iPad 1 crashes after purchasing Dorn
So I got a cheap iPad 1 and hoped to play multiplayer BG at home. Everything worked fine until I tried to restore my purchase of Dorn. After doing so successfully (I think) the game will no longer boot up, instant crash every time. Sometimes I get as far as the title page but usually don't even see the logos.
Any ideas? Delete and download again?
Any ideas? Delete and download again?
Is ipad 1 really so bad or am I missing something? I've closed all other apps, I've reset the iPad. Anything else that I can do or is this a lost cause?
edit: Just want to add - I also experienced no problems buying the extra content on ipad 1
And now with BG2:EE on ipad 1 I have this exact problem.
Uninstalling/Reinstalling the game hasn't worked either. In fact it plain wont start up at all now since trying to buy Dorn despite a fresh install.
What is going on, Devs?
Any news, Dee...?
I've also determined that the problem has to do with being logged into the App Store. After purchasing Dorn and experiencing the crashes, I was able to play normally if I logged my iPad 1 out of the App Store, and restarted my iPad. With this workaround, however, I am not able to access my purchased content.
As soon as I either try to log into the App Store (in-game or through the iOS settings page), the game crashes.
Help! You guys have made a great game even greater, we would all appreciate the response!
I have an iPad 1, on iOS 5.1.1.
This is actually very useful information; thank you.
Any workarounds appreciated! Hope the bug is found and fixed too
I too get prompted asking for my apple password whilst playing the game, it happens quite a lot but i must press cancel everytime or the game will crash. It seems the game knows i have purchased Dorn, Neera and Hexxat, and it is trying to download them for me by keeping asking me for my apple id/password.
Uninstalling and reinstalling didnt work for me either.
Hope for a fix soon, really want to play the new characters, specially since the game has let me pay for them.
I, too, started getting those boxes asking me to sign into the app store. I never had. I later tried the in app purchase of Dorn, and then I got booted to desktop. I got another box saying that I had already purchased, but that it had not downloaded yet.
I am still unable to load the game even after signing out of app store and hard resetting the iPad.
*edit*I read about someone's success using airplane mode, and have found that I am able to play (sans-Dorn) on airplane mode as well.
*new edit*
Here's some extra information. I do not have a cell (data?) plan for my iPad. I use mobile wifi, there is no system for just my iPad connection to the internet. I am able to play while I am in airplane mode, with no wifi. As soon as I turn on wifi, I begin to get those requests to sign into app store, and consequent crash to desktop.
Some side notes: on airplane mode with wifi off, when I pause the game and switch apps, the game will start off from the logo screen when I come back. If i pause the game, and leave it for long enough to let the power-saver turn the screen off, when I come back, I can still un-pause and play the game - it doesn't freeze up.
Further aside, there are other applications which I use on my iPad which worked fine before I upgraded to 5.1.1, which also began to experience intermittent crash-to-desktop issues after upgrading. My "privacy" web-browser and "Friendly" (Facebook app) crashes, while Safari and most others don't.
Sorry for the Necro, but I can't find a newer thread on this topic. I tried purchasing Neera for Baldur's Gate 2 on my iPad 1 running iOS 5.1.1.
The game crashed, and now crashes during the initial black loading screen every time open the app. Essentially, I've paid $15, possibly more if the charge for Neera went through, for nothing but used up space on my tablet. Is there any sort of ETA on a fix for this. Is it even on the radar anymore?