Party insta massacred in circus tent by werewolves.

I am not sure what to do. My party went into the tent, has to keep going forward. I enter the werewolf room with everyone AI off, and try to dispel the wolves, but they pretty much massacre my party in a couple of seconds. I will seek gameplay ways out of this, but it's brutal, and not at all fun.
They aren't meant to do this.
They aren't meant to do this.
You can also true sight or detect illusion with a thief. They'll go poof quickly this way. The shades you still have to deal with though.
I'll just point out one thing. You can use spell invisibility on a thief who is detecting illusions and neither one breaks so just run the thief ahead with an invis potion and all of the werewolves will probably go poof after a minute or so.
(Edit) i was able to "kill" them with some detect illusion and 2 dispel spells. The key is the kitting. That a good workaround until the next patch.