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Chapter 6 dream not playing? (spoilers)

During a point in Chapter 6, when you Rest, you're supposed to be given a dream encounter with Ellesime who angrily shows you what Irenicus has done to her people in your absence, shown by a rather large cut-scene. However, on two seperate playthroughs this dream has failed to trigger during chapter 6.


  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,264
    edited January 2014
    Hmm, after finally reaching chapter 6 in my playthrough, I can confirm this issue. A cursory look at the scripts for this dream shows that they had to mess with it because of Hexxat for some reason. I suspect they may have inadvertently broken this dream somehow.

    Edit: Either that or my memory is screwing with me and I actually did have the dream... I am undecided.
    Post edited by Tresset on
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