EE Keeper and multiclass kits.
I am sure this has been asked many times but trying to make a cleric/swashbuckler with EEKeeper. When I switch it around, restart at level 0, I get the swashbucjler AC bonus and all is good with that but I also keep the backstab multiplier. Is there a way to turn that off? Will I get the HLA for Swashbuckler at high levels or will that need to be manually adjusted like the weapon skills?
If you are actually using a multi-class combination of Cleric/Swashbuckler, then it is considered an illegal in-game combination. As far as I know, that combination will be treated as a generic Cleric/Thief. If you are using dual-class, then it should take care of itself.
1) Make a swashbuckler, to make sure all the kit affects are properly initialized.
2) Make it a multiclass cleric/thief on EEKeeper.
3) If it's a dualclass Cleric->Swashie you want, set it as a dual class and select cleric as starting class.
4) Give appropriate xp to the cleric side, and rearrange HPs/THAC0/saves accordingly (though they should fix themselves at levelup)
At least you can just avoid attacking from behind if you're feeling honest, and it's not like specialisation is a major bonus, but there's not much you can do about the assassination/whirlwind thing without editting, no.
You'd also be getting full backstab and thief skills as any other kit too, so short of manual tweaks every level, you're out of luck alas.
Now I only have to find out how to chance the amount of thieving points per level and the muilti-kitting should be perfect