How does Sun Soulray work?
I cannot for the life of me figure out how the monk ability Sun Soulray works. What is the shape / area of effect of this ability? It seems utterly random. I can have Rasheed use it on an enemy that is surrounded by 3 or 4 enemies and it will only just hit 1 ... other times it hits every single evemy on the screen, plus eveyr single party member that's behind Rasheed (even my archers!).
Is it a 30 ft blast? It doesnt seem like it because sometimes it hits allies that are 20 feet behind him and sometimes it doesnt.. sometimes it hits 1 enemy in a cluster of enemies, other times it hits all of them.
I'm just trying to figure out how to use this stupid ability without frying my party members, but I cant do it without understand the shape / area this ability has. At least fireball tells me it has a 30ft radius so I know how to cast it and avoid hitting my friends... but there's no detailed description for this ability and even after using it a dozen times I can only deduce the shape and area of the attack are utterly random.
Is it a 30 ft blast? It doesnt seem like it because sometimes it hits allies that are 20 feet behind him and sometimes it doesnt.. sometimes it hits 1 enemy in a cluster of enemies, other times it hits all of them.
I'm just trying to figure out how to use this stupid ability without frying my party members, but I cant do it without understand the shape / area this ability has. At least fireball tells me it has a 30ft radius so I know how to cast it and avoid hitting my friends... but there's no detailed description for this ability and even after using it a dozen times I can only deduce the shape and area of the attack are utterly random.
Odd, that a bug would cause the ability to suddenly get an area of effect. I actually assumed that the bugged version of the ability was the original, due to cone effects not working properly in EE before patch 1.2.
kangaxx the demi-lich died in 2 rounds after uses of sun soul ray. i've never taken down kangaxx so quickly without a lucky mace of disruption/azuredge hit
My experience has been that it usually is a cone effect, although I agree with others that the angle of the cone looks pretty variable. I've never noticed it wrap right round behind Rasaad, though.