Who do you love?

So who do you romance when you are playing BG2?
When I first played BG2 I didn't realise that there was a romance element so it took me by surprise the first time one of my NPCs started to chat me up. I'm a guy but I was playing as a female character and suddenly I found Anomen wanted to whisper sweet nothings in my ear. And frankly it creeped me out. In the end I had to get rid of him.
When playing a male character, Viconia is the only girl for me. Aerie is just too soppy and being romanced by Jaheira is like being chatted up by your mum.
However, I generally play as a female paladin, who is steadfast and true ... and celibate.
When I first played BG2 I didn't realise that there was a romance element so it took me by surprise the first time one of my NPCs started to chat me up. I'm a guy but I was playing as a female character and suddenly I found Anomen wanted to whisper sweet nothings in my ear. And frankly it creeped me out. In the end I had to get rid of him.
When playing a male character, Viconia is the only girl for me. Aerie is just too soppy and being romanced by Jaheira is like being chatted up by your mum.
However, I generally play as a female paladin, who is steadfast and true ... and celibate.
Aerie is too meek and sad, Viconia is sexy but unneccessarily mean, Anomen is...Anomen. Jaheira is a lot more mature and I can handle a little bossiness.
I've romanced Kelsey, which was pretty good (until a bug broke the romance and I didn't feel like reloading a game from a week before) and am currently chatting up Kivan which is confusing at some times, very melodramatic at others.
If one day a Yeslick romance is released, I will dive right into it. Dwarves get no love.
I didn't know there was a mod for a romance with Kivan. Does it develop the story between him and Viconia? I always wondered what was meant to be going on between those two. It felt like it was more than just a male elf / female drow thing.
Though, considering he's basicly a ticking timebomb of vengeance, it's understandable.
Funny part:
[Spoiler]When you encounter Tazok again, he flips out and murders the hell out of him. Then grabs a knife and cuts out Tazok's heart, which he keeps as an inventory item. As expected, this drives him a little more insane. I got some conversations about it later where I think I could've influenced his behavior and obsessive tendencies. I fanned the flames a little more, don't know what other outcomes may have as a result.[/Spoiler]
Though I could add, if you play a good guy, the epilogue update by Laufey (contained in the Edwin romance mod of all places) does in my opinion provide a better conclusion than the original one,
Jaheira is too bossy for me, and I didn't even keep her in BG1. Viconia is OK, until she pisses Aerie off so bad, I eventually kicked her out of my party.
Thankfully, JCompton made it possible to express my lubz for her.
Viconia, Jaheira, Aerie, 2 elfs and a half elf, too exotic for me >_<
I am not saying that there should be no options, (that is the developers choice) But that requiring every NPC to essentially be a young, romantically inclined bi-sexual limits what characters can actually be made.
P.I.M.P ; )
I romanced all characters, ANOMEN included. I guess that's the only positive aspect of him anyway - unpleasant guy, goodish romance XD
And mind you, if I find Anomen unpleasant that certainly means that the writers did a great job. Writing a sloppy character who you are indifferent about, THAT is a bad job.
Overall, I say that I liked Viconia's romance the most. Simply because it's different. It's hard to compare it to a do-good-er with cut wings, a woman that TERRIBLY wants to be the boss and a tough ass (sorry about the term) while she hops on the PC the first given opportunity (sorry for the mental image) and a priest that struggles to understand what's good and wrong (although that's a nice touch, I admit).
So yeah, Viconia would be my choice. Here is hoping for some awesome romances with, I dunno, Dorn! He isn't that bad looking for a half-orc... now if only his intelligence was superior to 1, it would be JUST PERFECT!
PS - no idea why I capitalized so many words O_O
To take your example, Keldorn's own quest involves his wife cheating on him, and you can either arrest her or talk to the other guy - a third option would be to convince Keldorn to leave his wife, for her own happiness, and that would allow you to get closer to him yourself. Sure, many players wouldn't choose this route... but the fact that it exists wouldn't alter your RPing experience unless you actively pursued it.
My male PC romanced Jaheira in BG 2, until the romance got broken because my party stayed too long in the Underdark. I think the romances are a bit overdone in the Mass Effect series, btw. Too many people obsessed with blue babies on the Bioware Social Network, that's for sure. >_>