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Cespenar bugged wont speak to me, how to fix?

sorry to start another thread but I have encountered a game breaking bug and i need help, Cespenar wont talk to me anymore when click on him the audio plays but the dialogue doesn't initiate. I have tried reloading, sleeping, leaving/reentering the throne of bhaal, restarting the game, loading an earlier save and nothing is working, does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?


  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    To make things even more frustrating, he will talk to my companions telling them their not the great one etc. i even just tried restarting my computer, this is easily the most frustrating bug ive encountered and it easily breaks the game seeing as i cant use any of the recipes.
  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    bump please help
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    I've got this problem too. I think what happened was that I tried to make either a new weapon from BG2EE or from Rogue Rebalancing. I forget which one it was. Now Cespenar won't talk to me anymore so I can't make any of the smithable items.

    Doesn't stop me from just consoling them in though.
  • EmptinessEmptiness Member Posts: 238
    @DetroitRedWings25: Do you have any mods installed? If so, remove then and see if you can craft then.

    If not, then when was the last time you were able to talk to Cespenar without this problem? What have you done between now and then? Do you have a saved game from when it was working?

    It might be helpful to attack a saved game where you are having the problem, and if possible one from before the problem, if you can.
  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    Emptiness said:

    @DetroitRedWings25: Do you have any mods installed? If so, remove then and see if you can craft then.

    If not, then when was the last time you were able to talk to Cespenar without this problem? What have you done between now and then? Do you have a saved game from when it was working?

    It might be helpful to attack a saved game where you are having the problem, and if possible one from before the problem, if you can.

    No i have no mods installed, I also do not have a safe before the problem occurred unfortunately, im 99.9% sure upon reading other forums that the problem is I used the shadow scales from Rasaads quest to make the shadow scale armor, and thats what screwed everything up, a harsh price to pay for shitty armor thats just chilling in the bag of holding...
  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    Flashburn said:

    I've got this problem too. I think what happened was that I tried to make either a new weapon from BG2EE or from Rogue Rebalancing. I forget which one it was. Now Cespenar won't talk to me anymore so I can't make any of the smithable items.

    Doesn't stop me from just consoling them in though.

    Ok what do you mean consoling them in? I'm completely computer illiterate so a step by step walk through would be needed for me, thanks
  • EmptinessEmptiness Member Posts: 238
    edited December 2013
    First, you'll need to locate your Baldur.ini file. Where it is located will depend upon what platform (PC, Mac, etc.) you are running the game on, and what method (Beamdog, Steam, etc.) you used to install the game.

    Once you locate it, edit it and add the line:
    'Program Options',		'Debug Mode',	'1',
    I suggest putting it with the other lines that start with "Program Options". To be sure you get the format correct I recommend that you copy one of those lines, add an empty line and paste the copied line onto it, and then edit the text between the second and third sets of quotes to match the text above. (Alternatively, you can just copy the text from above and paste it into a blank line you make.)

    Then, load up your saved game. Press < ctrl > + < space > to open the console (it will appear as an empty text entry line at the bottom of the screen). Then type:
    CLUAConsole: SetGlobal("ItemMaker", "GLOBAL", 0)
    Press enter and you should be able to talk to Cespenar again.

    (Note: I haven't encountered this problem myself or tested this fix. The steps above are compiled from and )

    Edit: Oops, forgot < > signals to the forum that the enclosed is a formatting code.
    Post edited by Emptiness on
  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    Emptiness said:

    First, you'll need to locate your Baldur.ini file. Where it is located will depend upon what platform (PC, Mac, etc.) you are running the game on, and what method (Beamdog, Steam, etc.) you used to install the game.

    Once you locate it, edit it and add the line:

    'Program Options',		'Debug Mode',	'1',
    I suggest putting it with the other lines that start with "Program Options". To be sure you get the format correct I recommend that you copy one of those lines, add an empty line and paste the copied line onto it, and then edit the text between the second and third sets of quotes to match the text above. (Alternatively, you can just copy the text from above and paste it into a blank line you make.)

    Then, load up your saved game. Press + to open the console (it will appear as an empty text entry line at the bottom of the screen). Then type:
    CLUAConsole: SetGlobal("ItemMaker", "GLOBAL", 0)
    Press enter and you should be able to talk to Cespenar again.

    (Note: I haven't encountered this problem myself or tested this fix. The steps above are compiled from and )
    sorry silly question but when you say press + do you mean the actual + key? because im pressing it and it isnt opening up the console, added the line of text to the baldur.ini file, thanks!
  • DetroitRedWings25DetroitRedWings25 Member Posts: 244
    Ok figured it out all the above steps worked, you sir have saved me a ton of frustration and waiting for a patch, I cant thank you enough!
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Where can I get the bug that stops Cespenar talking to you? I think he is the worst character in the whole damn game and I'd be more than happy if I never heard his voice again.
  • MaylanderMaylander Member Posts: 74
    I encountered this bug as well. It's a specific item that causes it, I believe it to be the shadow scales -> shadow armor you get as part of the Rasaad dwarf hold quest. Luckily I save a lot, so I could just reload and plate the scales in a chest instead of having the armor made.
  • EmptinessEmptiness Member Posts: 238

    sorry silly question but when you say press + do you mean the actual + key? because im pressing it and it isnt opening up the console, added the line of text to the baldur.ini file, thanks!

    Definitely not a silly question. I didn't notice that the forum had taken out the important part of that sentence, thinking that the keys I was saying to press were formatting codes. Very sorry about that.
  • taottaot Member Posts: 6
    I had this appear too, similarly what Maylander described. After crafting shadow dragon scales into armor Cespenar became bugged, and I too just fell back on earlier save and stored the scales in a chest.
  • CuthlanCuthlan Member Posts: 4
    Maylander said:

    I encountered this bug as well. It's a specific item that causes it, I believe it to be the shadow scales -> shadow armor you get as part of the Rasaad dwarf hold quest. Luckily I save a lot, so I could just reload and plate the scales in a chest instead of having the armor made.

    I encountered this bug as well, caused by the exact same item. After crafting the shadow armor from Rasaad's quest, he stopped talking to me.
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