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Player visible in Sendai cutscene

As attached. Far from being an issue but maybe an easy fix?

My screen resolution is 1680x1050.


  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    @Gate70. Sorry I'm afraid I don't.

    If I had to hazard a guess is where the game goes into cutscene mode for those dialogue between Sendai and her minions and the scene is simply to the upper right of the current map - however resolutions have progressed a fair amount in the last few years and now the distance isn't great enough to be fully hidden any more.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    As a cosmetic bug this is at best a "D" level bug. I've also never heard of anyone else reporting it. If you don't have a saved game for it and Gate doesn't see it on his playthrough we'll go ahead and move this to "not an issue" and see if someone else comes along and reports this also.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Fair enough. I probably wouldn't have even noticed except the VFX for the Cloak of Mirroring was swirling away.

    But yeah, even if it is reproduced it is a minor graphical hiccup at best. Far more important things to get worked on.
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