Haer'dalis leaves with the gem and is never seen again?

Couldn't find this discussed here so...
I rescued Haer'dalis from Merkath and got the gem he requires without speaking to Raelis Shae and the troupe and acquiring the actual quest first. I kicked him out of the party (I'm soloing as a sorcerer) and he took the gem with him. Some time later, I went to the Five Flagons Inn to do the Planar Prison quest but there's nobody at theater area.
Is this a bug, or is it supposed to happen? Can the Planar Prison quest still be completed?
I've been trying achieve something with EEkeeper copying globals from another save, in which I have completed the quest succesfully, but to no avail.
Any insight would be helpful.
I rescued Haer'dalis from Merkath and got the gem he requires without speaking to Raelis Shae and the troupe and acquiring the actual quest first. I kicked him out of the party (I'm soloing as a sorcerer) and he took the gem with him. Some time later, I went to the Five Flagons Inn to do the Planar Prison quest but there's nobody at theater area.
Is this a bug, or is it supposed to happen? Can the Planar Prison quest still be completed?
I've been trying achieve something with EEkeeper copying globals from another save, in which I have completed the quest succesfully, but to no avail.
Any insight would be helpful.
I got around it by using the console to: Spawn Haer'Dalis, spawn the portal stone, and then spawn Raelis (I found if I summoned Raelis first she vanished after several seconds). That way I was able to do the prison.
C:CreateCreature("HAER10") - lowest level Haer, talking to him will prompt his initial joining dialogue. Then:
C:CreateItem("MISC6T") [EDIT: This is wrong, it should be "MISC6X"]- Once the stone is in your inventory, Haer should fire his 'we have found the stone' dialogue. Then finally:
C:CreateCreature("RAELIS") - I am unsure if the dialogue triggers automatically, but if not click on her quickly XD.
For some reason, Har'dalis and Raelis don't *know* that I have the Planar Stone. It looks different than before...
That did it! Thanks a bunch
I'd really like to know if this is a bug or intended behaviour, though.
Has anyone had success finishing the prison quest this way? If it helps I'm on the final chapter (just left Suldanesselar mid-siege), spawned Haer'Dalis upstairs in the Five Flagons, and Raelis on the stage.
-EDIT- Found a fix. Right before the scripted scene starts Raelis vanishes. I paused at that second and spawned a new one. I also had to spawn her when the warden died, but her scripts worked no problem.
For exemple, there is an issue that @selkyra should be aware of, because she could encouter it due her given situation:
- Get the quest to save Haer'Dalis
- Take Haer'Dalis into the party
- Kick him out before you reach the teather
- Enter the Planar Prison and complete it
=> When talking to Raelis and the end of the prison, just after the quest reward, she ask something to Haer'Dalis but he will not give any answer, resulting to the talk end without the party being teleported out of the prison. If you talk to Raelis again, she will give you the quest xp again, and ask to Hear'Dalis again, causing an infinite loop giving infinite xp and preventing you to ever get out of the place, as the only one that can make you out is Haer'Dalis who doesn't react anymore.
A problem I know well to have encountered it in my previous playthrough.
For what I've read on the topic from people having explored the discussion scripts of the game, the problem is due to two flags:
- The flag "Hear'Dalis joined" which is set when you take "Hear'Dalis" in your party the first time
- Another flag set when you reach the Five Flagon with Haer'Dalis in your party
The discussions scripts are made in a way that they expect the two flags to be set, or none. Having one only set make the scripts fall into a sinkhole that blocks several functions/reactions of the NPCs.
Point is, it is probably the same reason why @selkyra is currently stuck, so spawning the NPC could not suffice. She'll need either to get back to a save point before she recuited Hear'Dalis, or use the console to remove the "Hear'Dalis joined" flag to prevent further problems.
I do not remember the command to do the later, since I had a conveniant save and used it myself.
All this being said, I am positive I could come up with the proper series of console commands to undo this ending to the quest so that the quest could be completed in the usual fashion, and without causing any issues to crop up too. I will look into it now...
*Make sure you do these steps in the order listed!*
1. C:CreateItem("misc6x")
2. Pick one of the following console commands:
3. Speak to the Haer'Dalis you created and either take him into your party or not.
4. Return to the playhouse.
If you had not been to the playhouse since you kicked the first Haer'Dalis out of the party then you are done here. If you have gone to the playhouse after kicking the first Haer'Dalis out but before doing the above steps then there are further steps you need to do.
*Do the following only if Raelis and co. are not in the playhouse and only after doing the above steps first! Make sure you are in the playhouse when you do these steps!*
5. C:CreateCreature("ffbiff01")
6. C:CreateCreature("ffactor1")
7. C:CreateCreature("ffactor2")
8. C:CreateCreature("raelis")
That is it. Should you follow these instructions the quest should continue without issue.
I tried with these commands but the actors and raelis disappear. Maybe there is some other variable that I have to set?