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Possible to make an immortal character?

So after making it so that anomen has Pernament (through gear i've found) have 115 fire resis and 125 lightning resist (so he'll get healed from fire and lighning attacks right?), is it possible to get such resists for everything making you immortal? if not how close can you get to immortal, not counting spells such as stone skin which falls fast


  • TsyrithTsyrith Member Posts: 180

    Really though, stoneskin only falls as fast as you let it. Personally, with my mainchar mage, I like to send around projected images with wizard eyes and/or party members. Even if projected image drew spells from the mage's own repertoire, I'd still use it, only because all the great mages in fiction tend to be portrayed that way, untouchable.

    Also, since that's probably not the kind of immortality you were meaning, there's also 2x protection from energy for complete immunity to spell damage, that combined with excellent saving throws virtually ensures you're a tough SOAB to take down.

    I think there's a way to get your physical resists up pretty durn high too, but I've never actually played a high-level barbarian and used the Defender of Easthaven, so I couldn't tell you exactly how tough they can get.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    Well Armor of Faith is 25% (at level 20) and Defender of Easthaven is 20%, so you can easily get 45% immunity to physical attacks.

    I'm not sure, however, how you can easily get more. If you had Use Any Item, you could get Jan Jansen's Adventurewear for another 25%, but Anomen can never be a cleric/thief.

    I believe there may also be some way to exploit Armor of Faith to make it stack, probably if you had put it into a Spell Trigger (which again Anomen cannot do, but Aerie could).
  • ErinneErinne Member Posts: 151
    I doubt putting AoF in a spell trigger would make it stack any more than if you just cast it two times in a row.
  • NightmareNightmare Member Posts: 20
    What's Imoenhp1.itm?

    Yeah I use Projected image all the ime I love it but yeah that's not what I meant

    Is there items tat you can combine to make immune against all of the elements including acid and poison? I cam across a shield that proltects against all contol effects and ring of free action for movement impairment, basically I want to try making a good that doesn't need colnstant recasting of spells, or as close as possible to being god
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    You play with energies that make you immortal, but that does not make you a god.

    Ring of Gaxx grants poison immunity.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    ImoenHP1.item is Imoen's belt. She has it on during the first dungeon. It makes it actually impossible to kill her.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    edited December 2013
    Erinne said:

    I doubt putting AoF in a spell trigger would make it stack any more than if you just cast it two times in a row.

    It shouldn't, but I've read that some spells that shouldn't stack do if they are all cast at once (I believe this was in connection with Chaos Shield). I consider this to be so much of an exploit that I have never done it myself though. Might also be something the EE has fixed. In any case, Armor of Faith can only ever give Anomen 25%.
  • NightmareNightmare Member Posts: 20

    Well Armor of Faith is 25% (at level 20) and Defender of Easthaven is 20%, so you can easily get 45% immunity to physical attacks.

    I'm not sure, however, how you can easily get more. If you had Use Any Item, you could get Jan Jansen's Adventurewear for another 25%, but Anomen can never be a cleric/thief.

    I believe there may also be some way to exploit Armor of Faith to make it stack, probably if you had put it into a Spell Trigger (which again Anomen cannot do, but Aerie could).

    Sorry missed this, so could get 75% if cast it via spell trigger, am I understanding this correctly?

    @Eudaemonium Imoen dies on me all the time so I have tto revive her though or do you mean it jus makes it so that she shows up in the story still?

