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What is your favorite universe?

DejwoSWKDejwoSWK Member Posts: 35
By that I mean universes in games,books,movies etc. Fantasy or Sci-fi,it does not matter
My personal favorites are:
WarHammer,Forgotten Realms,Middle Earth.Warcraft is not bad and Dragon Age universe could be interesting if it was more explored
And Sci-fi
WarHammer 40k and Star Wars...I am not that big sci-fi fan,I always prefer fantasy over sci-fi


  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited August 2012
    The Alien universe before Prometheus messed it up... and of course Middle Earth! oh and Star wars!!! Damn and the dune setting is realy interesting too. Now i stop!
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    forgotten realms (D&D in general) when considering fantasy settings. it is just that many fond memories tie me to that universe (IWD BG series and PLANESCAPE). i also like how it is inclusive to almost all of the human mythology and folklore, and still maintains enough liberty to interpret some stuff as you see fit. it is expansive and flexible.

    sci fi- star trek and mass effect (although i dislike how in mass effect all the aliens are actually human beings (mostly western archetypes) with different exteriors).

    mentioning Sigil still invokes some amount of nostalgia for me. :)
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Dark Tower...just sayin...
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    i also like aliens films not universe so much...

    but what i really love is "Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" universe. would not necessarily want to live in it but it makes me at ease in a weird way when reading the books.

    as for double post- we apologize for the inconvenience.
  • oldsch00loldsch00l Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 192
    edited August 2012
    My preferences comes in general from books mainly because it's more fully described. I think also because we tend to see more common people than in video games or movies.

    For the fantasy I like the Game of Thrones universe. It's vast, eclectic and I generally prefer worlds with low magic. Has legends, heroes and breath taking places ! Not the easiest world to live in but my second choice is no easier either : wheel of time ;-)

    For the sci-fi there's only one answer : Battlestar Galactica ! Star wars is too "me good you bad"
  • Doom972Doom972 Member Posts: 150
    Top 5:
    Deus Ex
    Star Wars
    Legacy of Kain
  • DiscoCatDiscoCat Member Posts: 73
    WarHammer 40k and Star Wars are pretty much fantasy, not sci-fi. By that I mean they have the fantasy ethos.
  • azuritazurit Member Posts: 182
    edited August 2012
    i love the one from Planescape Torment, it is really amazing and unique
  • DejwoSWKDejwoSWK Member Posts: 35
    Well that probably depends on how you look at it..I find SW and WH40k more sci-fi like.Why?Starships,Lasers and so on...It is true they have some essence of fantasy - swordfights for example,but I would not thin
    And damn,I forgot Song of Ice and Fire universe,it is really interesting,at least from books
  • DesariusDesarius Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2012
    Fantasy: Middle Earth
    Sci fi: Transhuman Space, Fading Suns, Eclipse Phase, Dune, Starwars,
  • DragothDragoth Member Posts: 9
    Well, I'm very interested in tabletop wargaming, so my top worlds are Warhammer and Warhammer 40k, Middle-earth. I like Midkemia, Dark sun, Ice and fire worlds too.
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    Legacy of kain- that game was awesome. the first soul reaver game had great atmosphere and puzzles, too bad they messed the second installment. would love to see that saga continue...
  • wariisopwariisop Member Posts: 163
    1. Star Trek
    2. Game of Thrones
    3. Star Wars
    4. Stargate - Yeah we start seeing a pattern here.
    5. D&D
    6. Legend of the Seeker
    7. Babylon 5
    8. Battlestar Galactica
    9. Dresden Files
    10. Underworld

    Yeah, that sounds about right, can switch a few in the middle based on a couple of good episodes.
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    I like Golarion. It's still in its infancy compared to most "universes", but I like the way it has a fantasy setting with a solar system and proper astronomy. Elves in Space! Then again, maybe it is because the Pathfinder game I am currently running is set there :p

    Forgotten Realms is nice, but the power levels are somewhat silly and mean that players don't get to really influence the world without attracting the attention of all these epic level people.

    Planescape I absolutely adore, everything about it is wonderful. Sadly it has't been updated to 3rd edition rules which makes it very difficult to find people to play it :(

    The Star Trek universe I love because I love the show and sometimes I need a bit of optimism.

    The Fallout universe has real potential from what I've seen of it, though I haven't played the later games. Really nice concept.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Universe? No thanks, I'm choosing the Planescape *multiverse*.

    As far as the science fiction genre goes, I prefer the Lovecraftian universe. The scent of eternal madness is far too sweet to overcome the temptation!
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Half-Life series. Very believable, scary but in realistic ways. The sort of repression seen in Half-Life has happened amongst humans, so with aliens ... why not? Absolutely. A spine-chilling game that makes you realized just how messed up the world is, and how much worse it could easily be with a few mistakes.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @wariisop, whoooa!, Babylon 5; Londo Mollari was grand, I tell you, and for some reason the visuals were great.

