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The Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity (spoilers)



  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @jolanthus you left out the part of the story when the char hunted you down and killed you slowly. You can't just leave on a cliff hanger man, that's soooo not cool.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Jolanthus I don't think the other Dark Elves would mind that at all...
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    I was hopelessly trying to write a really dark and depraved story of the rise and fall of a Drow house from her point of view. While I had events planned I never got much further than her transformation and offing her brother outside of roleplay.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @ladyrhian there must be something i'm seriously not getting about the drow.

    @jolanthus well, i would think the story would somehow need to be reverted back one way or the other. I mean, the kissing game comes to mind here and that's just something i think would leave a bitter taste in my mouth at the end.
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    @Bjjorick Reverted back? you mean to one gender?

    I'm not sure if the kissing game and leaving a bad taste in your mouth was a pun or not.

    @LadyRhian I'm sure it'd be a tale told in Underdark taverns for sometime to come.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @jolanthus actually, i was leaving myself open. I've been enjoying arguing with @LadyRhian all night, and i assumed she'd jump on it, but i guess she went to bed. Well, at least someone here has some sense.

    But yeah, i think the ending should lead up to her finally being brought back to her orginal gender, with a slight lesson learned, perhaps saving the belt to use on her enemies. I think leaving her a transgender would be a bit much. BUT, that only my opinion, and i haven't ready the story. It's just my thought, but the ending can be played well. i don't dare tell a writer what to do, but i love to give my opinion, as one writer to another. I think it would more funny if she used it on her enemies at the end. Guess i'm a lil tired right now and not making much sense :)
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    Well eventually she brings the house crashing down behind her as she leaves for the surface. She tries worshiping Eilistraee before eventually flitting between Selune and Sune. She has used the belt on those whom would harm people of opposite gender.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Bjjorick Just imagine all the "fun" she could have with male slaves with her extra "weapon".
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    @ladyrhian youre giving me ideas if I ever try to write this again >_>
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Jolanthus. :D Never let it be said I never gave you anything. ;)
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    @LadyRhian & @Bjjorick
    YIKES!!!! you two went far afield on this little thread ;) I will say though that my VERY FIRST experience with D&D had me putting on one of these things.....I had no idea what it would do...or really what the game was all about...just a general idea of RP.....My character never did get changed back.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Immagikman If you want to really screw up a party, introduce a helm of opposite alignment!
  • Doom972Doom972 Member Posts: 150
    I just sell it. It's funny to change come characters' sex, but the fact that it takes away the belt slot makes it pointless to keep.
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    Bjjorick said:

    Anduine said:

    Vote: Something else.

    I hide it in an obscure location, hoping that no one will ever find it. Not even my worst enemy deserves such a degrading and awkward experience.

    noooo give it to me, after all, i can remove it with a scroll of remove curse of have a priest cast it on me, but could actually experience what it's like to be on the other side for a few days.

    And as far as saying such and such doesn't deserve it, lol, put it on a man who hates/demeans/hurts women because they're women, or on hardcore feminists that are hardcore feminists for no reason. I've known a few.

    As I said. "Not even my worst enemy deserves such a degrading and awkward experience." I wouldn't give this to Sarevok or Irenicus, despite everything they've done to me. I'm not one to be playful in my quests for justice or revenge (depending on my alignment).
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @Immagikman the belt and honestly, the helm @ladyrhian mentioned sorta go outside the rules themselves. but honestly, what could be more fun than using cursed items on those who deserve it? :P

    @auduine I guess i'm more of a live in the moment kind of guy, a goku from dbz, when it's time to get serious, i will be serious, but until then, when i see someone who needs help, i'll stop to help them.
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    Bjjorick said:

    @auduine I guess i'm more of a live in the moment kind of guy, a goku from dbz, when it's time to get serious, i will be serious, but until then, when i see someone who needs help, i'll stop to help them.

    Fair enough; to each their own, afterall. With the exception of the occasional smirk, I tend to be serious and stoic. Not to the point of no longer being relatable, but always with the deed/quest/mission/objective in mind, with little time for idleness or recreation.

  • KraytKnightKraytKnight Member Posts: 31
    I put it on Montaron, right before I killed him.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @kraytknight oooooooh, she and xzar would make a cute couple......
  • KraytKnightKraytKnight Member Posts: 31
    @bjjorick lol
  • ChippyChippy Member Posts: 241
    LadyRhian said:

    @Bjjorick Just imagine all the "fun" she could have with male slaves with her extra "weapon".

    I probably shouldn't pursue this...
    But would that count as an extra attack per round?.

  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Chippy Yes, but only as subdual damage...
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    Chippy said:

    I probably shouldn't pursue this...
    But would that count as an extra attack per round?.

    No, no... Sneak attack... "Surprise!"
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    @LadyRhian lol. If the male was replaced by my drow that might make the "surprise" even more umm eye popping
  • CronatosCronatos Member Posts: 44
    First, I wear it myself. Then, after I get a cleric with remove curse, I pass it around the party sometimes after resting, before it inevitably finds its way back to me.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @cronatos ummm, what *KIND* of party? i'm wanting to say.....ewwwww
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    I kind of like all the ideas really.
    Perhaps I'll try a different thing with each playthrough.
  • MrKrisSatanMrKrisSatan Member Posts: 75
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    edited September 2012
    Feminazi must be silenced.

    Although the Edwin option is... tempting...

    PS: I just realized that the webcomic "The Order of the Stick", by Rich Burlew, referenced BG. In their very first dungeon, the heroes find the aforementioned girdle on some ogre. And one of them keeps it because he "was curious".

    PPS: Oh, and later on the team leader wears it when he's ambushed by an assassin. Heh...
    Post edited by Raistlin82 on
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    @mrkrissatan F U for giving me a confusion boner.
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