Three Old Kegs Noblewoman Exploit
If the player cast a charm spell on her, she would provide a reward every time she was talked to.
Changed Global("AcceptedJob","GLOBAL",2) to SetGlobal("AcceptedJob","GLOBAL",2) in NOBW8.DLG
(Originally found and fixed in Baldurdash)
Changed Global("AcceptedJob","GLOBAL",2) to SetGlobal("AcceptedJob","GLOBAL",2) in NOBW8.DLG
(Originally found and fixed in Baldurdash)
Post edited by Tanthalas on
Oh, Ithyl on the 2nd floor- (AR0120)? She does have extra dialog after charmed- gives 20gp. However, if you talk to her again, she repeats the same line about giving you 20gp and instead gives you 2gp. Then every new prompt she just gives the same line without giving you anything extra.
If ITHYL was the problem, that's Confirmed Not Fixed.
She probably simply shouldn't give the Charmed line twice.
You accept the assassination, but instead of killing Cyrdemac, charm the noblewoman.
She will pay you.
Ithyl is the owner of the place, not a noblewoman. I don't think that giving that extra 2 gold should be considered an exploit.
Yeah, would be nice if she were actually called Areana (as in Cyrdemac's dialog), but not so crucial...
OH! Damn, never knew about this exploit. Fair enough...
Checked in vBG1 and BGEE- gets the stonewall in BGEE after the first instance of taking advantage of her.
Confirmed Fixed...
Except for this...
If you subsequently go ahead and attempt to complete her quest anyway and speak to Cyrdemac, you get his usual friendly "Can I help you friend? If not, please do not hesitate to get out of my face. You are interrupting my fun," but the only response option is:
Then the "DONE" button on the bottom has his usual friendly response plastered all over it.
If you click either the "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" response or the "Can I help you friend" button, it ends the dialog, but the "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" link remains there in the bottom message box.
But at least if you then kill Cyrdemac and return to Areanna, you don't get a 2nd reward.
Uh oh. Do you know of it happening anywhere else?
Not sure if I'm flagging the right folks, but there remains this minor technical difficulty regarding the dialogue state of Cyrdemac after bypassing dealing with him by using the Speak w Charmed Areana trick.
You are better off asking @cmorgan but it is highly probable we'll need to add at least one extra string.
Ok, fixed this up. Found some other issues mentioned at Dudleyville which I have also fixed up.
* Changed wdrunsgt to wtrunsgt so she will not randomly walk around.
* Changed her name from Noblewoman to Areana
* Fixed so you can respond to Cyrdemac if you charm Areana
* Fixed so if you charm Cyrdemac then Areana will have the appropriate dialogue
<<<<<<<< cyderm.d REPLACE_TRIGGER_TEXT cyderm ~Global("AcceptedJob","GLOBAL",0)~ ~OR(2) Global("AcceptedJob","GLOBAL",0) Global("AcceptedJob","GLOBAL",2)~ ADD_TRANS_ACTION ~cyderm~ BEGIN 9 END BEGIN END ~SetGlobal("CharmedCyrdemac","GLOBAL",1) Wait(10) EscapeArea()~ >>>>>>>> COMPILE ~cyderm.d~ COPY_EXISTING ~nobw8.dlg~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_DLG_TO_D REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~500) Dead("Cyrdemac")~ ~500) OR(2) Dead("Cyrdemac") Global("CharmedCyrdemac","GLOBAL",1)~ COMPILE_D_TO_DLG COPY_EXISTING ~nobw8.cre~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Areana~ SAY NAME2 ~Areana~ WRITE_ASCII 0x268 ~wtrunsgt~ #8 BUT_ONLY
One last note. @Dave @AndreaColombo String: #8435 "I shall be here at the start of every tenday." From Dudleyville: "Areana states that she will pay your blackmail every tenday but does so every twoday. I have chosen to alter the dialogue to match her current actions as many people could complete the remainder of the game before the first set of 10 days has passed.
Edit string 8435 from "I shall be here at the start of every tenday." to "I shall be here promptly every two days.""
Can't see how this would kill it.
COPY_EXISTING ~nobw8.cre~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Areana~ SAY NAME2 ~Areana~ WRITE_ASCII 0x268 ~wtrunsgt~ #8 BUT_ONLY
All dialogue/text changes are fixed.
I'm guessing this one is to stay in Found and Fixed?
I also love that I'm trying to talk to @wtrunsgt above. Oh wise script, please respond. Well that was for @SethDavis of course :P
Only to change her name to Areana.