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Evil npcs are too overpowered?



  • Stasis_SwordStasis_Sword Member Posts: 91
    CrevsDaak said:

    @elminster @Stasis_Sword I didn't know that, was that changed, right? I have different remembers of vanilla..... (200+ damage with an Assassin->Fighter with 20 STR, 1d6+12 we have a min of 13, plus STR 21, with 4 points from Specialization and Gauntlets of Specialization 25 dmg minimum, 25x7=175, with a max of 30x7 we are capped at 210).

    @CrevsDaak Did you use shadow keeper to go Assassin -> Kensai? I'm pretty sure grand mastery and kensai bonuses are applied pre-multiplier.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Stasis_Sword no, I made a mistake, I know I wrote Assassin/Kensai but that was because I am right now playing with that combo (and WIld Mage too, you know, vanilla BG2 Multi Kit mod) so I mistook everything.
    It was a Assassin 21->Fighter 23 when I backstabbed for those 200+ damage.
    The Assassin/Kensai/Wild Mage is from another BG2 vanilla run I just started, I made a mistake :P.
  • TaearTaear Member Posts: 90
    CrevsDaak said:

    @Taear ToB Keldorn has Long Sword proficiency, and changing NPC's proficiencies a little don't seems like cheating to me, I prefer Neera to use Darts, Dorn Haldberds instead of Bastard Swords and Hexxat short swords, I am not breaking the character's story by making Dorn unproficient with THS (for example) or Neera with staffs.

    He does, but like I say - if you have a Paladin you should really be using Carsomyr. Keldorn is my ONLY party member who can even used edged weapons if you don't count Imoen and her few levels in thief.

    I feel like I'm the only one who completely hates dual class. If you're going to be a fighter/cleric I'd far rather you were both. If you're a mage/thief, please be both. There's just not very many characters in the game and losing out on a Thief for a (relatively) common mage is a pain.
    Or having a thief that can't really melee - like Jan - because they won't be able to cast their Wizard spells.

    I guess what I want is four melee characters and two ranged characters which is bloody hard work in BG2. Even Jaheira is a bit squishy when it gets to ToB.
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    I don't see how any wearable armor can compete with pfmw so I think jan melees ok...
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @kryptix Jan's armor + Hardiness + DoE + Ascension's Evil Power = Physical damage immunity :D
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Taear Keldorn is very good with Carsomyr, but Haer'Dalis had proficiencies with THS too and wanted to give it a try while the PC was using his Scimitar.
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