Dead end in quest "Find out what happened to Montaron" [Spoiler]

Observed behavior:
If you bring the bird caught on the 2nd floor of the Harpers building to Xzar and backstab the appearing assassin (or killing her very fast in a different way), the dialog where she explains herself won't open (and Xzar dies anyways). This leaves the quest progress at the warning that "the second floor is protected by guardians of some nature", thus leaving the door to the Harper building shut.
Expected behavior:
The quest should be updated / the Harper's door be unlocked as soon as the bird is retransformed into the assassin so you can find Montaron's corpse and continue the quest without the assassin's explanation. (Catching the bird and/or reading the note on the second floor could trigger a quest progress, too.)
I would appreciate a work around to continue the quest
Edit: I sadly don't have a save game before this bug. So I attached a save game where you can see the dead end I'm stuck in.
If you bring the bird caught on the 2nd floor of the Harpers building to Xzar and backstab the appearing assassin (or killing her very fast in a different way), the dialog where she explains herself won't open (and Xzar dies anyways). This leaves the quest progress at the warning that "the second floor is protected by guardians of some nature", thus leaving the door to the Harper building shut.
Expected behavior:
The quest should be updated / the Harper's door be unlocked as soon as the bird is retransformed into the assassin so you can find Montaron's corpse and continue the quest without the assassin's explanation. (Catching the bird and/or reading the note on the second floor could trigger a quest progress, too.)
I would appreciate a work around to continue the quest

Edit: I sadly don't have a save game before this bug. So I attached a save game where you can see the dead end I'm stuck in.
Post edited by Illydth on
You are not supposed to kill the assassin. Killing her will not progress the quest, as that is the end of that particular part.
It should be possible to erase all the necessary journal entries and set whatever variables there might be in the case that she dies, but I doubt such a fix will be retroactive.
I'll take a look and see if I can clean up your save game for the three issues you have made note of. Is that the latest save game you have? If not, would you like me to clean up the newest save game you have?
The issue with the Mae'Var quest is solved.
The issue with the Quayle's quest is of minor importance but if you could clean up the journal entry, I would be thankful.
The priority is cleary on the Montaron quest. I would love to be able to proceed the quest (opening the door to the Harpers building might suffice).
Thank you very very much for all your help so far!
How likely is it that I lost experience due to this? (just for the record)
For the Find out what happened to Montaron quest, XP should have been added when you selected the option to hand over the bird. This should have been before Xzar actually tried to polymorph the bird.
For Quayle, XP is added as standard after you rescue the troupe.
Both should have been fine.
But yeah you can kill the assain and still get the points and also still go into the hold and kill the harpers altough that is a rep hit and Most irratating voice ever Jaheria will attack you too...
I've got to say, that is possibly the most effort I've ever heard of that anyone's ever gone to to try to get around a set story point. You have my amazement my friend!
Keep in mind, this is not a choice by OverHaul games...this is the way the original game played and they are in no way able to change that. You were NEVER intended to be allowed to get Montaron or Xzar into the party in BG2. This is a scripted plot that ends with the death of Xzar and the implied death of Montaron.
Don't hold this against OverHaul, it's not their fault. Blame Bioware circa 1998...
Moving this to "not an issue".