80 on
If you want to have the item display the real Usable/Unusable list, then copy the optional component (item_use.2da) to the override folder. Otherwise, just use the primary component.
Red Wizards have never gotten additional spell slots based on their red wizard status, they get bonus's with their preferred school of magic, but they do not gain additional spell slots.
"The power of the Red Wizards and their mastery of magic is second to none. Within the walls of Thays many towers of sorcery lie countless volumes of ancient lore that hold dark secrets the rest of the world has long forgotten.
There are those who say all Red Wizards are specialists. In truth, all Red Wizards can be dual specialists; only zulkirs adhere to one school, giving up the second when they achieve that rank. When a DM creates a Red Wizard, he can select two schools of magic to specialize in. The only restriction to this choice is that neither of the selected schools can be an opposition school of the other. So a Red Wizard could be an abjurer/diviner, but not an abjurer/illusionist or an abjurer/transmuter. In game terms this means they gain a +2 bonus to any saving throws they are required to make because of any spells that fall into either of their specialist schools. Any spell a Red Wizard casts from either of his chosen specialties imposes a -2 penalty on his targets saving throws.
Also, perhaps far more importantly, the character can memorize two extra spells per available spell level, provided that each spell comes from one of his two specialties. For example, an abjurer/diviner could memorise an extra abjuration spell and an extra divination spell. He could not memorize two extra abjuration spells or two extra divination spells, however. A Red Wizard must satisfy the ability score requirements for both his chosen specialties."
Incidentally, I believe it's meant to be two additional spells on top of the basic wizard number (so the 3 of BG1 rather than the 4 of BG2), but the wording is a bit ambiguous.
There is a big difference between having 2 extra spell slots that must be filled with very specific spells, and gaining 3 extra spell slots that can be filled with anything in your spell book. So I stand by my statement, having the option to be unable to cast 4 schools of magic, for Edwin it would be Greater Divination, Evocation/Invocation, and two other schools in opposition to his second choice to cast 2 extra spells a day per level from a very specific list is a big deal, something he doesn't give up in the game, and still comes out an extra spell slot per level ahead then he would if he made such a huge sacrafice.
Anyone who has played a PNP mage to any extent can tell you that giving up any spell school at high levels is a huge disadvantage, the divination spell school alone at high levels make a number of BG2 prologues impossible to actually happen. The only school that a wizard would ever actually be willing to give up in pnp at high levels is illusion magic, and its such a useful school that even though its not necessary its still better to have it.
Edwin's amulet is clearly supposed to emulate aspects of him being a Red Wizard. They simply didn't give him the downsides of it, but this is likely purely due to the game's coding.
The point is people keep saying it emulates what he "should have" in pnp and it clearly does not, he gets a greater bonus then what he would get in pnp with none of the sacrifices to get those bonus's. You could say it was a poor attempt to emulate red wizards that fails in almost every way, but that's not the same thing as claiming its what he "should have" which many people do.
If the amulet gave 1 spell per spell levels I would consider it an acceptable emulation of pnp, its a lost magic item slot to give the advantages without the disadvantages, albeit it's the weakest magic item slot in the game, there is still a very good choice available for it none the less.
"Red Wizards have never gotten additional spell slots based on their red wizard status, they get bonus's with their preferred school of magic, but they do not gain additional spell slots."
And I was proving this statement incorrect. Just that. Because they have received that bonus at least since Wizards and Rogues was published (c.1995). Edwin is a Red Wizard, and his extra spell in BG1 is a feature of his Red Wizard-ness. Honestly, you just seem to be arguing in circles, because I have proven the above statement empirically false and you seem to simply not want to admit you were wrong.
He should, however, not get the 4 spells per spell level he gets in BG2, but the 3 he gets in BG1. The third bonus spell is a feature of the zulkirs of Thay, and Edwin is about as far from a zulkir as one can be at the time of BG2. (You could probably make some spurious argument involving Edwin's single specialisation as opposed to double specialisation and how this relates to the single specialisation of zulkirs and Edwin's epic levels, but I suspect Bioware just did it to make him more powerful.)
Gaining a single additional spell slot is not a free perk of being a red wizard, they have to give up two additional schools of magic to gain access to that extra spell slot.
If we follow the rules from that 1e book, one can safely assume the bonuses should be halved; one extra spell slot instead of two, given that he can only have one mage speciality. Edwins' amulet only gave him one extra spell slot in BG, but I can only assume that the plan was to show Edwin advancing in power in BG2.
Having said that, it's widely known that Baldur's Gate follows only the basic core rules.
I wasn't trying to get a change and apologize if that's the way it was interpreted.
I was merely stating that getting extra spell slots is not a free bonus that Red Wizards get in pnp because I have seen it brought up so often on the forums.
Some items have been left as they are.