Kensai/Conjurer/Assassin no reload solo BG2

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Today I've started a BG2:SoA/ToB (another, I lost the saves again in vanilla, but not the ToB saves, just THAT save) run with Kensai/Conjurer/Assassin, and I wanted to post something about this somewhere as it is difficult (I play in Core Rules) in low levels because I can't use armor nor bracers nor anything, but I have an ultra-OP-Bhaalspawn.
I'll role-play this run, she (Darhaina) is Chaotic Evil, but she does like helping so she can mess in other parts, but nothing will be done without a reward!!
I gave her the Cure Light Wounds and Draw Upon Holy Might instead of Vampiric Touch and Larloch's Minor Drain, as she is able to cast Arcane spells but not Clerical spells, so.... Well, I've edited much things, but nothing more relevant than that!
I played a little before taking the screen shots, sorry but I forgot about lvl4 spells, I have none so I think is does not matter. [spoiler=Record Scren]
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Explored Actual Area]
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Inventory Screen]
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Mage Spells lvl 1]
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Mage Spells lvl 2]
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Mage Spells lvl 3]
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Done Quests because none are active now]
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Personal Information that stuff regarding killed creatures, gained XP]
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Complete Biography]
The Journal of Darhaina, narrated in a pretty epic third person:
After watching the Irenicus torturing the PC, a thief got disintegrated and Imoen opened the door for me, I got out the jail and sent her to sell fried food to Alaska (what means that I kicked her from my party) and went to save the other NPCs for the XP of their quests, went to pick up a Two-Handed sword, an Axe, 3 Potions of Healing I used later and a Dagger+1, I turned off the Mephit-spawning-machine and killed the only one that spawned, answered a rouge Genie that I was going to press the hypothetical button he was talking about and killed the Ogre Mage that the Bastard Genie (is he a Dao or a Djinni?) spawned, killed a group of goblins, looted the room with the Sewage Golem for another Potion of Healing to replace the one I used when fighting the goblins, 3 Potions of Superior Healing (one was used later), a scroll I scribed for 3000 XP (FIre Arrow, level 3) and a Unidentified Long Sword+1. I set a trap and rested, went to fight the Lesser CLay Golems, I hit on one and ran away so he could activate that trap, I killed the other with a Poison Weapon and a Draw Upon Holy Might (through it was immune to Poison
), went into the room with the jars and the Steam Mephit, I used a Mirror Image but got stunned, killed both mephits and grabbed the treasure, an Unidentified Staff+1 and some gold I think, then I killed another two group of goblins with two Sleep and an innate Horror spells, I picked up to Identify scrolls I can't use but she's going to sell them.
Today I've started a BG2:SoA/ToB (another, I lost the saves again in vanilla, but not the ToB saves, just THAT save) run with Kensai/Conjurer/Assassin, and I wanted to post something about this somewhere as it is difficult (I play in Core Rules) in low levels because I can't use armor nor bracers nor anything, but I have an ultra-OP-Bhaalspawn.
I'll role-play this run, she (Darhaina) is Chaotic Evil, but she does like helping so she can mess in other parts, but nothing will be done without a reward!!
I gave her the Cure Light Wounds and Draw Upon Holy Might instead of Vampiric Touch and Larloch's Minor Drain, as she is able to cast Arcane spells but not Clerical spells, so.... Well, I've edited much things, but nothing more relevant than that!
