What Left You Wanting More?

In this thread I'd like to hear about stories or encounters in BG 1 or 2 that left you wanting more. For example, the two big ones that always jump out at me are the Skinner Murders and the Spelljammer in the Underdark. I always wished that the skinner quest kept going, since there's an allusion to a greater conspiracy behind the events you witness in the game; and I always wished you were given a quest aboard the Spelljammer, just a quick jaunt out into space w/ the crew to fight some baddies.
Please refrain from turning this thread into, "this companion's romance was so bad, I wish they had done X, Y, and Z." I want to hear what the devs did RIGHT, how they piqued your interest, and left you wishing the awesomeness had gone a step further.
Please refrain from turning this thread into, "this companion's romance was so bad, I wish they had done X, Y, and Z." I want to hear what the devs did RIGHT, how they piqued your interest, and left you wishing the awesomeness had gone a step further.
The Ice Isle, would have been nice to see some maybe non-hostiles there, how people lived, maybe something into why it exists, etc.
Ulcaster Ruins, this is my big one, seemed like it could have been WAY bigger and more fleshed out, but wasn't.
Candlekeep, Home of Lore, would have loved for this to have been better on the return trip, or hell even when you start, be a sort of things to come type experience, after all this place is huge, and would likely have all sorts of neat things to do, more so if your Arcane in nature yourself.
Hmm, those three off the top of my head, then again with BG 1, there are a lot of little things in the game that don't really go anywhere and that I wish did.
Like Amardarial says, there are so many little things in BG1...
but BG 1 has TONS of little quests that could have been so much more, also tons of places that are just empty, no lore, nothing, they seem to be there for visuals only or maybe the team planned to do something and then just didn't for whatever reason....
Additionally I wanted to be able to romance Safana. Maybe get out of the friend zone with Imoen before she becomes a whiner in the second game? And then when you realize you're like, half-siblings be like ... okay whoops, this is awkward. Hahaha, that would be so perfect.
I always wanted to see more of Edwin, like a bit of a change of heart as odd as that sounds. His character is designed to make you think that he's kind of putting on a front, like he's not as much of a tough-guy and "hate everybody, consider them ants" as he pretends. It would've been cool to argue with him about that.
Along with that, I would've liked more conversations with NPCs without necessarily romancing them, in BG2.
I wish they could create a feeling that they is something greater AKA the all seeing eye feeling like hidden notes which lead to secret doors like in BG2 Tazoks key to the sewers where mind flyers dwell.
Also would like more quests like with Aldeth in Cloakwood where you actually dont know if the person speaks true and you must choose side: that put you into dillema much more when you dont actually know the difference between right and wrong\ good and evil.
As I understand the List of things that can't be done the only thing out of bounds is altering dialogue of existing characters, while adding new content and even re-arranging encounters on the old maps is okay.
So at least some changes could occur, such as creating a boss fight in Ulcaster Ruins (my favourite suggestion), an evil cleric at the zombie farm, a shady character somewhere interested in acquiring the Kozah statue for his own dark designs (besides Ulcaster's ghost
The gravestones in Naskel were the best 20 minutes of the game just reading trough them. Last words: Lets split up, we will cover more ground that way
I would have loved for some more games and fun at the Naskel fair.
Also who is that old lady who got her house infested with Giant spiders? How did she get out alive? Why does she what those slippers? Where does she get the money to hire adventures to solve this problem?
Why does the nobleman think a mud covered, blood soaked group of heavily armed adventures carrying the stench of ogres run a dry cleaning company? What is his angle in giving you those golden pantaloons and why want anyone pay more than a gold piece for those sweet pantaloons?
I could go on, there are so many tiny quests that could be expanded upon, but for some reason I like that, as in life, sometimes you only get half the story. You know that a good reason exist for the thing, but to you it just seems strange because you only hear half the story. It makes the world seem more real, stuff happens without you and you don’t need to understand everything.
The game could definitely use an alternative, less sucky way of getting closure on the idol (besides just selling it, I guess).
Edit: added spoiler tags.
The second one
There are many, many mods out there for players to explore, a good number of which arose from this "left me wanting more" feeling. Some of the most impressive examples:
The BG1 NPC Project - develops NPCs
BG2 Quest Pack - develops BG2 quests
Sword Coast Stratagems (both SCS and SCS II) - enhances enemy AI to make enemies fight smarter
Some years back I participated with a comparatively simple mod to keep Yoshimo after Spellhold. I did find it it satisfying to rescue Yoshi from Irenicus' Geas and thereby avoid his death. I read at the time that the Tortured Souls mod also allowed one to keep Yoshimo alive, although I'm not sure in that mod how the story was altered as such. Anyway, it was fun.
BG2: Linking up the twisted rune with everything else that is hinted to be related to it would be good, as would some closure as to what the hidden is and why there is a mind flayer base in the athkatla sewers.
Just seems that the shortage could have been a lot more than NPCs talking about it and your weapons (but never armor for some reason) sometimes breaking.
Interesting bit.
@ajwz I did know about the boy and the armor, I always wanted that final showdown w/ the heads of the conspiracy though =( or maybe just tieing it in to the Twisted Rune would have been awesome. Something like the hidden mindflayers would be cool too, as @Leon suggested.
It's been a while since my last BG1 playthrough and the gnoll fortress isn't too fresh in my mind, but that's a really good one. I do remember wandering the exterior thinking, "I know there's a door here!"