Favorite Mod Romance

Whether it is with a character you can't normally romance or with a new character from the mod, which is your favorite?
Two questions: How does the Imoen romance end and is the D'Arnise romance any good?
Two questions: How does the Imoen romance end and is the D'Arnise romance any good?
The Imoen romance is controversial, as there were apparently some RL tie-ins written into the romance that were - ahem - a bit inappropriate to say the least. I'm not sure about the full story, you can probably find it around somewhere. Anyway, the mod itself is okay, but not stellar. It's trying too hard imo, and some passages are just plain boring. There's also a lot of very tacky humor that makes you sigh more than laugh... Not for everyone, but it is one of the larger romances and technically well implemented. There's several possible endings, including a "physical" one.
If you're into lots of philosophical debate and poetry, Solaufein is for you. And be warned that there will be a LOT of philosophy and poetry. Not all of it is romance-related, and the actual romance part is fairly short and flat. The mod does however add one of the more enjoyable encounters for difficulty-afficionados (Lunar Eclipse) which is basically the only reason I even play it. If you're not a powergamer, you may not enjoy fighting enemies with party-wide Time Stops, so be warned...
Saerileth is another popular mod, but recommended only for the purest of pure-hearted white knight Paladins with a good-complex [sic]. If you're into the whole righteousness > all thing, then look no further - but most people find Saerileth too over the top. She can literally die of a broken heart if you're not super duper mega good and caring... And she will butt in on many occasions, making sure you take the most righteous path in quests, conversations, etc. Can be annoying and controlling. Also, the voice acting is HORRIBLE. I literally had to turn it off because I couldn't take it.
Those are basically the ones I played personally. There's more out there I'm sure.
The Dynaheir romance in the BG1 NPC Project is also very well done. It gives Dynaheir a lot more character and depth and has her express her feelings in various nice (and sometimes scholarly) ways. There is some minor quest and item content, and the mod takes Dynaheir's ultimate fate into account and handles it well.
Saerileth gets a lot of flak, with this one it depends on what you prefer. My biggest issue with it is how so many in-game decisions end up being about what she wants.
As for Saerileth, I think I played her once, and I didn't get very far.
Better find a Scroll of Sildenafil...
Also, is there anyway to save your mods from being undone when a patch comes out? I think that would put a crimp in any character or romance mods.
The first is, it takes forever. It is the longest romance I've experienced. The pacing is simply not designed for anyone with half a clue about the game. If you wander around aimlessly and encumbered, you might not be bothered by it. You're gonna be consoling your way to the next conversation a lot, I assure you. It IS well written, but horribly paced. Be prepared for Nalia to discuss every subject relevant and metaphysical before you get anywhere.
The second is, it takes forever, and in all this forever, there's of course no naked fun times until the end. Out of an impulsive, chaotic character we're having this endless courtship requirement to find out if you are her soulmate before we get to quality time (or even a kiss). This is befitting Aerie perhaps, but I am quite tired of so many romances where sex is thought of as the culmination point once love has been established, and all lust is suppressed or ignored until that point. Maybe you want the game to fit children's worlds, but the mods need not.
Romanceable female hamster ranger?
Choosing a single BG2 romance mod is harder though. Those I really enjoyed were Tsuajatha, Saerileth, Fade, Imoen, Amber, Sarah and Tyris Flare. I guess I'd say Imoen is my favorite, but only because she can be romanced by any PC.
However, I'm also definitely not a fan of the idea that the courting period lasts 95% of the romance and sex is seen like the rewarding pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (and the story). I tend to favour romances that are a little more allowing for lust and instinct, such as Fade or Viconia. Never quite understood why it's often so hard for romance NPC:s to just let go and admit they're crazy about charname.
I do agree that the romance is, shall we say, extensive. It can drag on a bit, but if you're looking at it in the "pot-of-gold" way maybe you're going into it wrong. Still, without the CLUAConsole to speed things along it does take an ungodly amount of time to play through it... A detriment, I suppose, especially for people unwilling to help things along through such artificial means. Then again my usual playing speeds only get me halfway at best through the vanilla romances either, so there's that.
Xan is also a good mod, and @Kulyok does his character development (both bonded and non-bonded path) very well. He is also now a must-have in my usual charname's party. He also has plenty to say with his usual 'enthusiasm' (note: hopelessness).
Well it works for references to the "canon" books as well!
That being said, my second favorite romance mod is...Arath. Its so good. Arath is an awesome hedonistic, bisexual Druid (Avenger Kit). I really don't want to give out anymore than that.
Mechanically, as a fighter dualed thief, he has excellent combat skills and can reach grand mastery. He also serves as a thief for either good or evil parties (he's neutral) that continues to advance as a thief and can reach UAI opening up his gearing options tremendously. I like having a thief that keeps getting skill points. Sure there's a point where you have enough but I like doing things like having uber HS/MS or PP once the basics like OL or FT are maxed at 100.
Overall he just seems like a great character to have around. He has a great starting point and the typical interaction with Bodhi that the other romances has so he feels like he's meant to be part of the game.