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How do i feed my familiar? What do i feed it?

When i talk to my little ferret it sometimes says to me

Ferret-"But since you ask, I am possessed of a craving for food. Procure some for me, and i shall allow you to pet me for a while longer."

how do i do this?


  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    You can't.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 273
    doing a search i found some people saying that there is a dialog option to feed your familiar, i wounder if this option is in BG2:EE ?
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    The options are there in the dialogue files for the ToB familiars iirc - I believe it's meant to be available when they are wounded, but haven't actually tested.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    you can feed good and neutral familiars by talking to them, the game doesn't give much work on familiars so it's pretty much just some banters.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    feed it a space hamster.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 925
    Familiars feed upon the corpses of your slain enemies.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    If you feed it too much, it will take up 2 inventory spaces instead of 1.

    But yeah, if you get an evil familiar they feed on the Tears of the Innocent. I'm not sure if they were implemented ingame.
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