[Trigger warning] How to romance Imoen in Imoen Romance Mod
Before I start, I downloaded the blindmonkey Imoen romance mod.
Right now I'm helping Nalia with her quest and trying to get the 20,000 gold.
Apparently, there are 3 dreams that I must trigger in order for the romance to even be possible?
How do I get them to trigger? Keep resting?
How do I approach speech dialogue when speaking with Imoen. Do I blatantly tell her my feelings?
This game isn't as forgiving as Mass Effect.
Thanks for the help.
Right now I'm helping Nalia with her quest and trying to get the 20,000 gold.
Apparently, there are 3 dreams that I must trigger in order for the romance to even be possible?
How do I get them to trigger? Keep resting?
How do I approach speech dialogue when speaking with Imoen. Do I blatantly tell her my feelings?
This game isn't as forgiving as Mass Effect.
Thanks for the help.
Post edited by LiamEsler on
Just be a nice guy, and try to be considerate, you two are in an extremely difficulty position after all.
You don't need to worry, there aren't really hidden death-flags for the romance (this is no Visual Novel after all =P)
Ah.. and you might want to ask on the forum of the mod.. not sure how many Immy-romance-fans are here =P
We don't need to have this debate again. The Imoen romance mod exists. Some people like to play it. Leave it at that and stick to the topic.
It would really make my day if somebody would pick it to revive it, get it to work with EE and maybe, just maybe even finish the intended ToB part... *dream*
...I don't think I've ever seen this much praise for the Imoen Romance Mod in my life.
Will it work comfortably with the Enhanced Editions?
It did cause quite the stir when it was released. A lot of people not liking the whole sister angle... and the music drives me insane :P Hahahah
I have the friendship mod downloaded, it comes with some pretty high praise!
Thanks to @LiamEsler for providing an alternative!
Though I wouldn't let my children near either of them.
What people mean when they say there are 2 versions of the IRM is that the original version written by Lord Mirrabbo, that includes all the overviolent or just plain crazy options, was redone by T. C. Dale as part of her plan to write a ToB part. Unfortunately, as it looks right now, she only managed to complete the SoA Version 2.0, in which, as people already stated, the violent content is tuned down a bit, the writing is a bit more polished, but the overall essence of the mod remains the same.
I urge interested people to at least try it for themselves before dismissing it like Liam. No offence intended here, of course, since everyones tastes are different and I completely respect that LiamEsler doesn't like the mod. I just feel like it's best to make up your own mind about a mod that created enthusiasm and outrage alike.
For one, if you're playing a truly evil character, then chances are you are willing to do these sorts of things, so it's yet one more evil thing for your character to do. (in a game where people consistently say there's not enough evil available)
Two, it makes things more realistic. Whether or not you want that in your game and whether or not you want to do those acts in a game is up to you, but these sorts of things happen. While you may be a twisted freak if you want these in your game, the fact is that it still adds a very dark sense of realism.
As for the romance itself, it's a tricky question. While she is TECHNICALLY your half sibling, she's also only tied to you because of a deity. Your mortal mothers weren't related (we assume, anyway), so it makes the morality of dating your "half-sister" very confusing. I don't even know where I stand on the matter, I'm just saying why people might justify it. Personally, I just love having a real friendship to develop with her, since the creators of the game somehow assumed that it wasn't important.
So yeah. There's my two cents for all the people who care. I doubt there are (m)any.
First, about how to pursue Imoen properly. Imoen (in this mod) likes gentle, wise men with some sense of humor (but not in discussing serious matter.) There's a mechanism of affection points. If your wisdom is 17 or higher, you can get all the points available; yet with wisdom lower than 12 you can also complete the romance. Evil charname can romance her, too ( dialogues are a bit different). But you mustn't reveal your hunger for power and how you ravaged your way to rescue her. When discussing dreams with her, be considerate and supportive. At certain point you should tell her dreams are just dreams to let her relax. Do NOT confess directly. It would startle her. Wait until the beginning of Chapter 6 and you should know what to do.
Then here's some observation about this mod. I play TC Dale's version so there's not so much violence and depravity as I heard. It seems to me the author envisaged three kinds of Charnames: One is ruthless, he may or may not want Imoen as lover but even if he does, he rarely cares her feeling, and even uses force on her; the second is frivolous and vulgar, would make jokes in unsuitable occasions (like exaggerate those dreams' content); the last is the gentle type mentioned above, which only is really Imoen's soul mate. While the author's ideal is the third type, he (or she?) contributed quite a lot to other bad choices and their consequences. This gives the mod somewhat gruesome appearance. Like Emmi said, this is a mod taking darker tone. For me, the most unbearable feature of this mod is its music. Generally I think it's a good mod worthy of a EE version and TOB part:)
You can find the link to this version of the mod here:
I can only confirm everything wuthering20 said about the mod. in my opinion definitely worthy of a ToB part. Would be incredible if that somehow could happen, after all those years.
How many love talks does Imoen have compared to the others anyways?