2 FR Upgradeable Item sets found!

I know people were asking about items, that when combined together, that would become stronger. Well, I found the reference. Dragon Magazine #213- "Series Magic" These items are considered lesser artifacts. The first are the Blades of Ochir Naal, Prophet of Tiamat- these are Daggers of Throwing +2, +4 vs the Dragon of their color (they only come in the five chromatic Dragon colors- Black, Blue, Green, Red and White. When combined, 2 of them make a shortsword, three a longsword, four a broadsword and five a two-handed sword (which has never been done, except Ochir Naal himself. Two blades give the power of flight 2x day, Three makes the bearer immune to breath weapons of all three dragons whose blade types are combined, four gives access to the breath weapons of those dragons and five allows a ritual to slice open the planes and bring Tiamat to the Realms from Baator (the first plane of Hell, essentially, where Tiamat lives).
The second are the Four Ruling Rings of Yrix Alquinnar which look like (and act like) Rings of Elemental Command on their own, and when combined, allow different kinds of elementals and elementals from the Para-Elemental planes, (Smoke, Ooze, Magma, Lightning, etc.) to be summoned.
The second are the Four Ruling Rings of Yrix Alquinnar which look like (and act like) Rings of Elemental Command on their own, and when combined, allow different kinds of elementals and elementals from the Para-Elemental planes, (Smoke, Ooze, Magma, Lightning, etc.) to be summoned.
edit: I am fairly sure, even with all the pantheon changes between editions, that vecna does not just exist in greyhawk
And don't forget the Baculum of Vecna (look it up!). That's very good, at, um, raising things.
Yes it was.
I'd have to agree with Drugar and Communard on this one. By the same token that DMs can completely screw you over arbitrarily, they can also allow you to swing on a chandelier and kick an ogre into a huge fireplace with a roaring fire in it. Why, not long ago I let a player one-shot the current Big Bad because he creatively readied an action to shoot the boss while said boss was holding a primed explosive over a crate of other explosives. KABOOM!
"No, I'm sure there's some stipulation that says a disintegrate spell won't work if the spellcaster casts it on himself. Here, I'll prove it."
In the same way, vecna has his own demiplane, one I think on carceri?
and so while he isn't in the FR pantheons per se, he still exists in the sense that there is intrigue and quests surrounding him in the forgotten realms. The book of vile darkness for example is stated to have vecna as one of the primary contributers.