Convince me to get this!

Hey, I received an IPad Mini for Xmas and I'm in need of some good RPG adventures. After some research it seems like BG offers the most hours (including great replayability), but I've never touched the D&D stuff before so that's a little intimidating. Is the learning curve for noobz reasonable or is this more suited for seasoned players only? I'm aware of the new big update which arrived recently too so did that pan out well?
Feel free to recommend any other IOS RPGs that come close to the scale of BG too!
Feel free to recommend any other IOS RPGs that come close to the scale of BG too!
It's a great game that does have a bit of a learning curve. However any problems you have as a new player can easily be solved by asking on this forum.
If your looking for a long involved rpg with an interesting plot, characters and strategic battles you've come to the right place.
What more could you want?
I'd also post for answers in general discussion thread instead of this one, that thread gets far more views.
And sorry! Will do, noob to the forum and all that.
To sum up, hope you'd enjoy BG1, but in case you don't BG2 is something to look forward to.
EDIT: I still personally find BG1 to be a good game. I'm not implying that it's a bad game, no not at all. Just a matter of preference, and regardless, it is still a treat.
Btw, you can edit the thread and move it yourself to General Discussion if you like.
And yes, bg for the iPad is completely worth it. If you want to learn to play then some of the how to play threads around here are probably more helpful than the tutorial.
Right now, thac0 and AC wise, all you need to know is lower is better. For your first character, I would recommend a sturdy fighter-type, so you don't have to deal with how much the squishy mages die. Once you get to a decent level, however, mages become the strongest class.
After you rest, try to open the cleric spell book of jaheira. You should see the difference between a memorized (and castable) spell and a not memorized spell. Can you see the difference?
Anyway if you click the moon/stars icon of jaheira, do you see any spell available?
Another question, was your rest interrupted by monsters?
If you still have problems follow these instruction and see what happens.
1) Go to a tavern.
2) Open the cleric spell book of jaheira.
3) go to first level spells
4) delete all memorized spells (clicking on the icons on the bottom panel)
5) select cure light wound spell few times to fill all the now empty slots.
6) talk to the tavern keeper and rest there.
7) click on the moon/star icon of jaheira and you should see the cure light wound icon. Try to cast it to any party member.
It must work!!!!