I played a little before taking the screen shots, sorry but I forgot about lvl4 spells, I have none so I think is does not matter. [spoiler=Record Scren]

The Journal of Darhaina, narrated in a pretty epic third person:
After watching the Irenicus torturing the PC, a thief got disintegrated and Imoen opened the door for me, I got out the jail and sent her to sell fried food to Alaska (what means that I kicked her from my party) and went to save the other NPCs for the XP of their quests, went to pick up a Two-Handed sword, an Axe, 3 Potions of Healing I used later and a Dagger+1, I turned off the Mephit-spawning-machine and killed the only one that spawned, answered a rouge Genie that I was going to press the hypothetical button he was talking about and killed the Ogre Mage that the Bastard Genie (is he a Dao or a Djinni?) spawned, killed a group of goblins, looted the room with the Sewage Golem for another Potion of Healing to replace the one I used when fighting the goblins, 3 Potions of Superior Healing (one was used later), a scroll I scribed for 3000 XP (FIre Arrow, level 3) and a Unidentified Long Sword+1. I set a trap and rested, went to fight the Lesser CLay Golems, I hit on one and ran away so he could activate that trap, I killed the other with a Poison Weapon and a Draw Upon Holy Might (through it was immune to Poison

Post edited by CrevsDaak on
Darhaina's Tail Tale (second update):
She entered the room after using a Draw Upon Holy Might and killed some of the goblins, killed the Smoke Mephit after he blinded me , but I killed him and the lasting goblins, there was another Mephit sent to Oblivion and I picked up a Potion of Superior Healing or two (I can't remember, but I used both against Illych's fellows), a Porion of Speed, a scroll of Larloch's Minor Drain that was copied to Darhaina's spell book, 5 Potions of Healing, some gold and XP. She wen't over Illych, he gave us a hard fight, we casted Blur as our only buff and used Web against them, she got injured so badly that I had to use ALL the Potions of Healing and of Extra Healing but not 2 Potions of Extra Healing (those archers and my own Web
What about the extra MR you mentioned? I believe WS received 2%/level before... 1%/level is just terrible. Would as well pick a Monk! 3% or 4% would seem more appropriate.
After killing the Cambion and grabbing his sword, she went for the Magical Mail Illych had, activated a stone golem and talked to man-that-was-inside-a-jar-and-was-mad for XP that as enough to level up, she killed an Otyugh by using a Draw Upon Holy Might and a Kai innate abilities, looted all the room and used some potions of Healing and of Extra Healing, killed all the Goblin with the throwing axes (that she used all in that action) and talked to the dryads, theses poor women weren't strong enough to save themselves, so she did not want to help them. After finding an Air elemental figurine and opening a door, she fought against some annoying Mephits that were slain after using two Potions of Extra Healing, two of Healing and two Horror spells with a Magic Missile and Haste on top. The Genie is willing to "give back" a sword from hers so she went to search for these Idiot's jar/flask, the dryads had it so she killed them because she did not want to save them, then she wrote the level six spell "Summon Air Elemental" into her spell book and memorized another Web spell in the extra spell slot the amulet she found gave her.
Active quests: Give the flask to the genie to get the sword he was offering to me.
I gave the flask to the friggin' Djinni, got a TWS+2 that cae very handy since I'm using that proficiency. Picked up some stuff I had forgotten and went towards the next level!
Yoshimo warned me of the Mephits, but he forgot to warn the Mephits about Darhaina
1) Pale Green Ioun Stone, to protect from critical hits.
2) Spell Immunity.
I set some traps I didn't use at all, as this Lich only wanted to cast spells on me and not following me outside, I used strategy (2), Melf's Minute Meteor's + Poison Weapon, which killed the Lich even if it had Improved Mantle.
The bad news: I've messed my BG2 install today at morning, I'll had to install everything again to continue this playthrough.
Multikits sounds really nice btw. Is it the following mod?
It's the 6th time I mess my install, this time it's more serious since I have less hard drive space (just 6 GB free while my disk is of 60 GB XD) than the last time because now I have the EEs installed. I'll continue as I make everything work again, it might take a while :I to instal SCS, the game does not take much to install, nor any of the other mods does. Good luck tomorrow I don't have school so I can play since the early morning, plus I think I'll leave SCS installing at night.
I have BG1EE, but BG2EE not yet because my creditcard isn't working and I live outside my country
What versions do you have? Steam? I was thinking of keeping my original BGT for heavily modded playthroughs, and Steam BGEE with only a few mods (SCS1 & 2, Ascension, BG1 NPCs, and maybe Item Randomization) for a more orginal 'feel'.
I think I won't be trying out the multikit builder mod. It sounds a bit messy, plus I don't like starting games in BG2 (I always want/need to go through BG1 first).
Good luck with your Ninja Assassin Killer Mage Goddess
I'm hoping to finish BG1 with my Cleric/Thief in an hour or so.
Thank you for your wished. I completed BG1. I will take my Cleric/Thief into SoA, but am also contemplating on a new playthrough.