    @enqenq yeah I know it won't make you a god, I just said god because it's easier to type wih 1 hand then to type immkortal :P

    I'm not exactly looking to make Anomen immortal I was just using him as an example as he's the one I've currently made immune to lightning and fire
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    In the first dungeon in BG2? She's supposed to be unkillable, there. She doesn't have the belt anywhere else. I think a script triggers that makes her run away. I hardly ever use her so, to be honest, I'm not sure how it works, but the belt has an effect that stops her dropping below 1 HP.
  • NightmareNightmare Member Posts: 20
    Ah ok fair enough, I might try that at some point then lol
    Other then that, si there gear set up that can protect agains most if not all things?
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    What I said was actually a quote from the game but seems no one liked it :P

    Look, if you crank up your resistances to the theoretical maximum you're probably still gonna be squishier than you would be if you simply went for lowest AC. Because sure, 100% resistance to this or that can be very useful in some fights, but not in all. For most part you're just gonna be easy to hit while being immune to damage types that aren't being used.
  • JarlealeJarleale Member Posts: 114
    Hell trials might be helpful. There is also a belt om minor invulnerability ;p
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    The thing is easy, set minimum Hit Points to 1, put 127 in all the resistances, (including magic damage resistance), give yourself KILLSW1H01.ITM, and if you want to be totally immortal, just give yourself a "Immunity to effect", select the "Damage" effect and done, do that with Intelligence, Constitution, Strength, Dexterity, Charisma and Wisdom bonuses, set all you abilities to 25 and you will be totally un killable, no Mind Flyer could drain you INT, no mage could use any spell against you (try a Immunity to Effect->Magic Resistance bonus, it won't effect the character given MR).
  • NightmareNightmare Member Posts: 20
    I want to do it legitly though lol
    With items found in game
    But guess it isn't possible
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    A mage can become pretty much unkillable for a short period of time. If you have immunity to non-magical weapons from the Hell trial combined with PfMW you become untouchable by weapons. A couple of potions will give you 100% magic resistance. There aren't many things that will bypass those two. The ones I can think of are Dragon's Breath, stopped by fire immunity, and Imprisonment, stopped by SI:Abjuration (which is also useful because it blocks dispel). Is there a way to block the sleep effect from Dragon's Breath?
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    Nightmare said:

    I want to do it legitly though lol
    With items found in game
    But guess it isn't possible

    I don't know of a way to do it legitimately, no, but you can still make one hell of a tank out of Anomen. Good armor and maybe the Defender of Easthaven, though I'm unsure if it stacks with Armor of Faith. If not, a good shield and Armor of Faith. There are some other cleric buffs that'll boost your HP and AC and they're well worth using.

    In the long run, AC isn't the answer for most characters. Right now, my Korgan is sitting at -13 AC. Red dragon armor, Cloak of the Sewers, Ring of Earth Control, Ring of Gaxx, Shield of Harmony, Helm of Balduran and the dexterity gauntlets. I don't think it will ever get much lower than that, and -13 AC is actually not very good by endgame. By then resistance will help him more.

    If you have a swashbuckler though, you can get insane AC. With Use Any Item, they can get the best armor in addition to their already incredible AC. The thing about swashbucklers is that they have crappy thief HP so if they do get hit, they go down very quickly. They also don't get Hardiness but can of course wear Jan Jansen's Adventurewear for 25% physical resistance.

    I have myself a Dwarven Defender in BG1 at the moment. He can get 40% physical resistance (passive) by level 20 through his class ability and Defender of Easthaven. On top of that, he can get magic and elemental resistances from gear. His class active ability lets him go to 90% physical resistance for 1 turn. I don't think he'll have much trouble staying alive like that. A DD also gets the highest HP in the game, shorty saves *and* a further +2 save bonus from the defensive ability.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    You don't need to be invulnerable to all damage all the time, there's no enemy in the game that uses the whole spectrum against you. Just a couple of damage types per fight is enough.
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    edited December 2013
    I see it hasn't been mentioned yet since you don't want to use Imoen's Belt (because let's be frank: that's plain cheating), there is Belt of Inertial Barrier in Trademeet (+5 Save vs. Breath, 25% damage resistance vs. missile, 50% resistance to magic damage). I think it's the best and only belt in the game when it comes to soaking damage.
  • jolly_bbjolly_bb Member Posts: 122
    The case here is not even remotely as simple as some of you present it. Since it must be a legit thing, the question here is how do we make a character that's hardest to kill? one answer can be that it is a one that can kill you faster than you kill it. i don't think that's the point here though.

