Regarding Android

Time was not on our side this day, it seems.
Android won't go live until after the holiday. We ran out of time to set things up for proper testing, and we want to make sure we do this right. That said, you can expect the first part of the year to be devoted to Android. Expect to see some real actual news and information when we get back into the office in January.
For now, I want to thank everyone for their continuing patience, and to wish you all a happy (and safe) holiday, as well as a delightful new year.
Android won't go live until after the holiday. We ran out of time to set things up for proper testing, and we want to make sure we do this right. That said, you can expect the first part of the year to be devoted to Android. Expect to see some real actual news and information when we get back into the office in January.
For now, I want to thank everyone for their continuing patience, and to wish you all a happy (and safe) holiday, as well as a delightful new year.
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That is a joke, though the image does express my inner and outer panda quite well. ʕȎᴥȎʔ
I feel so screwed over now without the happy finish.
#android has 65% of the market of tablets and this is growing, why make the shrinking small market share holder the priority? That doesn't make sense...
Is it due to the fact that that the #android fans are keeping quiet? Well only a few of us now keep the faith by hopefully checking the forums daily for a hint\scrap of info.
After so much talk about transparency from you all, it lasted about as long as it took to hit the Post Comment button.
Even dev notes every week on what has been worked on for #android would help. We don't see that because nothing is being done. Only sucking up to #apple for a hail mary pass is getting done. I'm sick of it.
The sad part for me is that even though we (Android users) are probably being laughed at by Overhaul at how gullible we are for any morsel of hope, if (and I stress the if) BG comes out on Android I will probably still buy it.
My preference is to wait.
Excuse me while I go and cry in a corner because you broke my heart and my hope of playing bgee on my nexus 10
Many of us fully expected BG:EE on Android to happen well before Christmas 2013. For instance, when a thread goes up asking for Android devices to prioritize, it suggests that devices are being tested. That happened eight months ago. The only news we have had on Android is... nothing. It's been "we're working on it" over and over and over again. This is why people are angry.
This apple pandering is disgusting, especially given that Android has a significantly larger market share and iPad, and Android Market game *sales* (not microtransactions) are of a far greater volume.
If you had released on a decent schedule, (like, idk, a year ago?) I would have bought BG/2 for the 7th time, this time for android. Between the constant delays, complete and total lack of communication as to realistic timeframes (I delayed playing through for nearly a year before giving up waiting!), and now the slap in the face by falling all over yourselves to cater to the nazi hipsters... This time, maybe I'll pay a visit to a certain broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward, inhabited by people who attack and rob ships at sea. I'm not sure yet.
If you just consider overall Android / iThing sales, the shift occured earlier, so the markets sales comparison without splitting phones and tablets may not be sufficient to understand their decision.
I'm not in a hurry to buy an Android tablet and I'll wait until the requirements are published to make my decision. Now that tablets using Intel processors are sold by major manufacturors, I'm wondering if they will be compatible with software not written in Java, as is certainly the case for BGEE/BG2EE.
I've been waiting more than a year to buy one, as having BG[2]:EE on something more portable than my laptop while I'm on a train or bus would be welcome. My reasoning for holding off buying one was because I have nothing else to use one for, having a brick sat in a drawer can be achieved much quicker and with no cost. Web browsing, Skype, etc., is done on either my laptop (or, to a much lesser extent, one of my five desktops. Usually just to download drivers or such).
The reservation (on the same day the thread was made) and purchase (day after) from the local retail outlet, Argos, was made without even knowing whether or not I would be accepted on the Android beta due to the limited numbers; being on the Windows beta does not automatically mean I'm on every beta.
In other words: that purchase of £199.99 was made blindly, without any foresight. In hindsight, I could have spent that money on something better and waited until something more concrete was announced about the Android version.
And I'm still not one bit bothered by the delay.
To be honest, I might not get it when it is finally out and I was super excited about it before. It's just been such a long time, I've played the heck out of BG:EE already. If it were BG2:EE and we had cloud saves, I'd pick it up in a second.
Maybe if we get in touch with 3drealms they can give Overhaul a hand on the development here.
All joking aside this is really annoying, the iHerd has been playing this game for over a year already. Unless we see a ridiculous turnover for the release of BGII:EE Android I think we'll see a lot of Android Gamers look elsewhere for their RPG fix regardless of any announcements that are made by Overhaul.
I would REALLY love to be playing this game on my 2012 Nexus 7, but my enthusiasm is seriously waning. With every other announcement on this version of the game saying they found another thing that will slow down development, and trying to placate us with 'iOS fixes will help towards the Android release' really isn't helping to keep the excitement alive.
In a nut shell iPads have been a shrinking market over the last 12 months, and continuing to be a niche product for a small percentage of the population. Android continues to grow and dominate.
The android version of BG:EE has been in development for 14 months supposedly, plenty of time to actually see what's happening in the market.
According to Trent in may Android was the main focus of the company, again in January he also said it was at least a month away. Basically a lie each time he opens his mouth. Clearly the main focus was to release BG2:EE, on every platform apart from Linux, before android actually gets thought about.
This is why we are frothing about yet another delay and broken word. When all we see is the rush for the iheard to give them part 2 of a game we can't even play part 1. At the end of the day iheard have had the game for almost a year. Can't you see why we are a bit cross about this?