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can mazzy and viconia be together?

Can mazzy and viconia be in a party together without eventually fighting each other? Thanks


  • jwells24jwells24 Member Posts: 3
    **Minor spoilers**

    Hey I was wondering if mazzy and viconia can be on a team together and not end up fighting each other? I know kheldorn and viconia can't. They sound like they're about to rip each other apart though.
  • GriboeGriboe Member Posts: 47
    My personal experience is - yes they can. I don't know if the game has certain conditions for them not to though. I finished SoA with both of them in the same party though. No problems.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited December 2013
    Yes, they can. They will not fight each other, even if Mazzy does not hide her hate for Viccy. Likely, she longs for her body :)
  • jwells24jwells24 Member Posts: 3
    Haha cool thanks man!
  • jwells24jwells24 Member Posts: 3
    Pa my party is:
    Me (kensai)

    Its been fun conversation for sure, just struggling to get mazzy much damage output compared to everyone else
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited December 2013
    Some drow on halfling interracial lesbian action.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180

    Korgan has a thing on Mazzy. Too bad, their alignments are complete opposite.
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    jwells24 said:

    Pa my party is:
    Me (kensai)

    Its been fun conversation for sure, just struggling to get mazzy much damage output compared to everyone else

    In that party mazzy is easily the third damage dealer and only because of a lack of weapons at that point... I assume the kensai is getting the top damage set so he gets FOA + belm. Korgan gets the second pair so probably axe of unyielding + crom Freyr? In that case mazzy with foebane and kundane should be on par with them if she has the 22 str belt...

    Actually give her ravager and she will out kill either of the others... The halberd from the under dark isn't bad either and you can still give her tuigan or gesen for easy switches.
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