    there is no legit way to use items and abilities to grant yourself 100% immunity to everything in this game. Also racial traits will help a lot, but not fix it.

    the question then is what character has biggest survival chance in any given oppresive situation lategame. can we use spells? that changes a lot, you can buff yourself to extreme. can we use potions (why not if can use spells)? that changes even more. if you forget about spells and potions, you will find that actually extremely low AC does the trick for physical damage (obviously) but then we talk about -20 Ac or lower (not some lousy -13). since you will not get resistances very high for ALL elemental damage types, practically speaking best to have very very good saving throws. much more viable then trying to max your resistances, especially that e.g. magic resistance will not save you from fire dmg etc.

    halfling swashbuckler with legit 21 dex (tomes) anyone? maximazed constitution to get most of saving throws and with use any item having the best items that are out there? not exactly an extreme dps figure, but sure difficult to get killed.
  • KilmantorKilmantor Member Posts: 34
    It isn't - not permanently.
    You can me immune to a lot of things for a certain time with scrolls, spells etc. but i think that's not your point.

    You can get immunities for certain elements like you did, but never permanently against physical damage.
    With the dragon gear and some other items you can get immune to 2-3 elements, maybe 3-4 with some gear from Weimers Item Upgrade mods, but that's it.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    -20 doesn't even come close to making you immune though. There are enemies with as low as -12 THAC0.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    You cannot get immune by AC since it's capped at -24 IIRC, which isn't nearly enough.
  • MitchforkMitchfork Member Posts: 390
    A level 20 Dwarven Defender using Defensive Stance gets 70% damage resistance. With the HLA Hardiness this increases to 110%, so you're immune to physical damage for 1 turn per Stance, with no equipment whatsoever. If you used a Protection from Magic Scroll on top of this it would probably make you invincible for a short period.

    I think the only things that I can see bypassing this are magical weapon bonus damage (like the Flail of Ages) since I don't think those effects count as magic or are affected by damage resistance. Stat drain (a la Mindflayer) would also be able to kill you as well.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Hardiness isn't supposed to stack. I haven't tested it though. @Mitchfork
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    As far as I can tell, the highest physical damage resistance you could get would be to play a Barbarian with the DoE, and use Hardiness. That would give you something like 90%? resistance to physical damage.

    If you were using Mods and had the restored Bhaalspawn powers for ToB (BG2Tweakpack?), one of those gives 20% Physical Resistance (admittedly I think its the last one you can get, and it is the evil route, so its of limited usefulness).
  • MitchforkMitchfork Member Posts: 390

    Hardiness isn't supposed to stack. I haven't tested it though. @Mitchfork

    Hardiness shouldn't stack with itself (although it might have in vanilla) but as far as I know it was always intended to stack with equipment and ability bonuses.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @Mitchfork I meant it isn't supposed to stack with Defensive Stance. I just tested and indeed it doesn't.
  • MitchforkMitchfork Member Posts: 390

    @Mitchfork I meant it isn't supposed to stack with Defensive Stance. I just tested and indeed it doesn't.

    I guess that since they're both innate abilities they don't stack?
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I think they're just coded to not work together. It actually says in the description for Hardiness that it doesn't stack with DS.
  • MitchforkMitchfork Member Posts: 390

    I think they're just coded to not work together. It actually says in the description for Hardiness that it doesn't stack with DS.

    I don't particularly like that approach... kinda makes taking that HLA not only sub-optimal but also completely pointless, but it would otherwise be a pretty devastating combination. Kinda makes me wish that the Dwarven Defender had a nerfed Defensive Stance to start with (maybe 25% or so) and got a unique Improved Defensive Stance as an HLA or something.
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