  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,424
    trinit said:

    but what i really love is "Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" universe. would not necessarily want to live in it

    I don't think anyone on earth with a sane mind would want to live in it, considering you wouldn't have long to live anymore.

    I like Larry Niven's universe, but to live in it, I'd prefer somewhere after the 2600s. Before that time there are some pretty horrific eras. Organ leggers? *shudders*
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    middle earth or forgotten realms
  • SolyarisSolyaris Member Posts: 24
    edited August 2012
    Elder Scrolls - Oblivion/Skyrim may have attempted to casualize the setting, but anyone who has been to a ES forum knows that there is so much backstory introduced with Morrowind that it's mindboggling. You know it's something different when it's 4 AM and you're looking up what the **** an 'enantiomorph' or 'CHIM' is. It makes Planescape look like philosophy for babbies. It's just crazy because 95% of the people will just take it at the "lol daedra princes and nines and readin da elder scrolls" level, but the mythology is some ridiculous mental exercise based on tao principles once people start pointing out all the well-hidden symbolism... even the fact of that each main character starts as a prisoner has a meaning in the cosmology of the setting.

    Forgotten Realms - As I got older, I've come to realize that it is kind of generic fantasy and it relies too much on brand name epic characters to get any story rolling, but pound-for-pound, I think it's the most entertaining high fantasy setting of all. It's deep and it's fun.

    Halo - Guilty pleasure. Yes, it's derivative and hardly original, but I guess it's working if the release of Halo 4 is preventing me from selling my Xbox. Just want to see what's up with Didact.

    Assassin's Creed - While it's digging pretty heavily into illuminati/templar stereotypes at this point, I just think it's cool being able to explore old Jerusalem or Florence. The integration of somewhat "realistic" NPC populations also makes cities in other open world games seem pale in advance. Will have to wait to see how 3 pans out before I decide on whether the modern Templar part is really good or just being crazy for the sake of crazy.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    Forgotten Realms and Star Wars.
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    @Thels true, but as soon as i posted the previous comment i thought to myself "wait, we already are living in that universe, only difference is lack of aliens". so yes, there you go, not much choice there :)
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Star Wars - Without too much Expanded Universe crap. It's a really solid setting but it's also had all the love, life and originality drained from it by a thousand authors and a billion crack-like addicted fans. At face value, it's amazing.

    Forgotten Realms - Generic with way too many super-powered people running around, but diverse, familiar, easy to get into, surprisingly deep and damn fun.

    Fallout - Giant scorpions, super mutants, pigrats and ghouls. I love ghouls. And 30's-40's-50's music.

    World of Darkness - Playing a Nosferatu vampire in my current PnP game and it's a ton of laughs. Something about playing in 'our' world, but a shadowy, corrupt and sadistic version if it just awesome.

    Warhammer - Fantasy and 40k. It's just so gorram ridiculous. Everything it gigantic and over the top. Armies are always giant, deaths are by the millions, world gets almost destroyed on a daily basis and four versions of the universal apocalypse are always on the way. Space Marines didn't suffice by being geneticly enhanced or practicly cyborgs, they had to be both to destroy the giant swarms of alien invaders. Everyone hates everyone, everyone kills everyone. WAR! WAAAAGH! Skulls for the Skull Throne!

    Honourary mention:
    Dark Sun - Never played it, know hardly anything about it, but it's one of those worlds I really need to get into because it sounds awesome.

  • CairhiinCairhiin Member Posts: 5
    Forgotten Realms by far. Besides that Elder Scrolls, and Star Wars.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    1. Planescape
    2. Planescape
    3. Planescape
    4. Forgotten Realms
    5. The Matrix

    I love the setting from Blade Runner but I'm unable to put it in any kind of relationship / comparison with any other setting. Unfortunately, I have no experience of Dark Sun and Spelljammer, though evidence suggests that I would likely love them.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Oh my, that's an excellent question. :)

    I'd say my top 5 favorite game worlds are Nosgoth (Legacy of Kain), D&D (I'm no expert but I think Sigil and Faerun are part of the same universe?), the galaxy of Mass Effect, Thedas (Dragon Age) and Spira (Final Fantasy X).

    My favorite fictional world in general is probably the world of the Four Nations from "Avatar: The Last Airbender" and "Legend of Korra".
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    Other than my first loves of Middle Earth and Forgotten Realms. I want Elderscrolls and Fallout books to further immerse myself in the universe. Dragon Age books too... Though I still have to get the Mass Effect ones.

  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,424
    trinit said:

    @Thels true, but as soon as i posted the previous comment i thought to myself "wait, we already are living in that universe, only difference is lack of aliens". so yes, there you go, not much choice there :)

    Well, when given the chance, I prefer to live in the universe where Earth is not getting demolished at the very start of the storyline.

  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    The Middle Earth of, The Hobbit.
  • ShogoShogo Member Posts: 31
    The universe of Forgotten Realms.

    For me, the beginning of all, the universe that made me a videogame lover. The one.
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