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Baldur' s gate 2 EE Asylum bug problem

Hi there
I am new to the Baldur's gate community. I lover Baldur's gate 2 and played it when it first came out in 2000. As soon as I saw that Baldur's gate was being released in the enhanced edition I purchased the game. I have made my way to the asylum where I have came across the first major bug of the game since I started playing. The problem that I am having is I bring daces hand to daces head and it is not opening the way to the next level. It say the way is open but nothing happens. I AM STUCK IN A DUNGEON THAT I CANT GET OUT OF. If anybody can help me that would be great. Butt Kicking For Goodness


  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    I assume you cannot now click on the far side of the head to walk through, so I'd suggest raising it in the bugs forum. For a workaround, enable your console and Ctrl-J on the far side of the head.
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Do you also have a splinter from the large orange/red crystal on the same area where you meet Dace?

    (If yes, follow Pantalion's advice!)
  • havingproblemshavingproblems Member Posts: 21
    Thank you for responding. What do you mean by enable your console, how do I do that? I am not the most knowledgeable with mods and fixes with the computer, I can find my way around that's about it.
    Thanks again for the help
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    You're lacking the crystal shard. You need both Dace's hand and the Crystal Shard in order to get past the stone head. In other words, this isn't a bug.
  • havingproblemshavingproblems Member Posts: 21
    I have both items on the same character and I have tried selecting that character separately to open the mouth but nothing happens. No experienced gained, no mouth opens up.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    edited December 2013
    This is a known problem with that thing. My only recommendation is to try to reload a saved game from before you gave the items to the statue. Also you could simply try to ctrl+j past the thing.
  • havingproblemshavingproblems Member Posts: 21
    I have tried reloading both my saved game and auto saved game and both seem to do the same thing. Nothing happens. Somebody else suggested the ctrl j and I have tried that also.
  • havingproblemshavingproblems Member Posts: 21
    If I have to start the game over I just want to make sure that the next time I go in there hopefully I wont have the same problem. Do you think it was a downloading issue or do most people have this problem. Should I wait for an updated patch before entering the asylum again. What would you do?
    Thank you
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    You actually have to jump through a few hoops before you can use the ctrl-j. I fixed your game for you by using ctrl-j to get you across the statue. If you are curious about enabling cheats and such you should check out this link
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    edited December 2013
    About enabling the Clua Console in BG2:EE, see here:

    After enabling the console, I think you have to enable cheat keys:

    Start BG2:EE, load the game, and press CTRL+spacebar to open the console. An entry box opens at the bottom of the screen.

    Enter the following in the entry box:


    and press Enter.

    Make sure your entire party is selected, point your cursor to the place on the screen where you want your party to go and press CTRL+j. After a few seconds all characters should appear at the cursor.
  • havingproblemshavingproblems Member Posts: 21
    Thank you so much for all of your help. I wish I knew my way around the computer better. If I could I buy you a beer I would. If I have some more problems I will try to find you to ask more questions. You seem very knowledgeable.
    Thanks Again
  • havingproblemshavingproblems Member Posts: 21
    I will look into the cheat codes for the game. Thanks Montresor for the info.
  • havingproblemshavingproblems Member Posts: 21
    I was able to start the saved game past daces head. Thanks Again
  • shrekdjshrekdj Member Posts: 50
    Another bug. I suggest you keep some saves as backups otherwise you'll ruin the time spent in getting through the game so far and loose it because of the bugs
  • SyncaineSyncaine Member Posts: 4
    I have the same problem as the OP. Statue will not let me pass. Tried reloading from the attached Quick save as well as my auto-save (transitioning from the other area). Thank you to however can help me, dying to continue the game (never been this far in BG2 before!)

  • SyncaineSyncaine Member Posts: 4
    Just a quick FYI, I used the debug mode to advance, but figured maybe the save file will help fix this error going forward.
  • gcrackergcracker Member Posts: 4
    I am also having trouble with the stone head I just posted my save file on the other thread about this but I am going to post it here too any help would be greatly appreciated
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    It's a known bug in the bugs section, hard to reproduce. Always keep a savegame from a previous map and don't rely on auto and quicksave! It had hit me too, just reliading and redoing the fight worked.
  • JLeeJLee Member Posts: 650
    @gcracker‌ Try this if you haven't resolved the issue already.

    You really should enable the console. It comes in handy for all sorts of bugs. Also, CTRL-J is the best thing ever :D
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