Want to see Pong:EE made?? **HUGE SPOILERS FROM PONG**
Do you remember Pong? Because I do not, having born on the 99' and those shitty things that happens didn't let me play this amazing game at its launch day, and I think Overhaul can make a nice remake of the game if they get to buy the licenses (what's that! Can I ate it?), from, Uh, from Tiax, sure he can sells us licenses if he can says he will rule the world.
The idea came from the first non-100%-useful-comment made by @Dee, it was 53% useful since this isn't the first poll I created about this :P
I must admit I never played Pong, but I know that is that old game where you play Pong and sometimes even PING against a little bunch of pixels, much probably, black and white pixels.
Wait, I think I played this game in an emulator I was fooling with a friend in the internet one day, but still not sure...
@booinyoureyes I am name dropping you because I don't know if you read off topic.
The idea came from the first non-100%-useful-comment made by @Dee, it was 53% useful since this isn't the first poll I created about this :P
I must admit I never played Pong, but I know that is that old game where you play Pong and sometimes even PING against a little bunch of pixels, much probably, black and white pixels.
Wait, I think I played this game in an emulator I was fooling with a friend in the internet one day, but still not sure...
@booinyoureyes I am name dropping you because I don't know if you read off topic.
- Want to see Pong:EE made??13 votes
- Yes, I like Pong much better than Baldur's Gate 2:SoA and its story is even more amazing that Planescape Torment's!!!! Lets make it guys!!38.46%
- Wut? Why there is any muffin option *sigh* (aka show me your amazing ti.. I said RESULTS, NOW!!!!)23.08%
- NOOOOOOO, I am your father!! And I dislike this game so much that I wanna KILL YOU NOW LUKE, YOU WON'T GET TO BURN ME IN EPISODE VI!!!!!  7.69%
- Pong? No Ping? What is this game about? Flying drunks? Indiana Jones? Norse Mythology? WHAT IN THE ABYSS IS THIS GAME ABOUT!!!!15.38%
- Really Crevs? You must be kidding me, I don't care but Dee never had such good ideas, make it if you want, I don't care.15.38%
Post edited by CrevsDaak on
Commander Keen surely was an amazing game in its time "nostalgic sigh"
I'm pretty sure there are at least tens of Pong remakes on the internets in 2D 3D and 4D ready for @CrevsDaaaaak (is that Dutch or what?
And the best colony, by far, for AoEIII are the Dutch, they have Banks!!!
First, however, I would like to see a Discworld Noir: Enhanced Edition. Then we can talk about Pong.