Hesitating between PC & Mac version

So I have both, and I am hesitant between the two.
I heard that PC version is updated quicker than Mac version, is the delay really longer? What about the mods?
I heard that PC version is updated quicker than Mac version, is the delay really longer? What about the mods?
If you buy BG:EE from the Mac App Store, then updates have to go through Apple's approval process. So, in that case, you would get the updates later.
Mods work great with the Mac version. The latest version of WeiDU is available for OSX, and I've had no problems installing mods, including some major ones like SCS. One note - the latest WeiDU binaries are apparently incompatible with Snow Leopard (compiled binary not backward compatible).
I hope someone can help me.
I bought BG2:EE last weekend from the App Store and I can't play multiplayer games. When I try to enter in my friend games the app says that I have an old version (v.1.2.0000) and I should update to the last one (v.1.2.2030) but any update is available in itunes.
no it's not the ipad version. I'm talking about the MacOsX version of the game from the App Store.
You may want to check if your setup is similar to the affected machines. The game is unplayable at the moment on those, and I haven't seen an eta for the fix yet.
Still waiting for the bundle to come though