New player having a problem with first playthough.
Hi. So i went to 2nd chapter without finishing the quests for the 1st chapter and now it seems I'm behind on XP while trying to take on the boss in 2nd chapter. Is it really impossible to go back to unfinished 1st chapter quests? And is it possible to level the characters to level 2 in 2nd chapter? I'm asking because i skipped so many quests accidentally by this problem so my character are all a long way to level 2. Thanks.
Other than a few very possible exceptions (none that I can recall right now), moving onto a new chapter does not stop you from completing previous quests. You can still look at journal and quest logs from previous chapters to check what you haven't finished yet.
If you want to find some easier content before going into the Nashkel Mines, I refer you to this thread...
Some handy advice in there for new players.
If you are already at the Chapter 2 boss, you can certainly backtrack and do some more quests and come back.
Having said that, it's not unusual to have several level 1 characters at that point in the game, especially if you have multi-class characters. You may just need to change your strategy. Make sure you are using Resist/Remove Fear before the fight begins, and make sure you position your people to protect your low hit point or low armor class people so they won't be primary targets. Turn Undead can help if you have it, and having your magic users all focus on the boss so his spells are interrupted.
Also, do you have a full party of six? It's definitely easier to have six level ones than, say three or four level ones.
Remove/Resist Fear are lv1 Priest and Arcane spells that do the same thing (provides protection from Horror, which enemies love to throw at u). I didn't realise how useful it was until deep into BG 2. It should be commonly available from Arcane scrolls and I think Clerics (maybe druids too) learn them as their most basic spells.
I will just reiterate that positioning is everything in that fight, you want all your squishy party members all the way inside near the boss, so they don't get targeted by adds. You want the ones who are attacking the boss to have magic weapons, if possible, to increase their chances to hit, or just hit him with spells and wands that he can't avoid. Interrupting his casting will make the fight much easier.
@Time4Tiddy yeah, positioning is a little bit more than everything, today while fighting in the final battle with Ascension (BG2:ToB, still having the original), the PC got surrounded by five demons, and a Power Word Stun >.< anyway, all the others helped a lot, not to mention those three Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting in the Contingecy at 50% Hit Points to self, it killed ALL the demons, well the Anomen made a Critical Chsee, ur, em, I meant Critical Hit on the Marilith and she died, while the PC had 70% HP
If you need a good place to pick up extra EXP, if you go to the Gnoll Fortress and head south/down, there are caves filled with Xvarts that have some really nice treasure, and a cave with a Tome of Leadership and Influence (Charisma +1) in it. Also, one with a carrion Crawler, but that whole area has some nice treasure. Gnarl and Hairtooth have the Gauntlets of Dexterity, and so on.
Right above the little peninsula/Isle where the Gnoll Fortress is- that's where you can find Brage, who is in the southeast of the area. Agree not to kill him when you encounter his sister, answer his riddle (Death) and return him to the Temple of Helm in Nashkel for some nice money and exp. (Talk to the Priest at the Temple first so that your characters have the option not to kill him).
My easy XP is in Beregost, talk to Marl and select dialog options 1, 1, 3, 3, 1 and he will give you 900 XP, then go for Silke, if you have a thief, you can try to set a trap, try saving and reloading, the trap will auto-kill her. Then you have 4 Huge Spiders worth 270 XP, if you have the wizard spell "Sleep" you won't have any trouble, if not, traveling disables poison effects and don't deals anymore damage, good luck that house is so near the border XD, you can also buy a book and give it to FIrebead Elvenhair (the quest will only trigger if you talk to him with the PC (or Imoen in the newest versions) and have more than 100 gold), for 300 XP, then, Marl is worth 650 but it will cost you reputation if you already talked to him and selected 1, 1, 3, 3, 1. You can try in the Carnival also, there are a mage with a Knave Robe inside a small tent, also you should talk to a guy dressed in yellow to see the Amazing Oaph exploding two times and then attacking your party, then you can kill him for 270 XP (I don't remember it correctly) and a random treasure drop.