So, if I use a Avenger/Kensai multi-class for Jaheira, a Kensai/Swashbuckler for my PC, the bonuses will be given correctly. But if I add Anomen as a Wizard Slayer, that will make it give MR to Jaheira and to my PC.
Yet according to your portrait, your character is a stripper lvl 29
Crevs, does this mod work okay, or have you run into major problems? I kinda wanna make a Kensai/Shadowdancer
And as the SD isn't in BG2 vanilla, you'll need to choose another combo.
It works with mod that add kits (Divine Remix for example, which is very cool since it adds several cleric/druid/ranger kits), I do not know if it has the '9 kits per class' restriction, I think that bo since it needs TobEx to work (it install the part it needs so don't worry) abd the G3 BG2 fixpack (which you kinda should have installed before by default :P).
I have done several quests and other stuff like the Bridge district's murderers (haven't killed the enemies on the lowest floor yet), got a 'new deal' from Gaelan to lower the price from 60k GP to 45k GP.
Got the quest to go and search for Valygar, pickpicketed the Ring of the Ram from Tolgerias and got randomly attacked by SCS improved thieves.
I went to steal Ribald's ring of Regeneration, pick the stuff I left on the Crooked Crane's Lich's lair and to see the items that RR added.
I went to Gorch and continued stealing until I had enough money to pay Gaelan and an extra 15k. I payed to Gaelan and went to see Aran, I met with some silly people in my way to his lair.
I have the RR/aTweaks component that adds Dimension Door back to the game like the P&P spell, but it is even more OP, I'll just delete from my spellbook and don't use it
And got the most awesome Irenicus dream YAAAY!!
EDIT: at some moment (can't recall when) I went to Watcher's Keep to buy a Potion Case and the Dimension Door scroll.
I installed the Wizard Slayer Rebalancing mod before SCS to make the enemies that get a WS kit in SCS tougher.
I went to Treademeet, talked to Neeber, got a quest from the Great Merchant and recruited Cernd, talked to a man who, if the right dialog options are picked, gives you 1k XP and 1k GP.
The trolls from SCS are quite difficult, on the first try they killed Cernd, but I slain them and raised Cernd at the Waukeen Temple in Trademeet.
The SCS improved spiders were quite easy with Improved Invisibility+Sunfire x2, but they used tricky things like Web Tangle and their spawning number was astonishing.
Sunfire was used a lot, and then Flaming Sword, cast by Cernd.
Apparently, either SCS or aTweaks added a Elder Earth Elemental to the Druid's Grove, who chunked Cernd, thus making this quest impossible (at least what I know) to finish. He gave me a very tough fight, because of dealing 20-50 damage in a single melee hit and having Invisibility at will, being immune to +2 and having lots of HP.
Luckily he was not immune to backstab nor to thief traps, so I used Daystar against it with a Potion of Invisibility and the Ring of Invisibility besides my Improved Invisibility spell to backstab him, after having lowered his Hit-points by setting traps far away and luring him into them.
I am really sorry for the last picture to be off-screen, but I accidentally moved the mouse in that moment.
Khittix was used to draw attention so he (Elder Earth Elemental) could got visible by attacking it.
I killed the group that was battling the trolls and killed the beasts.
I used the Wand of Fire a lot, they were a lot and moved behind me in their shapeshifted forms, besides summoning Nyphs with their spells.
I kept using the Wand of Fire until only one charge remained (only used the Flamethrower ability to not to hurt myself) and three Poison Weapon, besides some throwing axes. Their leader ran away when everyone else was dead and he was badly damaged, what a coward, and he made me lose some XP from him.
I kept going and found some Mushroom Generators™, who generated mushrooms that casted Confusion over me, I didn't save against it, but made the wise choice to keep attacking.
When the confusion effect wore off I used the Wand of Fire's fireball ability, and killed some of the Mushroom Generators™.
I got confused again as it seems that the whole bridge had Mushroom Generators™ on it, and some Trolls that lived under the bridge got out and attacked me on sight.
My PC decided to fuck me by failing her saving throws and attacking the Ice Troll when it was in the ground, all the enemies kept on chasing and attacking her, the bad AC was one of the causes of her dead, besides me being an idiot and not using all those Potions of Invisibility she had and all the other consumables.