BG2 EE Save Game files 'gone' Help!

Well - they're still in My Docs but not being shown in the load game area - nothing is . After 80 hours of SoA play I'm getting a touch nervous...
I've redownloaded and installed through Steam - at first kept my savegames where they are, but also tried deleting them (copying eleswhere first ). I tried to start a new game and saved - can't find that new save one either. I'm on Windows 8.
I've browsed through forums but can't see anything like this exactly?
Any ideas?
I've redownloaded and installed through Steam - at first kept my savegames where they are, but also tried deleting them (copying eleswhere first ). I tried to start a new game and saved - can't find that new save one either. I'm on Windows 8.
I've browsed through forums but can't see anything like this exactly?
Any ideas?
Post edited by n2thed on
Next, use the Windows search function to search for the phrase "Raspberry Tunic" (instructions here if you need them). Does the search find any results? If so, make a note of the location and put copies of your other saved game(s) in that location. Are you then able to see them when you go to load a game in SoA?
If search was unable to locate the new save you created, do you recall changes (patches, software update, new software installed, changes to Windows configuration or Registry, driver updates, hardware failure, etc.) that were made to your system between when the saves were working and when you could no longer locate them?
Also, if you upload one or more of the missing saves I can try to load them myself to see if there is a problem with the saves themselves.
I can find the 'new' save easy enough and the location is still the same - and added an old one to it but the new one is not even being found (so thinking it may be a Win 8/Registry problem) - though not sure how to fix it.
Bit of a noob question - how do I get my save game uploaded so you can check it out?
Edit: The option is called "Attach a file" and is present in other sections of the forums, but not for some reason the Performance Issues section. I'm reporting this as a problem, so that hopefully they will allow it in this section as well. You can either wait for that change or find some online file hosting solution that would allow you to post your file, and then put a link to that file in the body of a comment here.
Aside from there being a __MACOSX folder in both archives, there's a "BALDUR.textClipping" in and "BALDUR.gam (195K).webloc" in BALDUR.gam (195K).zip.
I don't think there's anything we can do with those. If they are what your save games look like, then I'm not really surprised you cannot access them. They sound more like Mac extensions than Windows 8. TextClipping and Webloc. You're not trying to use something like Parallels, are you?
Edit: they're a link to Google mail?
I am able to load the saved game. The party is in the Bridge District, at the entrance of an unmarked building SE of the Temple of Helm (I'm not being more precise in order to avoid spoilers).
Based on what I'm seeing, I suspect that the problem is specific to your computer and not related to BG2:EE itself. Perhaps Steam &/or Windows has interfered in some way that is preventing BG2:EE from seeing the saved games. Without any experience with this particular problem I can't offer a guaranteed solution.
Before I make any suggestions, I'd like a little more information about your computer's directory structure. Can you tell me the full path to each of these locations on your computer, please? I've provided my locations as examples. (Being different is not an indication of a problem.)
Windows (for example, C:\Windows)
My Documents (C:\Users\[username]\Documents)
Steam (D:\Games\Steam)
BG2:EE (D:\Games\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition)
BG2:EE saves (C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\save)
Edit: Oh, also please tell me the current contents of your BG2:EE saves folder, and which if any of the saves there you can actually load up in BG2:EE.
The problem did start when I 'right-click closed' it when it was stalling while loading.
My set-up is similar to yours-
My Documents (C:\Users\[username]\Documents)
Steam (E:\Games\Steam)
BG2:EE (E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition)
BG2:EE saves (C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\save)
I can't load any saves at all - even if I delete the whole lot, start a new game (which creates a new save file in the same place) it still doesn't show any in the load screen. Maybe didn't need to check my save file after all that but is good to know it's not corrupted!
Unfortunately, the only suggestion I have for you is the unpleasant one: Reinstall BG2. Uninstall it, then delete (if they still exist) the folders E":\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition" and "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition" (make sure you copy to another location anything in that folder that you want to save, like your saved games or screenshots). Reboot your computer, launch Steam, and have it reinstall BG2:EE. That should rebuild the game folder, and saves folder, and the Steam and Registry pointers to them, which I hope will fix the problem for you.
Just to clarify this since I'm a bit confused by it: You said you had 80 hours worth - if one assumes you saved and loaded during that time, then this issue is somewhat recent? What was the last thing you did on your computer (e.g. BG2:EE update, Windows updates, or new software installations) that you did when this occurred?
The last thing I can think of was that as the game was loading a bit slow I right-clicked' and closed it. Seems strange that it would do anything though - and I reinstalled it afterwards, still with no luck. No new software - might have been a Windows update but often don't notice. Basically it can't 'find' any save games now - whether new or old and even when I make it create a new save game folder in docs.