Removing Centeol's Curse

If you talk to Centeol, the big fat spider woman in the nest in Cloakwood, she reveals she was cursed by Jon Icarus (which apparently was the original name given to Jon Irenicus). It would be nice if there was some way of removing her curse rather than just having to kill her. Maybe it could be a future side-quest? Or has someone already thought of this?
Considering Irenicus' power, it'd have to be some badass decursing to break through his magic. Even IF Centeol allows it, I think she's pretty far gone in her insanity.
Poison was so over-powered in BG1 thanks to everyone's low hit-points. Even with a steady supply of antidotes it could slaughter you just because drinking potions took time. (Time spent not killing spiders.)
Even if you could reverse the curse though, I think you would simply end up with a gibbering, warped, deranged and dangerous woman who's lost all sense of humanity. As Drugar above me says; she's just too far gone.
I agree she is pretty far gone and it would take more than just a Remove Curse spell to counter Irenicus's magic. But it could be an interesting way of foreshadowing his appearance in BG2. And the curse he has placed upon her is more in the nature of a twisted joke than the truly evil stuff he does later on. Presumably he cursed Centeol early in his career, before his power was fully-developed, so it wouldn't have to be amazingly high-powered magic. The standard trope with something like this is that you have to restore to the victim a personal possession that was taken from them (like the lock of Jaheira's hair in BG2). So maybe the party would need to discover something that Irenicus stole from Centeol in order to curse her?
To me, it feels sad to kill her in that defenseless, immobile state.
"They entered the building; Pai’Na was there, a dark figure with a quarterstaff, bowing over a human body.
The body was still moaning; its stomach was slit open, and moving with a mass of hatching spiders; Pai’Na cast one look at them, and yelled angrily in her own tongue; Imoen only caught the word orbb, spider, before Pai’Na started to cast a spell, and the spiderlets started to pour out of the body; and the others."
Yeah, I think the author got the intent behind that scene pretty well. Feel free to take a moment to feel sick.
I can't be sure if the same came down in Cloak Woods, but considering the human bodies found in the web I think it's very plausible. It takes away any sense of pity I might have had for the cursed woman, especially since she apparently brought it on herself. (Do I remember correctly that she says she killed Jon's wife?)
Though it would be pretty sweet if this throw-away line which you only get if you choose a specific line of dialog would be expanded in BG:EE. Not necessarily a quest, but just a journal of a trinket which could tell us a bit more of Centeol's past.
Yeah that's what I got from that place as well. Though I still feel sorry for her. I mean, fine, she killed someone, that's bad. But to live as a fat, probably spiderbaby infested creature, lodged in a webbed dome somewhere deep in a dark wood with only the company of hungry, mindless giant spiders all day, every day...nobody deserves that.
At the maximum an easter egg in BG2 with some kind of reference to her could be nice, but nothing more than that.