How can i tell if SCS is installed?
in BG:EE Mods
I have followed the installation directions to the letter, yet I can't say I've spotted any difference so far(thought i'm still against monsters and low intelligence enemies in BG 1 ee),so will I spot the difference against spellcasting enemies later or might my installation be wrong?
Against higher level spellcasters you should certainly notice a difference when they start kicking your butt. Probably Silke is the first significant spellcaster you would come across, if you happen to turn against her during her quest in Beregost.
There's a couple of ogre mages in the game which turn into real nightmares. Particularly you may meet at Firewine Bridge if you make certain choices.
WEIDU.log is of course the proper place to check, as @Shin said. If it's installed, there should be all sorts of SCS components in there. If they're there, you're good. If they're not... try another install.
awesome mod btw I just regained my lost interest in bg!
And actually, scs makes a difference on low level spellcasters too. They'll actually use mage armor and mirror images at the start of the fight. Which still makes a pretty big difference when they're about to pop off a sleep.
And fighting that one dude when you first get to Friendly Arm Inn. Getting power word:sleep within the first 3 secs of the fight is pretty frustrating lol.
BTW - weidu.log is a very helpful file, as it lists all mods and mod components you have installed including the sequence in which it has been done. Modders may often ask you for that file in case of troubleshooting for a modded game.