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    edited November 2012
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  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001

    I tried looking here and there and AFAIK, Tazok's stats are {20/18/19/9/9/9}... Which (of course) doesn't fit with the description I gave earlier, but hey, bosses aren't there to follow rules, they make 'em!

    Many things are adapted from Second edition rather than pulled straight from it. Also, Halforcs were introduced in BG2, which was when Sorcerors and Monks joined the ranks from Third Edition, so that could be where Halforcs also came from. @LadyRhian may be able to verify their origin

  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Half-Orcs were introduced as characters in 1st edition, on page 17 of the Player's Handbook. They weren't considered a PC race in 2e, not until 3e again did they become a PC race. In 1e 18/99 was the highest a male half-orc's strength could be (female orcs were 18/75 whereas female humans were 18/50). Monks were also from 1e.
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  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    What you have to realise is how much of an upside 20 Strength is compared to 16 charisma. +2 to a stat I believe is worth much more than -2 to any given stat, thus is half ogre's were to have a possible 20 strength, you would need to reduce the totals for more skills. Perhaps 14 inteligence and Wisdom max. 14 Charisma too. Needs to be drastic to balance it.

    Stat Maximum: STR: 20, DEX: 18, CON: 19, INT: 14, WIS: 14, CHA: 14
    Barbarian, Fighter, Fighter/thief, Fighter/cleric. (no single class cleric)

    I think minimums are usually done by class are they not?
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  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    edited November 2012
    @JonSnowIsAlive Ernie Gygax played a Half Ogre in Gary Gygax's game... I know they published their method of rolling stats in one of the Dragon Magazines, and it got reprinted in the original "Best of the Dragon". I believe Charisma was only 2-8.

    Found it. Issue #73. Strength 14-18, i.e. 13+1d6, with a 5 or 6 being an 18 strength. Add +25% to any exceptional strength roll, up to a maximum of 18/00. Int 3-12, Wisdom 2-12, Dexterity 3-12, Constitution 14-18 (using the same sort of roll as Strength, Charisma 2-8 (Doubled with respect to Orcs and Ogres). They have 60' Infravision, get two dice instead of one at first level (they go up as normal from then on) and get the same bonus languages as Half-Orcs, with the addition of Ogre.

    2nd edition, from the Complete Book of Humanoids: +2 to Strength and Con, -2 to Intelligence and Charisma. Stat range for the Half-Ogre was 14-18 Strength, 3-12 Dexterity 14-19 Constitution, 3-12 Intelligence, 2-12 Wisdom and 2-8 Charisma. They have a natural armor class of 8, and receive 4 bonus hit points at first level. They are also weaker fighters against Dwarves and gnomes- they get -3 to attack gnomes and -2 to attack Dwarves.

    They are limited to the classes of fighter and cleric. They can get up to level 12 as a fighter, and level 4 as a cleric, shaman or witch-doctor. Since Ogres tend not to be "sneaky", they cannot become thieves (they prefer to smash whatever is before them with clubs. I would also have a problem with them getting bonuses to hide in shadows or pickpocketing. In fact, I don't see them as getting bonuses to any thief ability, given their low dexterity generally and huge size (8' tall, usually)).
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645

    Hmmm now that I did some more googling... The Complete Book of Humanoids and Players Option: Skills & Powers, both 2E books, allows half-ogres. And also the Complete Book of Humanoids allows:

    aarakocra (bird-men), alaghi (basically normal heighted bigfoots), beastman, bugbear, bullywug (frog man), centaur, fremlin, giant-kin (firbolg), giant-kin (voadkyn) aka "wood giant", gnoll, gnoll (flind), goblin, hobgoblin, kobold, lizard man, minotaur, mongrelman (a human/monster mix), ogre, orc, half-orc, pixie, satyr, saurial, swanmay (human swan shapeshifter), and wemic (half human half lion almost centaur thingy).
    the Players Handbook only allowed players to choose from six player character races, while Complete Book of Humanoids expands the number of race options by 20.
    From a biological viewpoint of reproduction, humans in Faerun must have been a rather randy and frisky bunch, and very much into snu snuing every race that they possibly could.

    Want to play half sword spider, half wyvern, half beholder and half bassilisk too!!!
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    @LadyRhian So from your knowledge of it all Lady, what Maximums would you give a half-ogre for BG :)
    Str: 20
    Dex: 12
    Con: 21
    Int: 10
    Wis: 12
    Cha: 6

    Is that right or have I completely missed the mark? Though 20 strength is that of a Stone Giant, so perhaps 19 for hill Giant much like the Half-orc?

    Also I find it weird being weaker against dwarves and gnomes but not halflings?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Mungri Half Ogres and Ogres and Ogre Magi as well. Humans don't mate with Ogres and Orcs so much willingly as are raped by them, I think is supposed to be the implication. Mongrelmen are deformed, debased humans (not a halfbreed) rather like the Morlocks from H.G. Wells' "Time Machine". Wemics are lion-centaurs (Human upper half, lion lower body). Also not a halfbreed. Swanmays aren't like werecreatures, but use a feather token to change into swans. They are also all female. None of the other creatures on your list are crossbreeds.

    @IchigoRXC Yes, that is entirely possible for a half-Ogre. Your example would have a 12 Charisma when dealing with Orcs and Ogres only. :)
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    @LadyRhian Those stats are probably a bit much for BG though, as 21 con is 2 levels of regeneration, you could give him dex bracers and he would dominate. Need some Ideas on how to balance and what to reduce/increase.

    In time Half-ogre may become a possibility so it is a good idea for discussion now I guess heh. Also, can you get half-ogre magi? So more magically inclined half-ogres?
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    What I see is a 19 max CON, not 21. Essentially the same as a dwarf or half orc. If you use a +2, you get 20 CON, but I don't see the original part of that as consistent with half-ogre range - it looks like they're talking Ogres first, before defining the half-ogre.
    LadyRhian said:

    Stat range for the Half-Ogre was 14-18 Strength, 3-12 Dexterity 14-19 Constitution, 3-12 Intelligence, 2-12 Wisdom and 2-8 Charisma. They have a natural armor class of 8, and receive 4 bonus hit points at first level. They are also weaker fighters against Dwarves and gnomes- they get -3 to attack gnomes and -2 to attack Dwarves.

    This seems to give a max:

    18/00 STR
    12 DEX
    19 CON
    12 INT
    12 WIS
    8 CHA*

    -2 to base AC
    +4 HP at LVL 1

    Classes at least are fighter and cleric. I'd argue to include barbarian, at the least. Also, due to size, I'd think they could use large weapons in one hand, but could not use small weapons.

    Anyway, I'm giving myself a head-swim.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    edited November 2012
    Those are before race modifiers @reedmilfam, which I believe are +2 str +2 Con - 2 int -2 charisma
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @IchigoRXC No, apparently, Ogre-Magi don't interbreed like Ogres do. And as for why Dwarves and Gnomes are harder for Ogres and Half-Ogres to hit, it comes down to small size (S vs L for even a half-Ogre) and that Dwarves and Gnomes go up against Ogres all the time and know the ins and outs of fighting them.

    Oh yes, that's another thing. Half-Ogres take size L damage from every weapon. So a two-handed sword doesn't do 1-10 against them. It does 3-18. And Longswords do 1-12 as opposed to 1-8. Then again, daggers only do 1-3 rather than 1-4.
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    I might change Dorn's appearance to that of an Half-Ogre. That way my party will look much more diverse!
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